What expansion is after Dragonflight?

11.0 is confirmed to be a Morbius 2 tie in


There won’t be one.

This will be the straw that breaks the camels back.

Believe it or not people said this after wrath. “Where would they fit any more zones after northrend?” Seriously that was a concern from some people.

We know Azeroth isn’t flat so there’s always the other side assuming we’re not getting some sort of Mercator projection with our current mess of an in game map!


At the moment its kinda hard to tell but i’d say its likely we’ll get a void / light based expansion with xal’atath regaining her form and us finding out the spooky knife that enjoys eating souls wasnt the nice wholesome lady we thought she was, meanwhile turalyon, the remnants of the scarlet crusade, the army of light, and yrels forces all go some form of despotic: WE’RE ENSLAVING YOU SO THE VOID CAN’T.


You can’t end wow on expansion 11, that wouldn’t be proper.

11 is an odd number.

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I have spoken.

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Really though, all jokes aside, this here.

They have been hinting at it and setting it up the same way they were with Dragonflight.

It will be the Light isn’t really the good guy xpac the same way Shadowlands was the Death really isn’t the bad guy xpac. (and I’m starting to think Dragonflight will be the same but for the elements) They’re both shades of grey and can be good and bad.

The real question is, where do they go after that?

Honey I shrunk the elves

It’ll take place completely in a half acre of Feralas

cause it's my favorite

:mountain: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :mountain:


mobile xpac.

World of Warcraft: Don’t you guys have phones?


World of Warcraft: Descend into lunacy

We have to kill elune as, she has been the big bad behind everything up until now.

Stricken with grief tyrande retires from leadership, and goes crazy with mother moon and right before we kill her, she realizes she was wrong all along.


Dragon Isles was -barely- in lore. It was just something they were working on back in Beta (you know, like 2003-2004) that never got used, but people knew about it so it was a loose hook to drag in for an expansion. It wasn’t even really lore, just cut content.

That said, I’d say it’s officially the last lastmass they can throw us in without pulling it entirely out of their butts. And, don’t get me wrong, we’re going to be thrown into the butt continents, the game has to make NEW lore at some point. There’s only so much you can borrow from the RTS. We’ve consumed it.

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That’s all you need to be, BARELY in lore.

Pandaria was a foot note too.


World of Warcraft: The Upside Down


There’s always room to add new continents that we previously didn’t know even existed.

People who sail into the great sea never return, right? Maybe that’s because there’s something over there keeping them from it. Or there’s something there that makes them not WANT to return.

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Hopefully it’s wow 2 but that’s just wishful thinking.


I’m betting we go right back to cosmic-level threats. Void stuff, probably.

World of Warcraft: The Golden Crusade

Turalyon begins to take back all the fallen human kingdoms across Azeroth.

Purifying voidelves with the light, bringing Silver Covenant High Elves into the Alliance.

His armies get stretched thin and hes unable to effectively help or defend Draenei or Night Elves and begins to prioritize the Eastern Kingdoms as the Alliance stronghold.

He removes the Scourge from Strathlome and Scholomance. He reclaims Lodaeron. He finds away to cure undeath and brings back several prominate figures as paladins and other light wielders such as Morgaine and Whitemaine.

He provided significant help to Northrend against the Scourge and gained the respect of a clan of Vrykul as a new race that joins the Alliance. (Horde gets Ogres this expansion).

His warpath against undeath and void brings him into conflict with the Horde.

The final raid is reclaiming Silvermoon from Turalyon who reclaimed it for the High Elves.


World of Warcraft: Land of the Zug Zug


And discover that Elune was just Hal 9000, a global/universal skynet program designed to keep us all in constant war because a la Eternals, if we have peace and let things grow, Azeroth is gonna Emerge and kill us all by being born

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:


It’s totally going to be Return to Draenor…

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