What expansion is after Dragonflight?

Well the way Blizz does things we could have a land mass attached to Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor and not even know it exists… Cause reasons.

There is still an entire continent that has been hinted at in lore a few times over the years that has been overrun by denizens of the old gods… and supposedly it is the reason we only ever cross one ocean to go between continents since traveling the other direction risks comming to close to that accursed land.

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You mean like how the long lost gnome city of Mechagon was just chilling on a tiny island off the coast of Kul’Tiras perfectly within view of the Kul’Tiran mainland…

yes… or how Pandaria was just sitting out in the middle of major shipping lanes and nobody else ‘crashed’ into it.

Nothing. If DF fails, WoW will def go into maintenance mode with the cash shop being the only feature being actively upgraded

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More than likely something to do with the forsaken. We got a hint of their story in rebuilding during these last few months and the new leader will have to be given more story somehow. Would be cool to have an actual forsaken expansion.


I am thinking another world being xpac, this time focusing on Night Elves growing a new home, rebuilding their communities and some undead story being added as well. It will be a great time for us to check in on our world spirit as well.

Only the early development team currently working on it knows. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If dragonflight goes over well enough too push the SL hate down id guess itd be about whatever “greater threat” the jailer mentions when he dies.

Touching it now would just sour the mood and theyve already touted dragonflight as a more chill low stakes expansion but since its out there now itll have to be worked on at some point.

If dragonflight is only okay and doesnt make up for all the SL problems probably another lowstakes down too azeroth expansion until the majority is bored and wants space battles again.

Maybe WoW 2.0.

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World of WarCraft: Murlocswim - Q3 2024
World of WarCraft: Vermindig - Q4 2026
World of WarCraft: Nagaslither - Q3 2028
World of WarCraft: Titanfart - Q4 2030


I would say MORE than a bit early considering we just found out about this new expansion a little while ago. My lord people seriously need to chill. How the heck is anyone here going to know what the next one will be when we don’t even know the story of this new one that hasn’t even launched yet?

No one crashed into Pandaria… they crashed into the Wandering Isle… AKA giant sea turtle with an island on its back. Pandaria is actually kinda out of the way, and the portion of the ocean it was in constantly had thick mists and fog making it treacherous to sale.

why do you even ask this question

The majority of your quests in the Jade Forest are looking for Anduin whose boat crashed into Pandaria.


In the 12th expansion we return to tediously death the hyper zealous forces of light that has not only prevented that timeline from collapsing but is actually threatening to merge with our timeline. Every orc, draenei, wind chime trope will be beaten to death this the end all expansion flush with re-use… “Down the Draenor.”

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OMG! This was my first thought and I came to the thread to post it! Great minds!

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Murizond traps us into a rift in time dwelling near the age of Xal’atath’s Black Empire reigns

So final boss for Dragonflight would be Murizond/Galakron.

Next Big Bad would Be simultaneously Xal’atath in ancient times, creating further wrinkles in time to affect “past and present” simultaneously.



I would like the Tortollans to return as servants of the void.

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The original landmass prior to the sundering was massive. I highly doubt we’ve seen every bit of it.

As to the topic at hand, I’m sure at some point we are going to have a light vs Void blowout. Which I personally am not looking forward to.