What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

Blizzard only believes in parity when it benefits the Alliance. Varian died so Vol’jin had to die.
No one cared when Garrosh had to be defeated and Orgrimmar had to be sacked.

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I think its because they personally hated you dread. Why do you think we are getting so much Night Elf related stories for such a long while?


I think it had less to do with Varian, and more to elevate Sylvanas to Warchief position. He was sidelined the moment we met Sylvanas on Broken shore. And it was she who was giving commends and talked with Varian, when realistically it should’ve been Vol’Jin for being his equal.
But objectively speaking, if you’d cut off Stormheim storyline, and few bits of belf involvement in Suramar, Horde was mostly non existent in Legion.

highmountain? suramar?

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They only joined after you already completed the adventures there. it was not Horde-only content at the time, and in fact it still isn’t. The play-through version of Broken Isles is perpetually Neutral, just like the play-through version of Outland is still suffering under the forces of illidan, Kael’Thas, and Kil’Jaeden.


I don’t see how thats relevant, the Lightforged didn’t join the Alliance until after the legion events neither but I am sure people would argue that they are Alliance questing content.


Those people are (at least in my opinion) wrong. During Legion, the Army of the Light was a neutral faction and their questing content was such.

The original plan was for voljin to go off on a spirit journey. Or at least, I read that somewhere.

What part during questing in those areas made you think of Horde again?
In retrospect after they joined, then yes you can think of them as a way to build those races up. But During the course of the expansion? Absolutely not. I was hoping for Highmountain Tauren to have proper interaction with Horde tauren, but there was no such a thing.
Meanwhile Army of Light were closely cooperating with draenei and Velen was on the forefront.
Highmountain and Suramar weren’t designed with Horde narrative in it’s mind, these were neutral zones through and through.

Entire Legion was about Khadgar and his friends opposing the baddies.


I like it myself I thought it was cool way to connect to the old lore in a cool way, with the nathrezim and jailer stuff . What I didn’t like was them immediately cutting and rushing the story archs because of some of the backlash, which in turn made it seem like the people crying and saying danuser cant write, were right.

I heard that story, but honestly I’ve seen enough on Broken Shore. To me it was clear that Sylvanas was meant to take over. Even Vol’Jin’s dying cinematic was more about her.
Which was incredibly dirty move on Blizzard’s part.

Vol’Jin was not only the Warchief but also the only truly prominent Darkspear Character. Rokhan was a one note character who’s only saving grace was that he appeared in WC3, but for years he was barely touched.

They were left without any compensation in cosmetics, they didn’t get any quest that would somehow address it, they were left like that for entire expansion and in BfA there were some attempts to address it, but I cannot say I was impressed. At least Rokhan got some proper personality, and his spotlight in BfA was quite good, but that’s still not enough. He really needs to do something special that would make his character shine through, it’s especially important to draw distinction between him and Vol’Jin.

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Who cares? Where does this “during the course the expansion” matter? Two whole zones are dedicated to races associated to the Horde. Thats it! Why are you trying to find something to nitpick and be upset about?

Earlier we were talking about the “benefits” of Horde stories and here you are denying their very existence.


He was left holding the bag for Sylvanas’s BFA iteration as well as the entirety of Shadowlands.

Other than that, people can’t point to anything that isn’t their own headcanon version of events where every piece of WoW content is written by one person.

Which story archs are you refering to? Most of what happened in Shadowlands stayed in Shadowlands.

It’s not a nitpick. We’re talking about two different things. I was talking about Horde involvement against the Legion. During the Legion there were no prominent characters that stood up this foe. Each time you saw either neutral or Alliance Characters taking initiative, on Horde only Liadrin was doing something, the rest was insignificant NPC that worked more like a props.

During Legion neither Highmountain or NB joined were part of the Horde. So you cannot in good faith count them as Horde representatives, because you recruited them AFTER Legion’s ordeal was over.

Entire Legion expansion was crafed using heavily Alliance themed Order Halls, Neutra/Alliance Heores and even shaman order Hall was dominated by space goats.
Each time you entered the raid you saw Khadgar, Illidan, Velen, and later Turalyon and Alleria.


