I had skipped the whole AQ event on Classic because I quit before then, but I’ve been in the mood to hear some tales of AQ shenanigans after going back and reading about what happened on Sulfuras. Anything interesting happen on your server during that time? I wanna hear it!
Side note, anyone know what happened on Sulfuras after all that happened?
I made a thread about some of what happened on my server (Earthfury). Well, this was how I felt at the time anyway.:
The “Scarab Mount Coalition” is sad - Earthfury - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Basically, certain groups of ally and horde worked together to get Scarab Lord for “assigned people”. Anyone else who dared enter the Silithus zone and was not on a “white list” (and there was an addon for that) would get killed until they left by the people on the other side in these “assigned groups”.
Also, the gates were opened as soon as it was possible which only happened on 5 realms Three of those realms were directly connected with the plans from the beginning on the Incendius server as the players on that server were farming from day one and before this free transfers were opened and a lot of Incendius went to Earthfury and Netherwind (which also had drama of a one still known for try harding PVE guild selling Scarab Lord). This led to all 3 of these servers being in the first 5 to open the gates (as well as Sulfuras, which you know about, and Skeram even with almost no allies thanks to their try-hard guild):
Gong Ringing Soon on Some Realms - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
There was also one guy who was NOT in this group on Earthfury whose guild was not “allowed” in Silithus but went there anyway and killed bugs only to get killed over and over but they still farmed some - and some others who liked him and were allowed to farm gave him bug parts secretly. The “assigned group” tried to stop this guy from getting Scarab Lord to the very end but he got it anyway and they really mad when he did. The people who helped him were almost all the original people on Earthfury. My guild helped too and I spied to watch for other allies incoming on my ally.
So that will always be my biggest memory of it and not about being able to do AQ earlier because I didn’t care about something as boring and easily forgettable as being able to zone into a raid earlier than other servers. However, all this drama and player interaction makes real memories.
Here’s a video of that too if you want to see it:
Congrats to that guy and the people who helped him, and thanks for the detailed write up! Did any of those in the ‘accepted groups’ get their mounts as well? Either way, surely they were salty.
Locking down an entire zone and having a ‘white list’ is scummy, but this was a pretty big event overall so I guess I’m not shocked at what some servers & guilds did.
I hardly hear about what happens after the event is over, as someone who was/is on the outside looking in. The memories made from the event itself seem to stick way more than the actual raids, not complaining though because I love reading about some of the weird stuff that went on during that time! 
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Yes, they did. They were salty because they weren’t the only ones. 
Agreed. This is what gets me so interested in this version of the game. Not that the raids and all the rest aren’t fun because that is too, but the stories from the different servers is the most memorable part especially when you are on them.