What expansion had the best music?

I know a lot of people will probably go towards Wrath, but I honestly think BFA has a solid contention point.

The music from BFA is straight fire.

Links appreciated of course.


idk nothing really beats this masterpiece: https://youtu.be/S_cC1xaHGZg?si=l1oqb_pxmBDokHNg&t=138


Wrath. I enjoyed the music in Grizzly Hills.


I never really notice music in wow. I don’t turn it off, but it just seems very… forgettable. Except that boralus harbor music, that was loud and obnoxious enough to notice.

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Probably the 90s. That was the expansion i started playing music in. It has my greatest memories.

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Wrath of the Lich King had some of the most memorable tracks for me. Mists had some good ones (who doesn’t like the inn theme?), but in terms of tracks I recognize every time? Easily Wrath.

Honestly though? BfA had some bangers!


For me it will always be Wrath.

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The correct answer is WoD.

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Wrath and Mists for me. There were lots of times in both of those that I’d take indirect flight paths so I could go through parts of some zones just to trigger the music tracks.

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Damn. Music is not something I pay attention to. Only if it’s bad. Like the moaning in Stormwind.

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probably wrath, but legion had some pretty good tracks, really love anduins theme

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gods I loved Ulduar

Then there’s storm peaks. I’d fly around mining and herbing just to listen to it.

Especially at ~1:56 . . . chills

The creepy vibes of Icecrown

And since the OP didn’t say which WoW expansion had the best music:

Destiny 2’s Witch Queen, Hidden Tracks

Beyond Light’s Athanasia:

Forsaken’s Gunslinger:

Taken King’s Remembrance:

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Cataclysm has some great music.


Wrath for sure…but MoP and Legion had some bangers as well =)

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I’m with you on BfA. However … there are two songs that I just can’t ignore from previous expansions. WoW truly does have amazing music.

Battle for Gnomeregan


Totems of Grizzlemaw

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Best tracks “Invincible”, “Lament of the Highborne”


Zone music for Ashenvale and Teldrassil

I still get tingles thinking about the very first time I stepped into Ashenvale and heard that music. Warcraft was a scary dangerous place for adventurers back then, not so much anymore. I miss that.


right?! Gnolls, humans and murlocs were horrifying if you pulled a couple…or they start running/yelling and alerting others. You knew you had to book it or you would definitely die to 3 or 4 mobs.

Now…those same areas, I will pull 10 and not be in danger =/


WOTLK had the best “ambient” music. BFA had the best “cinematic” music.

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The Warbringers: Jaina cinematic and song from BFA was tremendous

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WoD had a good mix of impending-doom type music along with happy up-beat shanty style music.

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