What got you into Roleplaying?

Similar to my old question about your experience with world of Warcraft over the years. This is for my fellow roleplayers.

  1. What got you into roleplaying in world of Warcraft?
  2. How long have you been doing it?
  3. What was your first character you made for roleplaying purposes? And what was their history throughout the expansions?
  4. Do you still roleplay today?

TTRPG > Video games for roleplay IMHO. I TRIED to get into RP in wow, but it’s so bad 99.9999% of thetime.


Only going off the 1st and 4th question:

I got into RP because of a very old guild called The Fabled Order back in WotLK.

Yes, I still RP today.

I roleplay a really bad Undead Monk. And yes, I still actively roleplay that role.

Even though I play in an RP realm, I’ve never roleplayed.

Mostly because I don’t usually play with other people. I’m a mostly solo, with the occasional random group queue when no other option is available.

Though in the forums I do this semi-RP thing where I act as a big red bikini demon who hates Demon Hunters lol


if i could switch to my demon hunter i would.

In the past I was just exploring all avenues of WoW content, when I realized that the endgame alone would not keep me invested, I transferred to Emerald Dream in late Legion and later to Moon Guard when BFA killed the server with Warmode.

I don’t RP anymore however, I feel a bit of a creative block when creating a backstory for my character, there is just too many roadblocks in the timeline to have proper and concise background without putting waaaay more effort into research than what I am willing to.

Also, with so many yearly threats to Azeroth, it’s hard to make a Paladin work, since I imagine they are one of the first people to be sent to war, especially on the Alliance, so you get stuck in this loop of “Where was my character deployed in each expansion?”. The only saving grace was the 5 year period between SL and DF.

Copy paste your answer for me as well.

Two nights a week I get my traditional Ttrpg role playing fix so I don’t try much in wow anymore.

I dabbled in RP stuff in WC3 and message boards, so that motivated me to try it on WoW.

Heck if I know the length of time, to be safe I’ll say 15+ years.

I rolled on a RP-PvP server. My first character was a NElf Druid, remade into a DK. First serious character was a Spriest, though.

I still RP on Guuah and my new mage. Mostly some random stuff but Guuah as a character rarely starts conversation: His job is to observe and report.

Him and the mage have a shared history, figured that would be fun to mess around with.


Since the beginning my characters have always been RP characters, but nowadays for the most part it is headcanon RP, and I play mostly alone. I have a hard time when my characters have funny names, and don’t have an IC “home.” Doing a dungeon fifty times kills immersion for me. I’m there for the War, the friendship campiness does not compute for me in World of WARcraft.

From Vanilla through Wrath I played with groups on RP servers, until dungeon finder and Gearscore brought the current toxicity. I’m sure it was there, but if you wanted to you could avoid it before then.

I have pencil and paper RPed since the mid 90s, still today when I can.

First character I made FOR RP was a Dwarf alcoholic Paladin named Baldgrim that was a better carouser than soldier. He’s on an old account, so gone.

Coming back late Shadowlands, I don’t enjoy the RP scenes on WA and Moonguard, haven’t played other realms. My guild has been dabbling for fun with people who have never done RP so that’s been really fun.

I would RP more, and with more people, if there wasn’t so much ERP/romance and was actual “low fantasy” storylines.

The games story is also terrible for RP, to my mind. And warmode killed RPPvP for me, which even if I’m a bad PvP player is my game mode. I don’t like BGs and arenas, because doing things and nauseum don’t make much sense IC.


I started role-playing at the young age of 15 back in 1989 when I began playing dungeons and dragons. I then moved my role-playing on to other games such as cyberpunk and Shadowrun, which were both tabletop games as well. When I came to World of Warcraft. It was originally on a PVE server until I discovered there were role-play realms. I immediately went to create a character there and sought out a role-play guild. That was in 2008. It’s gotten less over the years, but I’m still hopeful that I can find another role-play guild on moonguard who is actually active and creates compelling role-play scenarios…


I was RPing long before WoW was a thing, in the very early days of the public internet boom (late 90s) back when Yahoo communities and MSN chatrooms were the way people socialized.

Then MMOs started to get big, my first was FFXI, then EQ2, then I came to WoW maybe 2 months after it launched since EQ2 just wouldn’t run right on my PC at the time (or anyone’s PC for that matter). I RP’ed a bunch in EQ2 on an Iksar character and had fun, so gave it a shot in WoW on Cenarion Circle, and bounced between those two games for several years RPing.

CC started to die out after WOTLK and all the RP guilds that were active were going kaput, so I came to WRA but never got into RP again really. It was a combo of being tired of OOC drama that always comes with the RP community, kind of growing out of it, focusing on writing actual novels (managed to get 2 published back in the day), and just not liking the WRA community very much.

I mainly play on MG now but don’t RP anymore and haven’t for many years. Still enjoy reading profiles and stuff but I just don’t have the GAF about this game I did in its early years to the point I want to sit and create a whole story and RP profile.

I’m with you. There was a shift that happened right about Cata with RP and while ERP/romance RP was always a thing, it was definitely not as public or the be-all-end-all of RP like it is now. One of the reasons I’m no longer into it. I just want to tell cool stories and have adventures. Romance RP -always always- comes with insane OOC drama and I’m just not going to put myself through those situations again, people get super crazy over it.


Most of my roleplay is internal. I don’t meet up with others to enact situations, but I play my characters through their own stories which I also sometimes write and illustrate.


Well in college this one person was rea…

Wait you mean in game?

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I actually don’t RP much except in my soul. I like naming my characters lore-appropriate names, wearing lore appropriate mogs and I have a general idea of a personality in mind. But I don’t engage in RP as often as I’d like.

I love being on RP servers though. Seeing RPers around, their characters, their events… IDK it makes the world feel more immersive and alive. I try to slow walk past RPers doing things so I don’t distract from their scene.


What got you into Roleplaying?

When I was about 6 the kid next door that I liked wanted to play cowboys and indians. This was a while back and it wasn’t politically incorrect back then.

So I started playing. I had a bow and arrows with those big suction cups on the end so that if you hit a wall it was suppose to stick. Of course it didn’t but we played anyway.

Punching ppl irl is an assault charge

Unless you are boxing or playing hockey.

I played FFXI prior to WoW and the folks I met back then got me into Role Playing in general as well as WoW.

Been on an RP realm as well as RPing since day and and continue to do so when I can. So a little over 20 years in the game.

I switched between a Human Warrior and Tauren Shaman. Afte BC, switched to this toon full time.

I still RP and am part of a few communities inside and out of the game, however our events are mostly canceled or at a bad time for me :frowning: They tend to get canceled due to harassment towards the RP communities and the immersion breeaking that goes with it. We’ve gone so far as to due all RP outside of the game at times.