What exactly do people want from delves?

I want the achievements

You deny me the right to have challenging solo content then state i cannot get gear from content that is easy. Make it make sense. I want challenge. I want gear. I do not want to work in a group.

You get mad i generalize about self absorbed little gits, but then say all solo players are casual by necessity.

So riddle my this, im in a very active guild that maintains a strict 2 week or get booted policy. 1000 players. At all times.

We dont even have a raiding group (itā€™s done via multiple guilds due to lack of interest). No one does mythics. No one does dungeons. You see people pugging a little, but its uncommon.

But what do i see? Endlessly? For the 100 plus players who are online all the time? Achievements. For solo content. And they arenā€™t easy ones, or ones you do in a day.

The hardest challenges and most long term commitments in this game sure as hell arenā€™t AOTC trash that you discard in a season. Secret finders donā€™t do mythics but work harder than you ever have to uncover fiendish clues.

The issue is that our challenges are almost NEVER met with gear. Gear that would make much of our soloing MUCH easier.

ā€œI dont understand being yelled at over a videogameā€ are you the one doing the yelling then? Or are you lying about dojng group content? Because if you have done group content, you have dealt with people who make mistakes who hold the group back. Or you have been that person.

And while you may thrive on that sort of stress, some of us prefer our stress to be based on choices WE make.

And yes, itā€™s sort of a whole thing where solo players leave when we run out of content. And blizzard has to feel that in the pockets of their shareholders.

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More rewards for doing delves above 8 would be good, but Iā€™m generally happy with delves the way they are. Theyā€™re perfect for gearing alts and you donā€™t have to drag down pugs with toons you play part-time.

The best thing about them is that you can play them in groups of less than 5.