What Expansion Will You Level In?

All of them. Cataclysm will be fun to redo completely.


I think it’ll depend largely on the character. Characters like my Orc, my Pandaren, will probably go through Pandaria because it’s relevant to their personalities. Balthan literally lives there and most of my Pandaren, well… y’know. Pandaria.

Demon Hunters would go Legion, most likely, Death Knights would go WotLK. That sort of thing.

BC, MoP, and WoD. If I could just level in Deepholm and then bounce I’d go Cata.

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Probably once through each of them with my SO. They played in vanilla, came back in Wrath for a hot minute, and then came back in Legion and was absolutely, utterly lost on the narrative or why they were supposed to care about anything.


MoP to start with, but since it’s going to be so much more reasonable to level alts I’ll probably level at least 2-4. I fell head over heels in love with the new fem worgen model and I figure I’ll roll both a hunter and a lock to see which I want to be my Alliance main for Shadowlands. Also have two lowbie goblins I’ve been dreading leveling since I suck at both priest and rogue, but I can grin and bear it if it’s really only 8 hours or so.

And I’ve been meaning to try my hand at gold making on a high(er) pop realm, but I wasn’t looking forward to spending ages and ages leveling before I have access to anything actually relevant with professions.

So probably MoP --> WotLK --> Cata --> BC or WoD

Pandaria, definitely. Already got a character I want to level through it, the mighty Mag’har Warrior, AZGROM THE CHUNKY!

…I named him after an Uruk I encountered in Shadow of Mordor recently. :t_rex:

BC, for all its flaws in the writing, definitely had an…atmosphere about it. I feel nostalgic for it, and I will be doing a full level through in it.

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Unfortunately, the end game zones aren’t available until level 30 so you have the normal EK/Kalimdor zones until then. It’s pretty silly, IMO. But the End game zones were designed specifically with flying in mind so I guess I know why. But they could’ve just loaned you a flying mount like Stormpeaks. They already use that technology in fact for things designed with flying for some quests, I know because I experienced it. (Although the dragon I had was very, very unwieldy and bugged so I reported that.)

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I’ll be heading back to BC! Mostly for nostalgia’s sake. I had some fantastic times in those zones back in the day.

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Wowhead did a quick post on the approximate amounts of time that each expansion’s leveling might take. Should be helpful for any of y’all who want to be speed demons… or not.

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Reading this… didnt blizzard say you could play an expansion in its entirety while leveling from 10-50? In many expansions in this review it’s saying you’ll reach 50 before completion or “get booted out”. That’s highly disappointing

Yeah, so they decided in their INFINITE WISDOM, that as soon as you hit 50 you’ll get teleported back to your faction’s major city after one minute. You wanted to wrap up a zone? Tough luck kiddo. At least the mechanic doesn’t kick you from a dungeon group if you ding in there, it just does so after you leave the dungeon.

I think I’ll still enjoy chromie time, but if I get kicked out of MoP in Kun-Lai or Townlong I’ll be very miffed and sad.


They wanted to stop people from gaining experience in those zones, I assume, but it’s not as if they don’t offer massively reduced exp once you hit that cap area anyway, and it’s not going to matter if someone’s alt gains a level or two from a zone they are over-leveled for.

They could just make that exp reduction kick in sooner at exactly 50 and leave it at that.

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Probably Cata.

I like Vashjir a lot and would love to revisit the highlands. While I can take or leave Uldum and Deepholm, for the most part they’re fine too.

Edit: well ok nvm I guess Cata is lame. MoP then.

Do you get booted out and just… can’t go back or how does that work? I’m gonna have a cranky spouse if it’s “Haha loser, come back at max level when everything scales weird again.”

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That seems to be the case, sort of?

It teleports you out and then descales the zone entirely. So you can go back but it’ll give zero experience and it will be scaled to its “appropriate level” and give you squat in experience.

Send her my condolences.


A most ponderous oof has occurred.

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Yeah this is how it works. Say you’re in Icecrown and hit 50, all the mobs had been scaled up to 50 but when you come back after getting ported out, the mobs will have reverted to the lvl 27-30 range. Was able to confirm this on the PTR as when I went to Icecrown for the pre-event testing, all the non-pre-event mobs were lvl 30 whereas the pre-event mobs were 50.

The “appropriate level ranges” are the ones we’ll be able to see on the in-game map for zones when we mouse over them.

I really don’t like that they combined the cata and revamped vanilla zones together. I get they wanted to do this cause flying makes traversing Hyjal and Deepholm easier, but there are existing pathways to complete those zones without flying. It just takes a wee bit more time, which I doubt alot of people would care about.

I’m a bit bummed that they lumped the 80-85 Cata zones in with the 1-60 Cata zones. I’d have liked to have done those separately

I’m also bummed about the getting kicked out at 50 thing. Was hoping to actually finish some of these quest experiences.

With any luck and how long people have been asking for something like this, they’ll have their Come to Thrall moment and go “okay yeah that was stupid, we’ll just cut off EXP after 50 if you aren’t in Shadow Funtime Deathland Sylvanas Chase Land.”

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