That one post where the longtime player said s/he was leaving. It was so unique ans inspiring…
I think it was around the MoP era. Bashiok, a former blue CM, posted in a silly thread. I don’t remember what started it, but he went on this huge paragraphs long rant just jokingly ripping on orcs. It was really funny and there was so much effort put into it.
Skinning a bear should aggro every bears in a 40 yard radius.
Almost every single thread started by Raistlin.
“…it’s a SLAP IN THE FACE!”
lol gots me everytime.
Imagine getting your bis gear and never having to change it when a new patch comes out except upgrading one or two pieces to try out a new set
Imagine always seeing the same equally geared players in battlegrounds and arenas and playing against them every day and overtime building friendship or rivalries with them
Imagine being able to optimize your character so well you hit the 150% mastery as ret or 50% crit or literally haste cap at 1.07 flash of light cast time
It was just so much freedom to play your character the way you wanted to and try different builds that you could make viable without endgame hard capping your secondaries and limiting your builds
Now i can queue 5 hours of random battlegrounds at max level every day and never, ever feel like i’m part of a community or expect to see someone i recognize and who can spice up the battleground
I just remembered I had kept a MoP post on wow Wordpress blog for prosperity. Here it is.
to be fair to you all that I see is overgeard chars killing ppl that are lvling
Yeah, that’s not true at all. As proven when they split the experience/no experience battlegrounds, the twink experience was all about “pwning n00bz”.
The real twinks hated undergeared players. We had standards in our community
I’m 227 ilvl, which basically makes me a “twink” right now relative to the average 30k hp person in battlegrounds. i don’t go into random battlegrounds to stomp noobs. I hope every time that both teams will be geared or that horde will give me a fight, and when i requeue after the bg i hope i get to play against the same people if they were geared- i never do
Only heard about it but i recall stuff like, you gotta forcefully join a leveling group, you cant do stuff on your own, if youre online, you had to gear up/level up 24/7, you had to follow specific routes to level up, etc.
It was stupid
Basically what everyone else said. The forums had a field day calling him out. He tried to call it leadership.
Not true at all. But when they split xp off from xp on, there weren’t enough twinks to fill all the bgs in every bracket, even though they were a higher proportion of participants because for many of them that’s all they did.
I always queued solo on my twinks. The problem was premades. It always has been and always will be, because people who tell us they’re “just playing with friends” are there for the sole reason of “pwning n00bz”, in every bracket including end game.
recently there was one about a guy that wanted a free max level account for his son with cancer. he didnt get it.
My guildies are mostly relatives, so of course we try to tell each other what to do. But we stopped expecting each other to listen, oh, about thirty years ago.
I do miss reading Triplex posts.
Nothing really on GD. No offense.
My most memorable forum experience was the old Mannorth-US server forums in vanilla. Good times.
Following Doubleagent’s progress
I can’t remember if it was on GD, or the Warlock forums, probably both, but when a patch caused all warlock minions to get renamed it became a fairly big deal for bit before it got fixed. I think that was sometime during Cata.
The “imagine you walk into a McDonalds” thread.
when ythisens said that legacy damage would kick in 11 levels after the content
Can’t readily remember any WoW-related ones. I do remember on the Hearthstone forums, someone made a thread titled, “How bad will you be when Reno rotates?” That one had me chuckling for weeks