What exactly is the point of Shield of the Righteous as ret?

Fundamental changes being erasing everything after WotLK

Imagine thinking Classic took skill to play, more like a blanket and pillow because of how boring and slow the gameplay is.

The average player shouldn’t have to make a macro just to be able to use a spell in their spell book. Weapon swapping isn’t good gameplay to begin with its micromanagement garbage that just makes you carry around extra gear. We could have actually used something good in the place of this garbage, like maybe Divine Protection, at least you don’t need a shield to use that.



I don’t want 15 spells just for the sake of ‘unpruning’ that are clunky and non impactful, I want core spells that lead to a rewarding rotation. Some classes are shaping up to have a TON of keybinds that are absolutely useless.

Yeah, enjoy clicking devo one time and never touching it again. Thanks for that great change.


Felt like the Devs were lazy to pick abilities for Ret unpruning. The auras like people mentioned either use devotion or crusader if the slot is taken for extra fast pony.

Turn evil? Situational as hell but given its shadowlands we might have more uses maybe?

Detect undead? Why?

Shield of Righteous? Do devs even know that we don’t use shield at all??

Ret Aura. They managed to make it even worse, because it occupy a aura slot and still keeping the idiotic design of where I get rewarded for people doing mistakes on my raid! This doesn’t feel rewarding at all and will incetivize the worst behavior from players. (Oh I hope that guy dies so my numbers can go up!)

Lots of dead buttons and nothing is added to gameplay its pure garbage, whoever is responsible for Paladin Class has no clue or don’t give a single f* about the class. The only thing that I want from the my level up experience is the lvl 58 passive talent that is HoW being able to used in AW, that was there previously just removed because once again Devs are too lazy to give a new cool ability. Holy hell I would be happier if they gave us exorcism back instead of this amalgamation of useless sh*t


It’s nice as Holy, you know, since we use shields.