What happend to "we have new servers ready to spin up when needed?"

So it was said during a QA…where them servers at?


Their contingency plan is failing. xD


So, I got disconnected only to find the server I am on is now medium…upon trying to get back in the ol statement of “world server is down” yeah


When they’re needed. They’re not needed because people are sitting in queue, exactly like Blizzard said they would be.


I went to the new server like I was told to do, and I’m still in queue.


I’m stuck at 2000 queue for like 5mins. Wp blizzard. Also who said no one is going to play on Thalnos? lmao 5k queue.

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There will always be a giant zergrush on release day.


Lets be real. They aren’t going to release servers based on release date but will more days or possibly weeks to get better data points

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Blizzard has to think in the long-term, not in the immediate I’M SITTING IN QUEUE I WANT TO PLAY GAME NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


They specifically said that if they needed new servers at release they would be able to spin them up quickly.


Blizzard, quickly = hours


seriously i want game time added to my account for not being able to play


If only people would’ve warned them about all of this ahead of time…

They’re in for such a surprise…:raised_hands:

My bet is people at ground level know that they aren’t but the higher ups are to busy doing coke and surfing FB/Twitter/Tinder all day to care right now, then launch will happen and their Twitter feeds will blow up and they’ll be like “We’re going to take care of this!” “We don’t know how this happened!” and all the excuses as to why they didn’t know this was going to be so popular and why they didn’t plan better.

I love excuses, its why I watch that Chris Hansen show with the pedos, I just tune in for what kind of excuse they’ll try and use…“Yeah I like to mentor 13 year old girls, nothing weird about a 40 year old man doing that.” “Just came over to watch the Football game!” “I didn’t know she was 13, I thought she said 18.” :joy:

Its going to be nuts and bolts on Launch day…not even going to try…wait and login the morning after.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Its going to exceed expectations, I have no doubt about that. What those numbers are is anyone’s guess. I consider anything over 1 Million a huge success but that number is subjective.

Why do all these retail players think one of the most popular and well known games of all time will die in 3 days?


Releasing new servers right now would be a complete failure. They will fill up faster than all the current servers combined. They are going to have to release them in the coming weeks.

Don’t worry, we will get new servers “Soon”

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Honestly think blizzard needs to relook at how they run the game. Look at Eve Online for example everyones on one server. Or same world but most likely ran on separate servers.

Correct. And they don’t need new servers yet, because again the goal was not to not have queues on launch, it was to not have dead servers a month from now.

Because we aren’t idiots blinded by nostalgia.

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Almost every single realm has massive queues.
New realms are needed

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