Alliance-characters ARE the main characters. Every cosmic danger is linked to them, so it’s only natural if they represent these story beats. Doesn’t mean they could have done a better job with the Horde-characters.

Are they? Ever since it’s inception the game was always split on two sides. But the longer the game continued Horde leaders were killed off in raids and dungeons while Alliance remained or returned.

I am pretty sure Burning Legion as much is concerning orcs as it’s concerning Draenei. Because of BL, They were used by it, twisted by their magic, unnaturally their reproduction was altered, their homeland destroyed, and they were made to commit artrocities.

You’d think that Saurfang leading the orcs to unleash their righteous wrath on them would be very uplifting experience after what was done to Vol’Jin. To show that at least orcs have a say in it.

And I see no reason why other representatives cannot be elevated to such a thing.
If they figured out that Alleria can mix with void, then so can Shadowmoon orcs.

Everything can be expanded, and written in compelling way, but Blizzard is chosing not to do it. Seems like they only need Horde to kickstart wars with Alliance. And the result is always the same. Alliance is losing land, Horde is losing characters.


You’re trying to attack a strawman of my comment. Let’s straighten things out;

There are plenty of female WoW characters who came to bad ends that I didn’t cite, because I never said that about all female characters and you know it.

My problem with how Yrel’s story was handled is the clumsy switch, the many unaddressed plot holes, writer’s agendas… In conjunction with who was in the director’s chair for that expansion and what came out about him in the lawsuit…

No, but there’s a lot of issues with the Burning of Teldrassil…

As you said, the Helya - Odyn situation isn’t the same as the Hel - Odin situation, so comparisons don’t work.

You would say that. Anyway;

  1. Getting one-shotted while her 90s-comic-wannabe killer gets off scot-free looks like that sacrifice to me (and an edgelord power fantasy to boot… one of my most hated cutscenes). Some people don’t want to face the fact that something they like came from someone so reprehensible (I understand “separate the art from the artist”, but when the artist’s issues dictate the art…).

  2. After what Illidan did to Akama, one could call what Xe’ra tried to do poetic justice.

I’m only pointing the finger at one writer, who is no longer there. One more nail in the coffin of your accusation, I have no problem with how the female character Razageth was handled (where is she now?).

For all its flaws, I’d take the simplicity of Danuser over the edgelord of Afrasiabi any day.

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You’ve named pretty much every main female character that met a bad end going back to Legion.

Yrel stayed on draenor because she’s from there. The player character leaves draenor. It’s easy to say, “unaddressed plot holes, writer’s agendas”, but you haven’t actually named any.

There’s tons of issues with Sylvanas in general, most stem from the insane amounts of plot armor she was given by Danuser.

It does work in the context you mentioned. In Norse mythology Hel is not given a choice of whether she is to be “enslaved” to rule over the underworld. In fact, she is given MORE agency by the WoW writers as she chooses to create Helheim and rule over it.

Rakeesh killed a Naaru and he’s nowhere near as powerful as Illidan. Illidan is regarded as the chosen one by Xe’ra herself. Illidan is chosen by guldan to be the vessel of Sargeras. If we’re talking morally, killing a being that is trying to forcefully shove the light down your throat is not reprehensible to me personally.

Do you understand “seperate the art from the artist”? Most of your points are simply, “this writer did bad things, thus his storyline decisions are tainted”.

You don’t have a problem with a cardboard cutout big bad that didn’t exist before Dragonflight being killed off? No one does, because no one cares about her. Is this the only female character you can point to that it was ok for the writers to kill off?

Danuser has been a disaster for WoW’s story. I’m not here arguing for Afrasiabi’s reinstatement even though you keep bringing him up. I’m extremely happy that Metzen is coming back and will take back creative control from the disaster that Danuser has created.

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Did Razageth ever turn into a 10/10 elf woman in skimpy exotic clothing like Alex does all the time? Maybe she’d still be alive if she had.