What features in Classic WoW will turn you away from the game?

Permanent sharding.
Cash shop.

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Cross realm anything but BGs since BGs were cross realm back then.


They can’t add flying without completely rebuilding the old world from scratch like they did in Crapaclysm.

The only thing that will stop me from playing it is if they don’t make it the Vanilla world with the Vanilla quests.

Everything else is just filler.

Nochanges is dead, and Classic is alive. It will be glorious.

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hasn’t stopped people from asking for it.

no changes is hardly dead. good try though.


Off the top of my head, they would be sharding, cross-Realm zones, phasing, free/cheap respecs, ridiculous 5k+ population caps or LFD.

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This, plus any sort of “class balance”.


How do you know that the private servers got it right? That’s the only thing you’re able to compare it to.

I never played on private servers. My memory is of the real thing as I never really played anymore after 2007.

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The vanilla world with the vanilla quests? :rofl:

If that’s all it takes to keep you happy, you’re an actual joke.

Is that what it’s limited to? That’s good. Unless you’re there on day one waiting in line for quest mobs, I doubt this will affect people at all.

And if you are there on day one, there’s a “FedEx” exploration guide on Reddit which shows how to aim for certain flight paths and transport quests, specifically to avoid the early rush and get XP while doing it.

People would gang up on anything BoE either way. This does open it up to BoP gear, but how willing are people going to be to risk getting blacklisted?

That’s one way to look at it.

The other way is, what tools do you have to combat gold seller spam? That crap will hardly ever be seen with this. Without squelch, that would be rampant.

How will you deal with retailers trolling you for liking classic? That will happen. Squelch and they’re gone.

Unjust squelching can be appealed and offenders punished.

It’s a tool for you, not just against you.

About loot trading…how do you blacklist people for using the system legitimately? Everyone will be doing it. It encourages coordinated ninja looting.

As far as squelch…the intention doesn’t mean as much as the reality. And the reality is it will be exploited and abused. Innocent people will be squelched, and the sheer number of reports, along with the giant grey area that makes it near impossible to prove abuse means it’ll be rampant.

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Well, sharding even for a single minute was an automatic quit for you before so I’m sure you’ll come to accept the auto-squelch as well. Also, it won’t be horribly abused, as it hasn’t been in the 10 years it’s been in use on World of Warcraft.

-Cross realm tech of any kind (including BGs)… If I wanted a team full of 400+ ping, non english speaking randoms who’s name I’ll never remember (if I’m able to read it at all) I could play retail or a pserver. Not to mention it greatly incentivizes faction stacking specific realms.

-Sharding long term

-Modern architecture causing big lag when players cluster… I’m very skeptical of the decision to rewrite the game on legion architecture, and it’s impact on performance.

-Paid character services (boost, rename, race change, server xfer) All of which could cause a proliferation of loot ninjas and/or faction stacking.

-Modern AV… I just have no interest in playing anything but the earlier versions of AV.

-Dishonorable Kills where a thing in vanilla but shouldn’t have been… and they failed completely to do what they where intended to do. I’d hope Blizzard can at least see that much and delete them.

-Finally, I’d like early vanilla threat mechanics everywhere but Naxxramas.

None of those things are 100% dealbreakers on their own, but (especially near the top), they will give me a great amount of pause vs just playing pservers full time.

  • Sharding - Fine as a temporary thing for launch if the starting zones were in danger of crashing.
  • Cross-realm zones/LFG
  • Personal-only loot in raids
  • Paid level boosts
  • Auto-Squelch
  • Cash shop mounts

You can see who rolls and determine if they had cause.

Technically, ninja looting is “legitimate” because if you can loot something then you should be able to, right? Except the community and Blizzard find it unacceptable.

No one will tolerate a bunch of people rolling need on something to funnel gear to their friend. Do something like that in UBRS or a raid, your whole guild gets blacklisted.

People didn’t mess around where ninjas were concerned. You cooperated with community standards or no one would play with you.

If Blizzard found it unacceptable they wouldn’t introduce a system that encourages it. :yum:

You’re probably going to be disappointed then since memories are easily changed and manipulated. You might recall a mob being super hard when it’s not. Maybe it was your gear, maybe it was your group, maybe you just were a worse player back then. The numbers will be the real deal, they’re comparing everything to the original 1.12 source code.

Interesting thing: I heard on a podcast with a neurologist that every time we recall a memory, we put the memory back in our head slightly altered. So some of our fondest memories which are recalled most often, are usually the least accurate.

He likened it to a game of telephone, but the message is being passed back and forth between memory and recollection, changing each time.

It’s probably all crap though.