gee i wonder if something happened during this expansion that might have affected content creation.
Interesting, I thought this was common knowledge that they are definitely shifting the manpower on “something”, however what is that something or will it get scrap halfway or when its almost finish we might not know unless they “leak” it or they announce it. (IMO)
We are talking about a multi-billion (or is it now millions now… I haven’t check) extremely popular known company with well know IP… with investors, shareholders (or however its called) and a very “complicated” but loyal following… so its very certain that with the acquisition of Microsoft they might be working over-drive on “something” to please their new Overlords, since they got to make sure they are still around for the future of Blizz…
One only can guess…IMO.
But this is just a guess… it could be many things prior to the resent events.
What does this even mean? This is just buzzwords. If anything, if people play for enjoyment and not achievement we should be getting more fun things to do that aren’t raiding/M+/PvP, not less.
Not to mention, those kinds of things add flavor and character to the world.
Maybe there will be stuff like this revealed later down the road. I can’t imagine that they are boasting some of the biggest zones and there won’t be anything to do in them after your initial playthrough.
Even if they said as much in recent interviews. My copium for this is that Ion lies. Time will tell. But I don’t blame you for not holding your breath.
Nope nothing happened.
Playing for enjoyment is a more robust and rewarding outdoor zone than we’ve seen in awhile. It’s Ion saying that outdoor content matters in interviews about dragon flight. It’s that the game exists outside raids and m+.
I’m sure there’s a lot more they’re not telling us right now.
Also I feel like there’s probably a part two to that cinematic. As in all the dragons arrive and then you know if the dragons found that place at lightspeed there’s no telling what else shows up with them or wakes up.
Jesus people will complain over ANYTHING, even if there isn’t much to complain over. We are getting 4 (I heard they are huge) zones, new capital, a new DRAGON RIDING system, a whole NEW TALENT SYSTEM, a NEW CLASS, NEW RACE, new PROFESSION system, there were a ton more things but honestly you people can’t be happy with anything…
They said similar things before shadowlands…
I hope so.
And one argument is that this presentation they did was not for me and you, it was done for the folks who have quit WoW over the years, who want to hear that WoW is “returning home”, and bogging down the conversation with stuff like Brawler’s Guild might just confuse old players who might not know what that is…
But I’m kind of skeptical. Time will tell. I would like for Dragonflight to have some really awesome stuff but I just really don’t think convincing myself that extra stuff MUST be there is healthy if it turns out this is all we’re getting.
The last 4 expansions have been stacked with long term grinds fueled by short term gimmicks that are extremely cumbersome for alts that basically amounted to obnoxious checklists. My hope is that this lack of borrowed power and grind mechanics means that they’re not planning on micromanaging every second of our gameplay in every aspect of the game.
Sounds like a normal day here on the forums, where people will complain over the smallest of things.
Except everyone was saying they don’t want covenants or the maw, even in alpha everyone said they were going to be bad
Okay but like… what? What outdoor content? So far we only know about stuff like Emissaries/Callings and World Quests. Is dragonflight really going to make that experience revolutionary and new, and not feeling stale/bad?
“Dragonflight has a content drought before the expansion even releases” is not a small thing.
Just wait until Dragontails beta gets here!
Dude, your posts are never anything but baseless whining.
Unsub, you’ll be happier and you wont be missed.
Says the people complaining there isn’t enough…
I love how people respond with… Dragon Flying. If that is going to be the only thing people have to look forward to, we are all going to be disappointed.
And yet, you haven’t been been given the full look at all the content that is to come in Dragonflight. Come back later after Dragonflight has been released then say that.
Part of me thinks that maybe it could be a pre-expansion cinematic /teaser. It’s not the big reveal. People can say a lot of things about Warcraft but typically the cinematics usually are Blockbuster Marvel worthy. This cinematic came across like that after credits scene of a Marvel movie
This one was pretty cool but it doesn’t really suggest anything other than here’s a place that’s been “untouched” for 10,000 years and yet follows that same pattern of no one’s been to Pandaria zandalar suramar nor Uldum.