What future Heritage Armor are you excited for?

Human. They have really nice costumes in the official artwork and on Hearthstone cards, so I think they could get something really cool.

Maybe some gothic thing for undeads. And a gangster/rocket thing for Goblins.

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I saw a leak that I know was fake recently stating the worgen armor would look different in human/worgen form. I odn’t really care for worgen but that concept makes me really excited to see the worgen one.

Draenei :heart:

Draenei and night elf for sure. Also really curious to see what direction they go in for goblin armor.

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Night elf is what Im waiting for.


Pandarean 200%

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Goblin hands down!!

I’m super excited for Human, Orc, and Troll.
Other than that, I don’t really care.

Trolls - i hope they get something similar to the get up Zekhan has. It looks nifty, I’d love that for my Darkspear.
Gobbos - I hope they think outside of the box for this and don’t just give them a darker mirror of what the gnomes got. Maybe use mechagon as the inspiration for it.
Forsaken - it’ll have to outdo the season 2 sets which were already Forsaken themed, which is a tall order, but I know it’ll have lots of skulls and sinister looking motifs. Maybe even over the top particle effects!
Orcs - This one i’m also fairly excited for, but it might run into the same problem as the Forsaken set. Maybe something similar to what Saurfang is wearing, but with more spikes.
Pandaren- there is so much to work with from here, maybe something themed after the August Celestials with different colors for the Huojin and whatever the Alliance ones are.

Those bland jerks have serveral mogs sets devoted to them and their overused battle buddies, the Orcs. Neither of those chumps deserve a Heritage armor quest line.

HUMAN/ORC heritage armors i cant wait to see them.

Forsaken, there is so many directions they could take it.

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Goblin, which hopefully will show alongside the new models (it’s been hinted at)
Also Darkspear, see how the two troll armors stack up against each other.
I also am just curious about human… that’s might actually be a challenging design task there.

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Priestesses of Elune like the bikini mog. Tyrande is shown in that getup throughout almost all her past promotional material.


i still think you should go male velf and then wear nothing but pants/boots.

If void elf males didn’t have horrific, disfigured hands I might consider it. As it stands, nah.

is a female nelf really talking about weird hands? XD

My hands can be hidden under proper Sentinel gloves decorated with moons and leaves now, so I’m happy.

Sides, our hands are just large. Not disfigured.

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your hands are bigger than tauren hands. which is freakish tbh.