What games did you play before you found WoW?

Do we start with Atari 2600 or should we start with Dos computer games like the original Wolfenstein 3 D that I played on an old 386 comp my dad built or then there’s PS2 with games like Devil May Cry, Omnimusha, or Dynasty Warriors 4


There are just too many to count, I’m a gamer, I play games… lol…

I can name my firsts though, first RPG ever played/beat was Legend of Dragoon, and first MMO was technically RuneScape, but I didn’t really play that… I played Maple Story for a little bit, but then discovered Trickster Online, and I usually credit that as my first MMO, since I hit the crazy high level cap on that one recently. I started World of Warcraft back in Wrath of the Lich King, jumping onto new accounts here and there, and finally settling on this one… I made this one late Warlords of Draenor, during the Movie promotion, so I got the Movie axe and staff transmog. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nowadays, I’m considering just playing WoW’s free veteran edition, since they opened up so much content to freeby players, just gotta finish unlocking my allied races. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was deep into Everquest having two level 60s, an Iksar Shadowknight (tank) and an Iksar Shaman (healer/buffs) which was my main.

When wow launched it was such an refreshing change of pace. Little stuff like being able to eat and drink to recover in 30 seconds was amazing. Going across a zone line and seemlessly loading into the neighbor zone was mind blowing. I literally sat at the first zone line going back and forth amazed by this.

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the old republic

i knew of wow for years but only found interest with the hype leading up to legion


Its ok you just played the mod server :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, I only started in Legion, so a bunch of it, some guy made a thread about “what games had you played” and most on that list would fit before WoW.

But like, religiously? Runescape, I started when I was 7 and only really dropped it when I was about 11, then Minecraft for like an year or two, a bunch of singleplayer games, it was when I found Skyrim here, and then around 14 until I was 16 it was League of Legends and Overwatch when it launched, until I finally decided to pay the monthly fee + expansion, and I’ve been playing until now, 18 years old. So I guess you could say I am a WoW Zoomer.

uhhh… duck hunt? sonic the hedgehog. warcrafts 1-3, starcraft (2 wasn’t out yet I don’t think) uhhhh… dune 2000. mechwarrior 3 and 4. mario kart 64

probably a few more, but not a huge list, gaming was a bit different back then, most people only got 1 or 2 new games per year max. so you made do with what you had, or you would go over to a friends house to play what they had.

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WoW was a generational thing for me, me and my dad played BC together and WotLK and I have played it on and off, he tells me that he’s “retired” but I don’t buy it and am looking at getting a PC together for him so he can play again.

Uhhh toooons of console games

Computer? Minecraft lol. That’s it.

Shadowbane, a very old mmorpg that focused more on pvp than pve. It consumed all my time until they shut down the servers and our guild moved to WOW. I’m the only one that stuck, the rest quit back in vanilla.

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Starsiege, Tribes and Halo before I found WoW.

I was doing text Mucks in the early 90’s. I’ve been playing Video games since the 70’s.

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Used to hang out at the arcades playing beat-em-ups like SF2, Tekken, Mortal Kombat and a bunch of Neo Geo ones like King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown etc…

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My first electronic game



I’m in a similar boat, though not going quite back to Atari days. Though I could probably do more in DoS as a 3 year old than I can now at 32. I remember Wolfenstein 3D and the old Duke Nukem games, and I played every Commander Keen. Monster Mash and Hocus Pocus were a couple of my other favorites, though my dad had several dozen floppies (both the 5 inch and 3.5 inch variety) with different games.

As for consoles I started with a Sega Genesis and playing Sonic games as well as Battle Toads, Double Dragon, Ristar, and plenty of others I’ve forgotten about over the years. Later got a PS1 and a Nintendo 64 and I’ve had every Playstation and Nintendo console since. I have a bookcase filled with game cases for my consoles, as well as all my old consoles hooked up and ready to go if I ever get the itch to play an old game again.

The Genesis kind of took me away from PC gaming and I didn’t really come back to it hardcore until I was an adult, but I never truly left it. I played Blizzard’s big 3 of course, but also CS and CoD as well as a few others.

Basically, it would take me literal hours to type up what games I played before WoW, and that wouldn’t even be all of them.

Double Dragon was so much fun and the music was great.

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I had the Mattel one. I hated football, but VIDEOGAME!

Double Dragon Neon is a great remake if you loved the original. Even better if you have somebody to play it with.

  • Planescape: Torment
  • Arcanum
  • Baldur’s Gate 1&2

Not a big gamer, really.

Oh man, I forgot about arcades!

/slaps forehead

Altered Beast and the Simpsons game were a couple of my favorites.