What expansion had the best music?

MoP for me, though I will admit that I am heavily biased toward that expansion in general.

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I think BC has the best music theme that I will never forget. It is the music theme from the Blood Elf starting area where the trees have all the yellow/orange leaves. I never wanted to leave that place but somehow forgot the name of it.

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Eversong woods?


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BC and Wrath for me, easily.
All of the Blood Elf and Draenei music is great and Wrath is just filled with good soundtracks everywhere.

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It is hard to pick one. Cata, MoP, and WoD hands-down.

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BFA, hands down.


Not going to point to any specific expansion or music.

But I will say that if it has drums or violin then it’s probably one I enjoy.

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I’d probably say WotLK followed by BFA and MoP if we’re going by sheer quality.

But the best one in my heart will always be Classic. The area themes make me feel things. Every single one of them gives me this weird rush of nostalgia and that has to be worth something.

Yes! That’s it:) I totally love that music. I could listen forever.