What exactly is the Emerald Dream?


I’ve never really understood what it is. I know it’s supposedly a “reflection of what Azeroth could be” but what does that have to do with the real world?

If the dream dies does that mean we die? Or are the two separate from one another?

If they are separate, then what’s the point of guarding the dream and maintaining it with such ferocity? The druids and green dragons waste their whole lives in there and it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference in our world.

I’m not an expert on the lore of the dream so I could be entirely wrong, and there’s huge implications I missed, but it seems to me the dream is just kind of …pointless?

What Azeroth (planet) could or would be if Titans hadn’t ordered it.
Obviously, also if the Old Gods hadn’t embedded themselves in it.

I think it’s been retconned more recently to be a way to communicate with the sleeping titan soul of Azeroth.

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I always assumed it was created as a sort of a “backup” Azeroth. It is a perfect reflection of the world. If the world was ever corrupted, the Forge of Origination would purge the world of all life, and replace it with the Dream as its perfect form.


I think it’s where Emerald City is located.

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Nope. It’s what it would be if mortals hadn’t touched it.

Freya, one of the nine titan-forged Keepers, created the Emerald Dream during the Ordering of Azeroth[16] to serve as the underlying blueprint for the planet.


Wowpedia said “if intelligent beings hadn’t touched it” I presumed they meant Titans not flesh-bag murder hobos.

Some hippie cult

It was created by Freya. It’s if mortals hadn’t touched it.

Also: Wowpedia was moved to warcraft.wiki.gg

It’s a blueprint of original Azeroth, before any mortal races lived there. And it was tapped into by Freya, one of the titans of life.

It’s basically a backup world that exists for animal-gods to regenerate until they come back to Azeroth, and stuff like that.

It’s a realm that really only exists for animals and plants, organic life. No buildings or anything, just a primal version of the world as it was.

Since mortal races in WoW aren’t organic, with the exception of the trolls- they’re the only native, non-titan-touched race. And I guess Tauren and Pandaren, the animal races too.

The Dream is basically a backup world in case anything happens to our own.

But, things like the Nightmare can corrupt the Dream and actually end up harming Azeroth on the other side.

It’s basically an alternate version of the planet, that is directly linked to Azeroth’s health as a whole.

It’s being speculated if she created it, or if it already existed and was just tapped into. Nobbel did a whole video on it, lol.

It’s really interesting. Because this expansion is all about ‘titan-made’ versus organic, and the Dream might actually be organic rather than created.


I know, but “wowpedia” is less typing than “warcraft.wiki.gg” :smile:

WoW lore in a nutshell… :sweat_smile:


In some new reading material due to be out soon a Druid writes about his exploration of the dream. He says that it seems as if not only azeroth is connected to it because the further he colored the wilder and weirder things got. Life that he didn’t recognize at all. It’s possible the dream is a natural occurrence a bridge between life and death as we know Ysera passed from ardenweald into the dream when she returned. The titans did what they do with everything they find. They ordered it at least some of it and claimed it as their own. Man the titans are some liars I’ll tell you that.

I wish it had stayed Wowpedia. :sob:


Gone are the days.

I used to think it’s Azeroth itself when she wake up.

Now, I don’t know anymore.

The more we learn about them the more I think we should just fend for ourselves and screw the titans. They don’t really seem to care and they’re pretty hands off. Unless you’re an Old God they won’t even try to stop you from destroying the planet

I mean they were “dead” for the past ten thousand years or so. So they couldn’t exactly do much. And the one who wasn’t dead did too much lol. Titans aren’t evil but they are like the nosy neighbors always up in everyone’s business and it’s annoying

Emerald Dream is artificially created backup copy of Azeroth, think of it as “De Other Side” for druids.


The emerald dream is what you see when you smoke Kaja Krack.

Old lore was that the Emerald Dream were something like a Titan blueprint of Azeroth. If the planet got corrupted they could use it to start over.

New lore is that the Emerald Dream is the Life equivalent of the Shadowlands. Lifelands, if you will.