What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

Cool story. The majority of the playerbase does not share your opinion.


was entertaingly bad, which is better than boring.

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He unironically likes the final Game of Thrones season. Should tell you what you need to know.

I really don’t understand why this one was such an issue. It happened. Not doing this quest doesn’t change the fact that it still happened. Bad stuff happens all the time, and sometimes people have to do bad stuff for good reasons.

I mean, we’ve already done worse for the sake of protecting the timeline. We helped Medhiv open the Dark Portal, kickstarting an invasion on Azeroth that killed hundreds of thousands. We helped Arthas purge Stratholme, helping him kill hundreds of innocent lives, whether or not they were infected, and saved Arthas’ life, allowing him to pursue Malganis into Northrend, become a Death Knight, destroy Lordaeron, Silvermoon and Dalaran, invite the Burning Legion in to play, become the Lich King, and now indirectly led to the Shadowlands expansion, which, frankly, is the greatest sin anyone in WoW has ever committed.


How do you know? Other than the forum, which is an extremely biased source of information, what evidence do you have to back up your opinion?

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Because they deserve a massive raise and should design every end game zone!


i hate how they are writing the game not what they write .i hate that we had to wait almost 2 decade to see the ‘‘suppossed end’’ of all the previous xpac which was apparently all the jailers plan and fault and that even then they left shadowland with a cliffhanger end that we are probably gonna have to waid another 2 decade to know what is going on .

what i wish they would do is simple ,write xpac as their own story with a start and an end .Because if they start writing the story and plan the end to happen in 20 year and 10 more xpac well , most of us probably wont even be there anymore to care about it.they need to spot that ,make it 1 xpac =1 story which end when the xpac end,no cliffhanger

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My sweet child. They didn’t plan that. They just workshopped and somehow that was the best storyline they came up with.

They should never bring up shadowlands again. Every other expansion has a story which I can believe.

The story would have been 1000x times better if it was Azshara


If they were smart, they’d pull some “Shadowlands was all a fevor dream” or something


If anything, the forums should be biased in favor of the game, since every person who posts here must have an active subscription. Danuser’s terrible writing has been pointed out many times, yet still some people act shocked. “Prove to me that danuser’s writing is terrible”, demands the user with more posts than achievement points. “Oh, and don’t cite all the forum posts about his terrible writing, they’re hecking biased!” KEK!


I never said it was “ruining the lore”, that implies they’re changing things in wow’s history (which they have). My stance is that removing too many key characters; characters that created Warcraft universe - leaves it empty.

These are fictional characters. Not all of them need to die. Not all stories need to be a GoT clone. Heroes grow old, but they have new adventures.


You would think, but that’s not the way echo chambers work. You are of the OPINION that the writing is terrible yet I personally thought BfA and SL were fun. When I was there so were lots of other players.

This is a classic example of the “fallacy of ad hominem”. “You are not qualified so you must be wrong”.

It’s like someone running into a meeting of fire marshals and yelling “The building is on fire” just to have them all laugh and say “What kind of experience with fires do you have compared to us”.

“It doesn’t take a weather man to know which way the wind blows”. Bob Dylan.

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idk Gul’dan and Malfurion are pretty F’in ripped.

Based on your achievements, it looks like you started playing just before BFA launch.
Not all opinions are equal. Based on your limited playtime and extensive posting, you seem much more intent on sharing your opinion than playing the game you claim to enjoy. All while attempting to invalidate the opinion of others as “biased”.


Most of the writers seem to be not professional trained or wary of TV tropes at least. They are simply not good. They have an idea but cannot set it up and have to the work.

Malfurion’s departure is simply another stupid “put on a bus”-trope cliché and it shows how bad the writers are. It only serves to weaken the Alliance - in comparison to the Horde - and bring anew misery to the Night Elf fans, who got whacked again and again by these writers. Their disconnected understanding how people feel is the biggest issue I have. They only act on feedback but not on common sense.

