What gives Pelagos the authority

No, it wasn’t. It was said it was based on. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

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We’re having an actual discussion here and it’s not sunday yet.

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The Jailer wasn’t ever a necessity.


You probably enjoyed The Watch too. :weary:



cause he is the arbiter and he has compassion, he isnt just a base bald machine, besides it’s better for everyone if the maw was shut down.

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I’m all for opinions, but this is just flat out wrong.

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That is a very valid question. We never did see a character who was consigned normally to The Maw. Everyone we encountered either went there when The Arbiter blue screened, got yeeted there by Uther or had direct ties to Zovaal.


It’s an inference I’m making.

If the Maw existed before Zovaal was sent there, who ruled it? Perhaps it was an empty zone all along? I don’t know.

What I do know is that it’d be odd for there to be a jail without a jailer… like, what would the doomed souls do in the Maw? Sit around?

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No, it isn’t.

If you actually read Lucifer, you’d see what an absolutely awful adaptation it was. That’s not the same as saying that it was an awful show.


Fair call. So the show was an adaptation of something? I thought it was it’s own take on Luci.

Yeah, it was a very loose adaptation of Vertigo’s Lucifer comic series, which spun off of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series.

Vertigo being DC’s defunct adult comics imprint label.


Huh. Well there you go.

Still, I watched it without realising it was an adaptation so probably why I enjoyed it so much.

Apologies for the dig about your opinion.


This is already addressed in the campaign in the dialogue between Kael and Vashj. Going to Maldraxxus doesn’t mean you’re not evil - just that you’re a highly qualified killer who the Primus believes he can control (Vashj was willing to “play ball”… Kael was not, at least not initially). The stability of the cycle depends on drafting highly qualified fighters who can protect the Shadowlands from incursions and that means bringing in some folks who are shady.

KT was sent to Maldraxxus after the Primus was already kidnapped. The Arbiter wasn’t really aware of the plot against the Covenants and was apparently deceived.

Rabid dogs that can’t be controlled. Someone like Garrosh is a good fit for the Maw. Or Gul’dan, if he had gone to the Shadowlands.


None needed at all.

Like I said, I’m not trying to say it was a bad show. Just, I’m a stickler for adaptations being true to the source material as much as possible and reasonable, so it’s why I’ve never watched it.

I might eventually, when I get around to it.

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The Venthyr will just be really busy.

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It’s certainly worth watching. Just try not to think too badly of the show during season 3, because Fox is Fox.

Once Netflix picked it up for Season 4 and 5 it went balls to the wall sensational


We do see one soul get yeeted there from Revendreth when first arriving escorted by the dredgers, however why they are sent is never explained (or rather is explained but how long and how never are) and we see one soul wrongfully nearly sent to the Maw when infiltrating the Halls of Atonement with The Accuser, a soul she saves from the court’s wrongful verdict.


Slight aside, but I wish the “incursions” had been an actual plot point during this expansion, since the entire Shadowlands were at their most vulnerable.

All we saw were Devourers and the flashbacks to the Void/Light invasions of the past.


The Drust incursion of Ardenweald and us having to go to Thros was probably meant to be the capstone of that story arc… but nope, it never happened because this expansion got WoD’d. RIP.