What exactly do people want from delves?

I want a horde companion… Rexxar specifically.

I want more stories, more delves.

I want more flame throwers.

I want a small amount of crests for completing 9+.


false hypothesis…

mythic raiders being protected by Ion…

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Mainly to be left alone, stop bugging us!


I’m fine w delves as they are now. I get an adequate reward for the time I’ve invested and if I want a more difficult challenge, it’s available to me.

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I understand I suck, my class sucks, my spec sucks, etc. no real need to mention it.

I am at iLevel 619, I completed a D10. I got facepunched at D11.

I personally, would like 3 Guilded Crests from a D10 bounty reward.


But M+ players have this false sense of entitlement that makes them think they can dictate what rewards everyone else get. What is next, will they get to decide pvp rewards too?


I don’t see a problem with higher rewards and more difficult delves, the main point of delves was to do solo content, and avoid grouping with people and have bad mythic +/raid experiences.

That was the main issue that people had with m+ and raids, not the difficulty itself.

Although some m+ dungeon bosses are not well tuned, or have too many mechanics.


Wait, you don’t do that?


someone who doesnt understand delves acting like they know everything about delves…

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Delves are already fine the way they are. As the saying goes, they ain’t broke, don’t fix them.

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better asthetics for me… overall i think delves are not exciting.
if you have the hall of valors dungeon for example, the delves feel like i invaded that dungeon kitchen, then i’m sneaking at night and fighting off the cockroaches and the big final boss coakroach.

delve super asthetic reward for its boring “mage tower” challenge, its a zepelin that learned to use void form… its boring, i’m sorry.

Speaking for myself. The rewards delves give are just right. 603 with a chance at 1 616 per week. Thats more than enough for me. What is lacking for me is the creativity of delves. All delves are static, especially map-wise. Mobs are all about bullet sponging at higher levels, at least the fodder if not the bosses. There’s gotta be a way thats better than using that to simulate difficulty.

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From what I was told Horrific Vision provided that in BfA so they could be experimenting with that or offering as an alternative for delves.

So I am interested in seeing what happens in 11.1.5.

I’m already getting what i want from them, just leave it alone.

Most of us would likely abandon that system entirely and what they thought they had as an evergreen feature would die with TWW. They need to increase the ilvl of Mythic rewards, and raise the ceiling. They screwed up, but punishing solo and casual gamers is not optimal.

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Content for me is , first; is it fun? I want to enjoy what I play. Rewards don’t make boring content fun, they make it bearable. But ultimately, after the first run of things, it just doesn’t feel fun to do. And for there being a treasure room, there really isn’t much gold or dopamine to be had from the treasures lol which is a common theme with Blizzard.

The rewards are fine.
I’ve heard some people complain about the “farmability” of Maps to get Hero gear at a high rate. I don’t think people who are casual Delvers are doing that sort of farming for low-drop rate stuff, so I wouldn’t even mind nerfing that. But aside from that, they’re fine.

This is my sentiment on Mythics. Same 8 dungeons over and over. Then again, the same could be said for raiding. All content is a treadmill. WQs, Dailies, Weeklies, Battle Pet tamers, and so on. If it is fun, repeating it is not the problem. However, when it feels more like a job, and less like a game, that is where they lose my interest.

The map drop rates are terrible anyway.

People saying they are farmable is laughable. Even if you do, gl hoping it isn’t a duplicate after slogging through RNG.


This might be how they are designed now, but according to Blizzard’s own statements, they wanted Delves to be a “pillar of endgame”. Which they are VERY far from right now.

Right now Delves are glorified world content with better gear. They last 3-5 weeks, then either become irrelevant (just like all other world content) or they become one of the game’s biggest grinds.

What I would like to see in delves going forward …

  • More balanced gear progression - maybe slow down acquisition of champion gear in the beginning (still get heroic from vault), but then buff the drop rate of rune crests in high difficulty levels (ie, +11’s drop 5-7 rune crests)
  • Better balance around classes/specs/roles. Right now, they are pretty unbalanced when it comes to what some spec/classes/roles can do verse others. This should also figure in difficulty level as well so t8’s feel more balanced / challenging for all classes (if that’s even possible)
  • More variety of delves … Right now they are all just extended world quests. We need more variety

I do agree myth track gear has no place in Delves, but fully upgrading the hero gear you do get (via transmutation) should definitely be possible before the end of the season, as long as they difficulty matches.