What exactly do people want from delves?

The best thing about delves is we get to see all the same arguments raiders used against M+ be used by M+ players against delves


No. Delves are fine the way they are. Most people donā€™t post on this forum. And some Iā€™ve talked with across a few higher pop servers in chat channels are perfectly happy with how things are.

Not sure where people are getting these delusions, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s from the M+ crowd who have this obsession with trashing Delves, forgetting that M+ is the red-headed stepchild of the end game pillars and weā€™re just the new kid on the block.

Oh I agree, but I guess theoretically if you were some person who played 10 hours a day and were willing to spam delves or something, youā€™d be able to gear up pretty fast in real-world time. That may actually be a concern for a certain type of player, but I suspect casual delvers would never do thisā€¦ so if they like hard limited you to 1 map per week or something, thatā€™s no sweat off my back.

Yeah, kinda funny isnā€™t it?


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Honestly one thing I would really like is the ability to downgrade Brann. Mine is level 60, and it trivializes the content for my new alts. If I could reset him to 15 (just for an individual delve) to have the original experience, that would be pretty cool IMO.

I remember the first T8 I did on my rogue just after dinging 80 with my ~50ish Brann. I could hardly pull aggro from him. IMO thatā€™s not what Delves are supposed to be likeā€¦ and it definitely wasnā€™t like that when I did it on my first char.

So many players begged for alt-friendly features and Brannā€™s character level being account wide is such a feature. While itā€™s a nuisance to you, I doubt the devs are going to walk-back an alt-friendly feature.

They could allow an optional reset to L15, but theyā€™d have to add code to make Brannā€™s level per-character rather than account-wide and why spend dev-$ for something unless itā€™s a benefit for the majority of players?


Best solution would probably be allowing the player to remove Brann in Delves.

Going into S2 heā€™s probably going to remain capped assuming Blizzard doesnā€™t increase it.

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Nah you misunderstandā€¦ I just mean when you enter a delve, or even go to Brannā€™s little crate that you use to configure him, you just select his level. No need to make the change permanent. Itā€™d be totally optional. And of course, it would only go down. You couldnā€™t select a level higher than what heā€™s actually leveled to.


That could also work too

I would like more cosmetics! Whether appearances, pets, toys or unlocked character customization (global hairstyle for all races that you see on a boss in the delve, so on and so forth!), I would be more incentivized.

And more difficulty to justify higher item level gear.

The community I represent loves delves, and would like more challenge.


I think itā€™s weird you can buy the cosmetic helms that can drop in delves (if your RNG is bad) with undercoin but you cant buy the pets that can drop in delves.


I want more activities, like platforming, finding hidden chests. Maybe put weekly chances at cosmetics in those chests

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What would I like to make the delve experience more engaging?

Varied companions that do what thier class generally does

Brann is fine as a MM hunter
maybe include some others like:

  • A prot warrior character that would be more warrior tank like
  • An arcane mage that would be very DPS mage-y
  • A resto druid/shaman that would be more focued on heals with the occasional DPS rotation thrown in.

much like the artifact weapons/heart of Azeroth/covenant ā€¦ heros? you would unlock a talent tree on them the more you used them to further improve or customize thier abilities.

my 2c.

But my immediate wish is for the companion shrinker we got in Legion to work on Brann

I only heard people complaining if they get one-shot.

How does ā€œknowing your classā€ avoid one-shots? Defensives arenā€™t meant to be up 100% of the time, and not every class can interrupt often enough to interrupt 100% of the time your defensives are down. If every mob has one-shot damage, you are going to be one-shot.

What I read is that youā€™re not happy with delves giving half the rewards you get, unless they are literally too difficult to be done.

uh. Under the advice of counsel, I will not answer that.

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To figure out what ā€œpeopleā€ want, you would need to start by categorizing the different sorts of people who play the game and that content, so you could understand what each of those groups want.

What I want from Delves is what I am getting from Delves. The chance to max out some gear and move on to new content. How I get there should not matter. Every deserves the gear and the content they enjoy.

Heā€™s becoming a tank in the next season

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All of which requires new code (unless this is somehow an existing hidden feature thatā€™s already been coded and verified through testing, such that they can enable it with just the flip of a switch). Again, I donā€™t see them spending dev-$ on anything unless they think itā€™s a majority benefit that will attract new subs, retain existing subs, or generate cash shop sales (no return on investment, then that investment idea never gets a green-light to go into development).

I think delves are fine the way they are except for perhaps a few small tweaks to mechanics.

I will say, though, that the Undercoin vendor is way too overpriced, especially the WuE gear.