What happend?

I quit TBC due to gold farmers and not being able to find people to do dungeons now I read that LFD is being removed from Wrath?

If so that really sucks can we remove pvpers queue to battlegrounds as well or get rid of summoning stones and lock portal so people can enjoy the adventure of traveling? (Sarcasm)

This is why I believe we should have LFD.

  • Leveling alts will be a hassle and this use to be something I really enjoyed in original Wrath.
  • Low level dungeons would be nice to be able to do with random players with new characters.
  • Low pop servers will forever be left out from a slice of the pie.
  • causal players will have to pay MAGE or TANKS GOLD to even see the inside of a dungeon
  • It’s simply a convenient way for players to gather.**
  • People who are on low pop servers can play the game as well.
  • No guild? No friends? Why be punished than?

It’s 2022, just give the people what they want, Old wrath was fine and even that had LFD and just a reminder not everyone who plays this game is not a elitist raider. This is a game to pass time for fun.


Meh. Dungeon finder was never much more than a solid ‘maybe’ for Wrath Classic. The amount of time that Wrath didn’t have dungeon finder is longer than the amount of time it did (same goes even more for the amount of content dungeon finder was present for). So one would be hard-pressed to find a reasonable way to explain why dungeon finder needs to be present for Wrath Classic to offer an authentic experience.

Dungeon finder is one of the many significant things that contributed to WoW’s descent into modern Retail so it’s not a surprise that it wasn’t guaranteed to be in Wrath Classic. I personally wouldn’t complain if they implemented it in the ICC phase as they did originally, but I’ll be quite happy if no version of Classic ever has it (including Cataclysm and beyond).


I bet the mages selling dungeon runs are happy they get to continue there service of exploiting people in till the normal people get sick of it like me and my dad and quit logging on to even attempt to find players for content. Cheers Blizzard, I hope you will be happy with your results.


Dungeon carries can be broken without implementing dungeon finder. These problems aren’t a package deal.


With that logic, would you be ok with TBC not releasing Sunwell? Season 4? The game went longer without those than it did with them afterall. LFD was a key feature released in Wrath making it authentic to the Wrath experience, it really doesnt matter when it was released.

Ruby Sanctum was a throwaway raid that was created because of the content draught that came along with ICC, but it wouldnt be authentic to Wrath to not have that raid in it. You need to stop using that example because its a terrible one.


Those are content, not system features.

I prefer for it to never be implemented, but I wouldn’t complain if it was added with ICC like it originally was.

Again, that’s content, not a system overhaul.


Same premise, if they chose to cut it, it would be ok because the game went longer without them than it did with them.

Basing this off of your logic about authenticity.

If you think that there’s no difference between content and system features, we have a fundamental disagreement on reality and probably can’t do much more than agree to disagree.

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This isnt about content or systems comparativeness, this is about your argument about authenticity. Just because the game didnt have something for longer than it did in the same expansion doesnt make it more authentic to not have it than it would to have it.

You can keep dodging that reality all you want.


interesting point we’ve come to- is the Classic project about authenticity or about an mmo-rpg that people enjoy?

I would argue it’s the latter.
And LFD is not a good feature for an mmo-rpg because it takes the “world” out of “world of warcraft”


Interestingly enough final fantasys world is not detrimented at all by it. Nor is World of Warcrafts.

Two games that are over a decade old and one is growing and the other is plummeting and the only differences between the two development teams is one makes good decisions and the other doesnt.


OR you can ruin the entire world by removing all access to content like the people on 20 pop realms.

Do you play on a streamer server I’m guessing? Do you have more than 2 guilds on your server? Not mine.

I won’t defend Blizzard’s server population/balance record, because it’s absolutely terrible.

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So us unfortunate low pop servers just deserve to die off you’re saying by not adding in a system that could very much so help those players still enjoy the game like everyone else?


Sorry to say but you need to reroll on an active server.

What I can’t stand is these morons who argue that dead servers are what they prefer. Like, why are you playing this game?..

Typical. Enjoy your streamer server. You have no idea and should not speak for the majority.


Remember though, server identity is important, its all about community.



the majority are playing on big servers, and they’d say the same thing

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Maybe one day near the end of wrath they will connect all the low pop servers so we get to experience raiding or dungeons. Intill than :beers: to blizzard man this company haha.

Everyone should apparently just play streamer servers or “Lul get gud and reroll”.

They will revert the LFD decision. You cant take a serious look at the realm populations and not laugh at how poorly Blizzard has gone about their realms. You shouldn’t be forced to transfer to do content, especially when a feature was released that could mitigate that 100%

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