What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

Asmongold is a hack. Who cares what he thinks? The only reason people know who he is because he has a cult like following.

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People die. Not only do they really die, they die in fiction as well. Just look at Game of Thrones, they killed people off all the time. I remember seeing an interview from an actor that was in “Boardwalk Empire”, one of the best gangster shows ever. They said the actors were terrified every time they got a call from the producers.

That’s not the devs ruining the lore, that’s just moving the story along.

Ugh. The entirety of the Jj trilogy. None of the characters were likeable. The entire thing felt like a poorly thought out fan fiction.

your opinions arent fact.

BFA and Shadowlands had bad writing. Dragonflight is not only bad, it’s also quite boring. Just a milquetoast disneyesque story filled with cardboard cutout badguys, broken men and girl power heroines, and of course, lots of daddy issues.
Hopefully metzen can right the ship, but to be frank. I’ve given up any hope for retail wow.

The Dracthyr are the heirs of a storied legacy that suffered corruption and went bad. They’re dragons but not the dragons anyone wanted. And they’re too bogged down in unimaginative discussions about their feelings to ever do anything fun.

So yeah, like people have said, too many self-inserts. :upside_down_face:

99% of the complaints are about Nathanos.

A writer should never have a self insert in something like this. The fact he admitted Nathanos is a self insert was problematic as hell, and I have no doubt he didn’t want to kill him off, but was forced to because of the backlash that accumulated about him being a self insert over like 2-3 years.

I haven’t seen any real threads calling Danuser out specifically other than ones involving Nathanos, just the writers of wow in general.

At the very least, if a self insert is made by a writer, they should lose all control over that character and have other writers make that character grow with no input from the person who created the self insert allowed.

This creates dynamic characters from the self inserts and makes them not so problematic. If anything, it makes the character feel more real when they have to grow separate from the person who created them.


he was responsible for the lore of shadowlands…right?

The biggest problems to date have been, in my opinion:
the lore of shadowlands;
the ending of bfa;
the lack of content and excessive farming of apexis in wod and the weird thing about gromm’s history;
the AP farm and random drop of Legion’s legendary items;
lots of friendships and romances, more and more romances appearing, regardless of orientation…especially this cute thing about Alexstraza trying to resolve conflicts or Cromie with Nozd…it’s all very “cute”…they ran away from wars too much, violence, blood, etc… In fact, blood is something rare nowadays;
Garrosh’s phrases taken from the game;
The paintings of women turning into paintings of fruit;

These items come from the hands of the senior game director AND the senior lore director.

Other things were almost completely resolved, such as the size of the maps, which in DF are better, they are bigger and more interesting… excessive (daily) quests that not everyone liked… they improved the pvp a little, although there is still a lack of calibration in classes but I believe this is something in progress… anyway…

But the game went in a very strange direction and completely off the path that WoW was on…so…the complaints will focus on that.

The writing team floated through back-channels that they weren’t responsible for SL so don’t blame them. I don’t know how much merit that has, but it struck me as kind of a cowardly way to make excuses. But it is what it is.

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Wow is way too peaceful for a faction conflict game. We should be back at each others throats, with less resources and more pain and sorrow. Instead, with each expansion it seems like both factions are blooming and not having any economic / demographic problem at all, despite both suffering battle losses.

I’d say it’s economics and politics sustained by ley lines, sheep and raw arcane power. We need more corruption and another orc leader drinking some demon blood to carry us back to the true path.


Meanwhile folks only really cared about 2 characters. I think one was a pilot and another was a former storm trooper. I don’t know their character names. But one of them was the guy who said “SOMEHOW Palpatine has returned”

It could have worked better.

BUt to get that tension going…a 24 hour timer.

Jedi university in less than 24 hours.

See space is really big. When Obi wan teaches the first time they may have been in warp for weeks, hell months even.

Same for the jedi training with yoda. No timer. we got a montage that maybe cut out 6 months.

24 hours to travel light years to the remotest planets in the entire universe. Round trip…say 4 hours there, 4 hour back. 16 hours to train. MOre like 14, being nice.

there was the montaged 1 hour of hesitancy to train, side exposition, snoke doing a conference call.

In short…that 24 hours was BS really.

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Besides the writer coming out and stating it, how can we find out which writer is responsible for which storyline?

I’d like to figure out who was responsible for the Suramar/Nightborne questline.


A lot of it ends up being “I didnt like this. It must be that person”


Danuser really doesn’t have anyone else he can blame. Sure, some of the terrible plotlines could have come from Christie golden, but she’s not the narrative director.


I think the writing on kelthuzad, nefarian and c’thun was phenomenal back in vanilla. Ironic how the first two came back yet were still under developed (minus shadowlands).

Afrasiabi is no longer an out. Even bfa showed he got overturned with the outcome of the nathanos/tyrande fight.

SL should have cleansed him finally and DF was supposed to be all ion/danuser. Also my sticking point of if you see a problem you fix the problem.

SL had some crap animation and syncing in cutscenes. Better lore lines not matching lips? hahahaha, we already accepted the bad post processing rendering of scenes. Give us better lines as a caveat really. save the lore!

I still remember Jaina’s face was animated to simulate a marionette with a stroke really for the ardenweald scene.

Its not 3rd party like golden either. She gets the outline the game devs gave her and works with that most likely.

A lot of people can be wrong. That’s how Donald Trump got elected once.

It’s boring. I thought Shadowlands was boring. leveling in DF was so boring I stopped playing at 70.

You forgot to say “In my opinion”. In my opinion BfA and SL were great expansions, I really liked both of them.