What exactly is the point of Shield of the Righteous as ret?

“If your tank dies you might delay a wipe”, is this worth consuming 1 ability slot? (looks like we have to treat them like this now). 1 ability you’ll only use if other people don’t do their job sounds just silly. Or worse, ret guy go off tank that add since you obviously are not meant to do dmg.

It gets even worse in pvp since I don’t think you can swap weapons in rated pvp, in non rated or world pvp it also seems like a waste unless 5 melee are attacking you in which case you’ll die anyway.

Am I missing something here? I could be wrong.

It’s just there because there’s no point in removing it from the spellbook after you pick a spec. You’re not supposed to keybind it.

1-2 years from now.

“No one uses that ability, its taking up space remove it”



Yea you are missing something and that is class design and identity which has been bad for several expansions for everyone.

Warriors are getting Shield block and Shield slam. So it’s not like Ret is the “only” Dps and if the tank dies it’s now his duty to step in. It’s that class design should be better and have an identity to it and have more flavor.

Ideally there should be weapon swaps macros again and times where you want to use this button. The importance of adding class abilities back. That they serve as a function.

Personally I would be interested if these abilities actually became strong like an Arms warriors making a Shield Slam build to Dps. Filling that sword and board fantasy that many of us miss. Things like that should be in the game and adding more class identity, abilities will create more builds hopefully.

Maybe the best Tank ends up being a hybrid Fury/Prot build like the old days of classic. Fury will have access to ignore pain, shield block and shield slam. The game should be able to be unique again and not this hey you Tank or Dps you go do this 1 niche thing.


Ideally it would work like this, but when you equip a 1h+shield, you lose the ability to cast Templar’s Verdict, Divine Storm, and Blade of Justice… :upside_down_face:


You can swap weapons in M+ and rated PVP in Shadowlands, and the armor is useful for mitigating any physical damage, not just taunting a boss when a tank dies. It will have some niche uses but not be required for daily play. If you don’t want to take it out of your spellbook, don’t.

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Outside of being one shot I’m going to try a word of glory only tank rotation. With that 15%+ shield we get from soulbinds and how much easier it will be to have a solid heal to counter damage taken.

I much rather them focus on making specs functional than trying weird niche “fantasy” things though, ret spec seems to have been completely forgotten in SL so far.

This is just laughable, in a very sad way. For some reason some talents are still tied to Greater Blessing but those were pruned and it seems prepatch is closer than initially anticipated.

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Oh, I’m sure those two PvP talents will be changed to effect anyone affected by our Auras.

We’ll get no new pvp talents to address our crap utility/mobility, or our struggle vs casters and 8/11 will be completely dead talents still, don’t you worry!

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I think it’s great that Ret has access to it now, but they need to remove the requiring a shield part, it is stupid that we have to equip a shield. We can conjure hammers from the sky, conjure hammers to throw at people, conjure a giant blade out of the ground; so why can’t we conjure a shield? Also spell reflect doesn’t even require a shield for warriors so why does this require a shield is stupid. We are 1 of the classes that can use magic while warriors who can’t use magic can reflect magic without a shield makes no sense when we can just conjure a shield like we do other weapons. But we should had been the class with spell reflect in the 1st place, never made sense for warriors to have it.


You got that retail disease. It’s called rounding out a class you don’t need to be able to mash all the buttons you have at once you, you know?

I’ll give you that blizzard is bound to royally soil the bed “undoing” the damage they’ve done in dumbing down all the classes, and “reinventing them.”

No, it’s not stupid to have to equip a shield. It’s stupid of anyone to think an ability that uses a shield should not have to use one. It’s called skillful gameplay, and it’s one of the things that has been ripped from retail causing subs to bleed out of the game.

It’s pretty useful in PvP when you are waiting for burst CDs and on high health. Against melee cleaves it’s very nice.

Agree it’s silly to add this talent which requires weapon swapping. None the less is a nice tool when up against physical damage.

Thats fine for classic where every1 else has to do it, but doesn’t work for modern WoW where only Pally has to do it. It’s extremely stupid of you to think that pally should have a handicap while warriors are out their “Shield” reflecting with 2h weapons.


Why are you bringing up a post from August?

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The point is about false feeling of ‘‘Unpruning’’


I know we are in a paladin forum, but I’m not closed minded enough to think it should only apply to us. I’d find it reinvigorating to enjoy these sorts of “handicap’s,” or as I call them - skillful gameplay technicalities - on all classes.

And yes, I 100% believe that the un-pruning is no more than a superficial ploy to sell the next expansion. From what I’ve seen they are still shoveling out generic and watered down classes that bring nothing personal and unique to the party.

O yay! We’re back here spinning wheels again.

Ret should be able to use SotR with 2 hander equipped at decreased effectiveness.

Ret Pally is a box with round holes and round pegs, in SL Ret pally will get one square peg and square hole.

It can be retooled that all of rets currently existing tools that require a 2 hander can be done at lesser effectiveness with sword and board, or the one “new” skill be useable with 2 hander at less effectiveness.

Everything else is disrespectful to the playerbase and the internal Blizz community that still cares about a quality product.

So the loud minority on the forums will shut up about pruning. Another stupid ability given to specs that don’t have a place for it.

We need fundamental changes to the game made, not auras and abilities like this that are not impactful in any relevant content.

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New paladins start out in Exile’s Reach with a sword and shield. This makes it actually useful until you hit level 10 and can choose retribution specialization.