What gear you shouldn't ninja?

or, hear me out, you server transfer. Ninja whatever you want there. Make a character with your old name on your old server. Server transfer back to old server, force name change. Ninja again.


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This is just for you!

There was a pretty big difference. When I Mained hunter back then, I put all my stock in as much agi AP/Crit as I could get. With tier sets it was much easier to do of course! Every enchant was agi (if it existed for the slot) and of course my talents were marks/surv.

I was one of the top DPS in MC and BWL (Despite kiting almost the entirety of Razorgore). I’m AQ I started seeing a drop off. I also didn’t manage to get but 2 items from AQ before my guild was Naxx ready. It happens. I was only in Naxx a couple times and was not there for the Sapphiron kill or several other bosses. I wasn’t on 4 horsemen at all. I could tell my overall damage was not what it was though, monitoring on a per-encounter basis.

I’d said the biggest issues with scaling was definitely so late in the game that most players never saw it happen though. Not a huge amount saw AQ40 and even less saw Naxx.

I always had thoughts on how to fix it, but those days are loooonngg gone. I don’t advocate for any changes in Classic, so it is what it is. It doesn’t make hunter an inherently weak class though. They still bring plenty of utility to the table, and even though raid damage lops off at the end, they stay pretty godly in PvP all the way through.

Rules I go by.

If it’s my armor type and obviously for my spec need.

If it’s say, cloth armor and Im playing shaman, ask the group’s clothies if they need before you even consider rolling.

Also in that situation, while you certainly can wear cloth as a shammy, the clothies can only ever roll on cloth decreasing their gearing options compared to others.

However, you will akways have that person who thinks they are entitled. Good thing about classic, they will also get a reputation and end up not finding many groups once its out. Classic, the game of getting called out in trade when you do shady stuff. Heh

Just dont be a jerk is all. Community over filling gear slots.

Well I sure did. Roll on anything that’s an upgrade, even if it’s cloth for a plate-wearer, but in that case make sure it’s alright with the clothies in the group. Priority goes to them because they can only use one tier of armor.

A good example is the 2agi, 6int ring that drops in the deadmines. It’s good for hunters but the polite thing to do is to give preference casters since it’s a more significant upgrade for them. I have gotten it on both a hunter and a rogue though just by asking and making sure none of the casters in the group needed it.

You should never ninja hunter gear. So if a hunter says you may roll. You can roll.

Spirit super big req for healers, otherwise mana regen is screwed

If a piece of gear is BIS for me I’m taking it if I can, I don’t care who doesn’t like it or how mad they get. If I have to “ninja” it then so be it. Upgrades other than BIS I’ll roll for.

if you are going to ninja go big. Because after that you may need to serve transfer or change name.

Big means boe epic.

I am not going to ninja anything but just saying if you are you better make it worth the trouble.