What Feature of DF are you most excite for? Mount Giveaway Over!

I’m looking forward to triggering people within a 10 mile radius because I’m a dwaggie waggie uwu ~

Seriously I’m just happy to be exploring new lands and seeing new sights, just chilling with my partner in pretty zones, do some comfy fishing, crafting and rping.

Its me Grimoire.

This class is what I was most excited for. So far I like it. Bit in the complex department but its fun.

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Customizing my dracthyrs! I haven’t really been able to play because I’ve been so sick, but once I recover making these guys is the first thing I’ll do :laughing:

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Same. Do what I did. Make your Dragon on a laptop in Bed. Spend a bit doing so

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I wish I could. Unfortunately, my school laptop can’t handle WoW :’)

Bumping so more folks see this so they can enter

Favorite feature has to be the new zones, to be fair it’s my favorite part of every new expac. Exploring them fully listening to the new music flying around chilling out seeing all the cool new environments.

It’s a a good time.

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I was really expecting this thread to have more of a response than this I wonder why more people are not participating

I’ve done this six times and this is the lowest turnout I’ve ever had

After the heavy darkness of Shadowlands I’m looking forward to something more light and fun. Mists of Pandaria was my favorite expansion and Dragonflight seems to be capturing that energy. The new Cinematic Trailer, with the Horde and Alliance characters competing instead of warring, is exactly the kind of plot development I like to see.

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After playing beta over the last week(just got the invite a week ago), I’m REALLY loving dragon riding and how exhilarating it feels. Normal flying feels flat and boring in comparison and i honestly think dragon riding is how flying mounts should have worked from the beginning.

Also, as someone who started playing in cata i’m loving the themes of the DF story so far as it all heavily reminds me of cata in some ways.


The thing I am most excited for is finally getting back into Azeroth! I think the intergalactic space heaven was a bit cheesy, but going back to dragons and old world (so to speak) is going back to the roots I love.

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Same. Hope it does get old fast or start to feel trivial

People are really, REALLY sleeping on dragon riding.

Once you max out your dragon’s talents (within like an hour of hitting max level), It’s the best that movement has ever felt in this game.

I log into the beta now JUST to fly around a bit. It feels that good. It just requires that you have the thing maxed out. It doesn’t feel great until then.


I have always loved dragons. The aesthetics, the lore behind them, and WoW is no exception, giving them so much texture and flavour in their stories.

Sadly, since Cataclysm and the Aspects Laying low, we kinda lost all the intriguing stories that always happens when dragons are present.

Also, hopefully we will receive answers of a lots of things we are pending, like:

-Will we see Nozdormu corrupting into Murozond eventually?
-Will the Blue Dragonflight will unite in someway, taking into account the events with the blue dragons in suramar?
-What will happen with The Green Dragonflight now that Ysera is in the Shadowlands?
-Will the Black Dragonflight will return in it’s glory? What role will it take Wrathion, Ebyssian, and even the Black dragons in Outland?
-How would Alextraza deal with all this Dragon chaos coming besides the obvious “Old friends Now Foes” elemental protodrakes?

Also, playing as a Dragon is something my inner child is screaming very loudly: “WOW I’M A DRAGON” :rofl::dragon:

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Dragonriding, hands down.

They haven’t put a feature in the game that has fundamentally impacted your daily play as much as dragonriding will since they introduced flying in BC.

Love or hate it, it will have the biggest and longest lasting impact on the game out of all of the new features on DF, especially if they open it up to the rest of the game which I suspect they will.

I cannot wait to fly around the isles!


No one single feature, just the newness of it all.
New pets, new mounts, new quests, new shinies … lots of “Oooooh Shiny”.
New zones that I don’t autopilot my way through.
It always reminds me of being a child and getting new colored pens and a colouring book for Christmas, yes, I have pens already and a colouring book, but these are NEW markers and a NEW coloring book! Best way I can think to describe the feeling I get.

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The sense of “adventure”. Honestly, from Vanilla up to Battle for Azeroth, there was that sense of adventure, because you didn’t really know what was going to happen. But then come Shadowlands, and that sense of adventure ended when you already knew what was going to happen in the introductory questline inside the Maw.

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Yeah the take to the skys Cinematic displayed that REALL REALLY WELL!

I dunno, i’m only level 64 on the beta and i still really enjoy it with the few perks i have unlocked atm.

I also wish people wouldn’t criticize dragon riding before they’ve even tried it just because it doesn’t let you hover indefinitely like regular flight does. It’s so fun and like you said the best movement has ever felt and tbh, i wouldn’t be upset if this replaced regular flying in every expansion going forward.

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1 Day Left Folks