What exactly is Blizzard doing?

did we play the same SL i remember it being really good until SoD which then everyone got sick of because it was the longest patch we ever had.
also DF is confirmed to not have the leggo system, no barrowed powers, less systems (which remember the large majority of forums complained about which got mission tables removed) its like they are giving what the forums want and now they arent happy saying there is nothing there.
its why i said this is a beach episode. people are getting what they want and we still havent seen everything as very few things have been shown to us.

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They’re reworking the garbage talent system. Not to mention they’re creating a class specific talent system to stand next to the other one. Now multiply that by every single spec and double it for the class specific one.

They’re bringing in a whole new Race with two specs. They’re finally getting rid of the barriers for Race / Combos. They’re bring in a badass flying system that they stole from GW2.
They’re adding a new rotation system for M+ that has old Dungeons as part of the rotation (BTW M+ people, I don’t know if it’s currently a thing or not, but if they ever add in M+ Shadow Labs from BC, GOOD FREAKING LUCK TRYING NOT TO AGGRO MULTIPLE PACKS OF MOBS AT ONCE!!!, OR TRYING TO SPEED RUN IT!! The second Boss has a fear Mechanic that even applies to the Tank and it happens a minimum of 2-3 times per fight)

Not to mention they’re making reputations in the Dragon Isles both Account bound, and you can progress them all at the same time. I HIGHLY suspect this is going to be a test for making all Reps account bound. I would be VERY surprised if the exact after DF doesn’t have fully account bound reps.

So what exactly are you complaining about? They’re going head over heels for fan service; don’t complain dude! DF is shaping up to be the best WoW expansion of all time.

Don’t be “that guy” who is complaining about all of the changes that Blizzard is making that we have been begging for, for years now!!


I’m baffled that you can actually believe that. Historically Blizzard’s first announcement of an expansion actually ends up having MORE features than are actually released because they end up cutting content between the announcement and release. If you think that you’re going to get major additions to what has been presented you’re deluding yourself.

As for the expansion, I don’t think people really understand how much of an undertaking the new talent system really is. It is going to change one of the most fundamental aspects of the game that everything is balanced around basically. I would actually bet that they had a lot of trouble just digging through code trying to understand how certain things even work. This game is so old that there are parts of the game and code that no one currently working at Blizzard had any part in designing. There’s evidence of this in all sorts of weird little things that break when updates go live. Blizzard accidentally breaks stuff because they aren’t even entirely sure how it works anymore.

I’m actually happy there will be no borrowed power garbage. It’s been bad for the game for a long time and I think that scrapping it is a great direction. I think that people who are looking at Dragonflight purely in terms of “content” aren’t seeing the big picture. They are improving the core structure of the game which will lead to a far better experience in the long run. I would much rather they fix problems that have compounded over several expansions than slap on some more bandages in the form of fresh content.


Man, just need to wait before we pass judgement. For all we know they got something that they don’t want to reveal right away because It’d be borderline spoilery. Which could be awesome, or it could make the expansion a complete dumpster fire where the game would’ve been better with bare bones just 8 dungeons/1 raid and be something you’re done with in like a month of casual play. Or it could actually be a bare bone expansion

Eitherway, we’ll probably need to wait and see how the alpha/beta period shapes up to get a real look into the expansion.


Yeah cool, less systems, borrowed powers and all but that’s not what I’m hoping for personally. More activities, less of the same. The game is so focused on combat it’s crazy. The profession rework is the thing I’m most excited about in the new xpac and possibly, good gearing in pvp but I don’t think anything is confirmed yet. I wish the story telling will be better too.


lmao… some people are wild man.

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Blizzard gave you a peanut butter sandwich when you have a peanut allergy. We told them we have a peanut allergy… so they threw the sandwich in the trash. And now we’re just hungry.

It’s not a new system. They’re putting saw dust in the flour in order to stretch it out, making less appear to last longer. They can claim S2 has “four new dungeons” simply because we had 4 less new dungeons in S1. It’s not a positive, it’s actually a negative.

None of what you said scratches the itch of “wanting to do things in the game”.

When you’re playing DF, you’re going to be playing a game that has less content than Shadowlands has. Straight up. There’s no ifs ands or buts about it - you’re going to be getting less and you already didn’t get that much with SL.


let me show you dragon riding :smiley: . and we dont know the story also PvP will never be good because MMO PvP has and will always be bad and poor.

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OP you sound like you’ve already made up your mind so I don’t really see the point of this thread.


I love how simple it sounds OP.


They’re trying to return to how things were because that’s what people whined about:

  1. no more systems! give us talent trees! done.
  2. no more cosmic stuff! Done, back to azeroth.
  3. no more borrowed powers! Done, just more levels and gear as the standard of powers.
  4. Less focus on esport m+!!!111 Done, only 4 new dungeons, and the other 4 are recycled.
  5. No pathfinder! Well, here they kiiiiiiiinda kept to their guns, but gave dragon riding in its stead.
  6. Been so long since a new class or race! Done, have both (but not anything else or any mix and matching because… I dunno, racials? Who knows?)

I agree, it’s grossly underwhelming. I at least was excited when SL was announced before ANY features were revealed — this though? Bleh.

Edit: I do hope, however, that they reveal more “charge” skills/abilities for the other classes. I really like the idea of charged up skills with different effects for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc second charges. It’s fun to think about “charging” my howling blast with MULTIPLE procs active to just annihilate a mob, or being on Disc and asking friends “yo watch my back I’m ending this!” because a certain charged skill makes you take 500% extra damage while you charge but hits like a truck if you get it off.

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“Waaaaaah there’s too many systems in the game now”

“Waaaaaah there’s no systems in the game now”

Pick one.

This community is a joke


Dragon riding is just a thing you do to get around. If there’s races and all, cool but otherwise I don’t really care, we already have flying in the game.

Also, that’s just your opinion. WoW PVP is insanely fun and very good for me. I just wish the gear acquisition would be simpler just like in WoD.

And the sad reality is, that in the vast majority of cases I do not expect it to provide increased player satisfaction for a large portion of the freshest periods of the expansion.

I expect this system to be a complete disaster for most of the duration of the expansion, barely floating above water until several hotfixes after 10.2 where it finally starts to provide dividends.

I’ve got my copium mask secured tightly to my face praying for Mage Tower 2.0 at launch, or a Brawler’s Guild revamp, or something. I’m extremely doubtful though.


Imagine people arguing that Pathfinder is content.


The new features is the new dungeons, raids, tier, contenant, and lore to those who care about it.

We don’t need, systems etc
Please keep that away from the game.


I agree. So far I like what I’ve heard.

Not to mention, it sounds like PvP will be accessible for everyone and to be honest, that’s what I did in between the standard stuff in past expansions. Did my PvE stuff, raided if that’s what I was feeling at the time, and to fill in the gaps, casual unrated BG’s.

Looking forward to that gameplay cycle again (if it’s true!) and not having to worry about system after system.


You people say that about every new thing Blizzard releases so its no wonder they stop listening to the players.

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So what is it that you’d like to see in the next expansion, that you haven’t seen yet? Genuinely curious.

Because at this point I am going in with zero expectations, but still looking forward to it because of what we’ve seen so far. Which, I agree, is very little.

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WoW PvP is who has better CC and burst. its unbalanced and the smallest player base of WoW players. and the issue with WoD was everyone was using PvP gear so the idea is to make PvP gear not good for PvE and harder to obtain to use for PvE.

What great hidden features came into play after BFA and Shadowlands was announced?