What Expansion Will You Level In?

Beta is no joke when you could if you wanted to, reach level 1-50 in about 8 hours. Sometimes a bit less if you’ve really gamed the system. And while WoD is showing to be the most statistically advantageous expansion to level alts in, anyone else just going to go revisit their favorites?

Personally the opening of MoP never gets old to me so I know I’ll push a few alts through those zones all over again. But Wrath had captured my heart awhile ago and it’s one of the few expansions that I turn the ingame music and sounds on.

Whats everyone elses take?


For speed, probably WoD. It would be nice to be able to go through the Legion order halls again though.

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I’m never leaving Pandaria ever again.


I’ve convinced my significant other to join the game again in Shadowlands (and they prefer the Alliance thematically), so allyside I’ll be leveling through Kul Tiras, which I actually enjoy well enough.

But for a Hordeside alt? I can’t resist revisiting Pandaria again. Not just Jade Forest, but ALL the zones if I can. It was my favourite expansion and I feel as if I need to go back LOL.

I also greatly enjoyed the questing experience of WoD and Cata though, so I may well revisit them eventually. Legion too, though it’s a lot fresher in my mind! I’m keen to sorta forget about Outland and Northrend for a while.

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I’m still short on Northrend and Pandaria Loremaster, so that’s where a bunch of my partly-leveled characters are going. After that I’m probably going to choose based on quest reward transmogs, and then just whatever I haven’t seen in a while I guess.

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I didn’t play until Legion so I’m hoping to try all the expansions I didn’t get to see when they came out.

I also really loved leveling in BfA so I can see myself going back to that a lot.

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i like korriban or nar shadda


Alliance? Probably Mists.

Horde? I actually quite liked the BfA leveling zones for the Horde side.

I’d really like to go through MoP first, I think, but I’m debating doing TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, etc. in order.

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Mists has easily the best questing experience for me, followers by BFA, where the questing zones, rest of the game aside, are actually quite nice. I may run some Alliance characters through WoD. No horde, I would love to never see Frostfire Ridge ever again.

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BFA. tiragarde sound

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I’m keen to do WoD again on Alliance, mostly for Talador and Shadowmoon. I don’t really think I’ve replayed those zones since launch due to the efficient Gorgrond bonus objectives -> Spires path.

I will also level through Outland a lot… yeah its dated, but I love Outland. Can’t really see myself doing much from wrath-cata-mop again… wrath is dated but without the alien charm of outland, cata is hamstrung by bad writing, and mists I only really like for the first 2 zones.

Also its a bit sad that the end-game questing zones from Legion & BfA don’t scale much. I could see myself wanting to replay Suramar or Argus a bit, but right now they only scale 45-50 and if the entire questing experience is like 8 hours that’ll probably only get you like an hour into those zones.

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Honestly, might just be me but I tend to factor in my alts race/class in terms of picking expansions to level in. I like it when the character I’m leveling sorta matches the themes of the zones (i.e. leveling my Mag’har and Draenei through WoD and BC, Panda’s through MoP, etc.)

Gonna do Hordeside BfA one more time before taking a break from BfA leveling in general. Not that I don’t like kul tiras and zandalar, but I can only do some zones multiple times before getting bored of them.

I do plan to revisit MoP in full between two alts who’re gonna be around levels 25-30 due to the squish. Then I’ll perhaps give WoD a whirl even though Frostfire is getting a wee bit stale after a bit. Haven’t been through Nagrand or Spires since WoD came out so I’m really keen on getting back to those zones again.


I really want a new mage so that’ll mean sending her off to Legion. Levelling mages is never fun (for me, at least) and having Mercer-on-a-stick will at least make it tolerable.

Being able to solo BFA dungeons easier/easily means I’ll finally be able to unlock the rest of the allied races I need (and have been desperately wanting to play). They’ll level in BFA just because it makes the most sense canonically.

Probably Pandaria. I love the Hozen quests, the scenery, and the general sense of exploring a new land full of new people. Same reason that I really enjoyed leveling through Zandalar too. I wonder if the war campaign will still be a requirement. I hope not.

I will be leveling outside of Chromie time for the most part.

They nerfed WOD so it’s around the other modern expansions (Legion/BFA)

Cata and MOP Lag behind that a bit.

Then WOTLK/BC in terms of speed.

AS for me, I will just wind up doing them all eventually I’m sure but I’ll probably stick mostly to Cata/Mop/WOD/the most.

MoP is, from most polls I’ve seen, the clear-cut winner. I think some would say WoD, but as it becomes better known that it’s getting nerfed, I think fewer and fewer are leaning that way.

That said, I do want to try Burning Crusade at some point for a character who fits the theme. Some parts are going to be undoable, of course (Shadowmoon Valley is particularly nasty), but I want to give it a shot regardless.

DK, Paladin and priest - Wotlk
Demon hunter, druid - Legion
Warlock - TBC
Hunter, warrior - WoD
Shaman - Cataclysm
Mage, Rogue - Vanilla
Monk - MoP


I haven’t leveled a fresh alt in ages, I think the last new character from 1 was my warlock in MoP. I’m not in a rush but I am hoping I can be as ineffective as possible. Chromie time is fantastic so far.

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