The biggest issue people still have with everything what happened in WoW was BfA/SL. I would have straight up used a time travel mechanic with the consequence, that Dragonflight will be the Bronze Dragon VS us, where we go away from the prime universe (which is, in my opinion, a stupid idea to begin with). The lesson the player and community should have learned for avoiding the conflict was that there will be always something catastrophic on the horizon and you cannot change the laws of the universe to undo something - but it would have prevented the absolute disaster BfA was and we would have been gone over to DF without a complete wiping of a player race and a better position to work together.

In fact, nothing really mattered since Legion. Dragonflight is the expansion in +4 years which brings WoW forward. The Jailer was an isolated story nobody cares. As you have pointed out, why did he allow to fight his own minions against each other? The sheer insufferable “complexity” of WoW really needs a better writing team, who actually honors what came before instead trying to wipe everything clean and start from anew.


What’s funny abou Malfurion being traded for Yserra is they subvert their own plot within 5 quests. It’s claimed that only Yserra can use the device which will save the emerald dream, only for the writers to subvert this by having Merithra use the device. There is no transfer of power or knowledge from Yserra to Merithra. It’s just a, “you guys didn’t even need me, Merithra had the power the whole time”.
All so they can get rid of Malfurion who, they’ve seemingly had no idea what to do with since cata.


the fractals

In a way that would be nice, but this is warcraft heroes do die ,especially those we known since the beginning. The new ones should have their stories to tell for the next generation coming into Azeroth ,I just hope the writers do a well received stories people would like and be inspired.

I guess it’s too hard to occupy him with another war while we do our stuff? World-building? I cannot believe that these writers earn money for being this unprofessional.

i think the only issue i have with the current writing is the fact that nothing is gripping me.

i cant for the life of me recall what the plot of df is which is someones failings.

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I haven’t been playing DF much, nor have I paid much attention to the storyline, but for SL - the writing was absolutely terrible.
These are just a few things I remember:

  • How Sylvanas’ whole character was made a joke.
    The Lich King killed her, laid waste to her homeland, slaughtered her people, forced her to serve him (as he did many others), she broke free of his corruption, and absolutely loathed him and the Scourge. Then, when she killed herself atop Icecrown Citadel, she makes a deal with the Jailer, the very same Jailer who apparently was responsible for the Lich King, serves him for years, despite her entire character being about not serving, burns Teldrassil for him, and then… feels bad, realizes she was played (despite being extremely cunning and intelligent?) and says “I will never serve”.

  • How the Jailer was actually responsible for like, everything ever that has happened in WoW or something, despite being created long after the established lore he affected. He was responsible for the Dreadlords, who wormed their way into the Legion, who then created the Lich King and the Scourge, etc etc. It’s hard to remember (not that I exactly want to remember lmao) but, yeah, not great to just create a new character, say he’s responsible for a lot of things that have happened already just so it seems like he’s been playing 5D chess with multidimensional time travel against Azeroth.

  • Also, how the Jailer just… isn’t a good character at all, even if you discount all of that. He has no motivations for doing what he’s done, no interesting qualities at all, etc. All he is is “mastermind”. How? Who knows!

  • How badly the factions have been dismantled. The Alliance are just sad good-doers, (other than when they seek justice for genocides that have been committed against them, then that’s bad and they should focus on renewal instead) and how the Horde are generally evil mindless zombies who do anything the Warchief says, until they feel bad about it and have a leader to get them out of their situation. (this is more of a BFA complaint, but considering Teldrassil is still talked about, I feel I should put this here.)

  • So, Frostmourne was imbued with sigils of the Maw, and was basically a weapon of the maw, and countless people have died to it… yet, when the Arbiter views their memories to decide which afterlife they go to, the Arbiter didn’t pick up on the sword that has heavy ties to the Jailer, killing living things on a mortal world? And didn’t sound alarm bells???

  • Everything in the afterlife being robotic, ‘cogs in a machine’. It’s just… not a very compelling narrative. It’s just grim, idk. Also, the fact that the Eternal Ones are robots as well, and Elune, the established goddess of WoW for ages, has been rewritten to be one of the Eternal ones. Who are robots. So, Elune is a robot, which is totally what fans of the Night Elves and Elune wanted, lol.

There’s much more than all of this, but, I don’t think I can handle remembering everything that SL destroyed at the ripe hour of 2 AM. So, I leave you with this.