What ever happened to "You think you do but you don't" guy?

I mean, there’s a big oof. Is he still a Blizz influencer? Just curious if anyone has this news.


He’s the president of Blizzard. Are you trolling? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ll bet he wakes up in the middle of the night, sometimes. Haunted by what he has said


He’s the President, not the CEO. Blizzard has no CEO anymore.


Tomato potato. Close enough.:wink:


He’s already explained several times what he meant when he said this and crazy thing is that he’s right. Doesn’t stop dweebs from trotting it out every few weeks though.

Some people buck the trend and actually do just want Classic WoW, a 1-to-1 recreation of the game as it was prior to the launch of TBC. A whole lot of people want a hundred different other things from this project though. The simple fact is most of the community for this game can’t agree on what the game should be. That’s what he was talking about.


Oh reeeeaally, what was he right about, exactly?


He’s just gaslighting.

Maybe he meant it all as a joke, but probably not. Even after he answered “no”, he was triggered enough to keep on talking.

We can agree on 1.12, even though some want changes that won’t happen.

But, that’s not what he was talking about. The question that was asked was basically, “Is there plans for legacy servers, EXACTLY as they were?”
“No, you don’t want to play that game… you think you do, but you don’t.”

He was quite rude and condescending about it IMO.


Of course he was. It couldn’t possibly be the community intentionally misinterpreting a tongue-in-cheek remark and intentionally tuning out any context that doesn’t hold to the “lol blizz sux” line. No, never that.


His meaning was:

“The Retail WoW market does not want Vanilla style difficulty”.

He’s totally right in that point. He was totally wrong about how many people don’t fall into that market. Our job (yes job) is to prove to him that the people who don’t are more than the people do fall into that market.


Not trolling! I’m just lazy! Now that I’m googling, you are right, he’s now the president. Wow.

That’s never going to happen, the retail playerbase is larger than the classic playerbase (of course there’s some cross over), we’ve just proven that the classic playerbase is big enough to support a Classic version, we don’t have to be bigger than retail (And we won’t be)

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We don’t have those numbers. Some guesstimates have Retail as low as 1.5 million, or as high as 5 million. And as a dozen diehards are rabidly typing right now, Vanilla finished with 7+ million subs.


It could be, but it’s not. He said it. He meant it. Now he is eating those words. He gets paid either way though so I doubt he cares.


Lol. That comment propelled him into the boss’s chair. That comment was by design. Right down to the fake nerd asking the question.

Like others have said, he’s the president now, but he’s also one of the reasons why this project is here in the first place. The guy ate his words and was there when the Nostalrius guys were invited over and tested their servers himself. People aren’t scripted WoW mobs, the guy is completely capable of changing his mind.

I don’t blame Blizzard for wanting to see what they can do to improve retail, rather than go through all the work of making Classic not only available but and up to Blizzard standards. One involves adjusting course with one project, the other requires you organize a whole new team. I just don’t think they understood how much we wanted the game as it was.

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Mike Morhaim was still the Blizzard CEO when that decision came about no?

I’d like to think that was Mike’s farewell to the community. Might not be real, but for me it is :sunglasses:


No we can’t. Some people think 1.12 is terrible despite most of the things in 1.12 that they complain about, happening prior to 1.12.


Too bad. Blizzard doesn’t have much of anything from before 1.12 thanks to their shoddy patching process back then. The complainers need to get over it.