What gear you shouldn't ninja?

Like… should mage loot +spirit robes? I know for hunters every item is an upgrade, but for the rest not so much



I’ve never been gear driven, nor have I ever had any desire to ninja anything - and that will never change.
i’m a big believer that a person’s character can be determined (in large part) by what they are willing to do (or refrain from doing) when nobody else is around.

of course, maturity and a couple of other things factor into this, but I genuinely feel sorry for anyone why thinks that the acquisition of any item in a game trumps the bad karma that comes from making the game experience really bad for other people.


Dont ninja bear tank leather.


“If the hat ain’t red, it belongs on your head.” lol


Ninja one important thing (like sulfuras, binding, MoM,) and no one will group with you again. Might as well just delete your toon and start over


Don’t ninja anything? If you’re unsure if others in the group will be upset, ask if they have a problem with it before you hit need. At least you’ll have explained why you’re taking something.

If you ninja you have so much to lose. The worst thing being blacklisted ( this will be a real thing even with Pictures to prove it now)

No group will ever allow you to join them in any raid if you are a ninja looter and have been blacklisted on your server forums.

If the server community holds like it did in Vanilla you are in for a world of hurt if you are habitual at it. People may even try to figure out your alts.

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i guess people misunderstood my post. It was more of a question about which classes shouldn’t pick certain gear

I go by what role everyone is, like, I main a paladin, I usually go ret for leveling, but sometimes I like to heal, so If im DPS in an instance and some healing gear drops, ill ask if its ok to need roll on it. Since im not healing I shouldn’t be needing on it if the healer need its, if they dont thats when I can need on it, or anyone else.

I would say for the most part, just ask the group if you can need on it, usually if its not an upgrade for someone you can roll on it. however If something drops and its a direct upgrade for you, you can need roll on it for sure. an example would be a pally dpser and a warrior tank, a piece of armor drops thats an upgrade for both, lets say a +stam +str, either of them can roll need on it no problem. It is customary to inspect their armor and see if they need the upgrade more though, so if its a small upgrade for you, but a massive upgrade for them you could pass. someone might not reciprocate, but it will buy you some points on your server by being nice and helping someone gear.

That’s one of the funniest things ever…

Actually hunters upgrade is not much of an upgrade. The only thing a hunter really needs a gun or a crossbow everything else is extra.

You can put a green item hunter with one with epics dps scale is not far off.

When T3 comes out hunters are lacking but are great in earlier content and strong in the beginning. It’s more for new players. What do I know.

You deserve it if you leave raid on free for all or something other than master looter.

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General rule of thumb I used was If it was an upgrade for me, but had stats that didn’t help me, I would ask. If it was an item that was an upgrade and all stats where beneficial, then I rolled.

I did roll on spirit gear as a mage, and only got one person question it. Mages need sprit? Yes, int is secondary when leveling as the extra crit is barely anything, and the extra mana pool isn’t as helpful for grinding as spirit. Mages get 30% mana regen while casting with Mage Armor, and 45% if they are specced into arcane meditation

That is the most ridiculous statement I’ve read about hunters yet. From the time I was in blues to tier 2 gear, my damage increased 4 fold. After tier 2 the scaling starts to slow. That’s why a lot of people go survival for the 15% agi boost to try inching out every bit of ranged AP they can.

Hunters can definitely see a HUGE difference from greens to blues, to tier 1 to tier 2. After that it’s shakey, but only really has significant impact in late AQ40/Naxx. Not bad at all.

No scaling from greens to epics… did you sleep through Vanilla?

Well, if it was a hunter, then he very well may have.

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There is a lot of paranoia from well-intentioned players that is heavily exploited by other more malicious players, for instance I’ve seen a rogue told that rolling on shadowcraft over a druid would be ninjaing somehow, rogues bullied out of rolling for agility daggers, priests shamed for rolling on cloth over a healing paladin.

Ninjaing will destroy your reputation, but malicious players bullying you out of loot that you are entitled to roll for… it’s an epidemic, and they get off scott free. It’s reverse ninjaing.

Warriors and rogues rolling on bows when there is a hunter in the group.

I just never really noticed that huge of increase compared to a rogue.

Another reason is for PvP if you stack proper armor mail and stamina. You get a good weapon stat stick and really good gun/crossbow as BM.
The damage is lower than said Epic gear hunter in leather/cloth/mail but your mitigation of damage will be higher and you hp. Your damage might be lower but you will come out on top. Meh.