What Else is being Cut from Wrath?

ROFLMAO, this is a player created response, Blizzard listened and all the toxic posters like the op flaming anyone that didn’t agree with their opinions. LFD and Dual spec have had the most vile and elitist bully threads on the forum, welp guess you got #changes


He’s not alone. Many people point to wrath (toc patch) not cata, as the turning point.



If I can add some more food for thought. When prompted if the LFD decision was final, he did not confirm that, but that it seems to be the direction for now.

He was actually asked about a Cata Classic as well. He was surprisingly open about the idea of continuing classic past wrath and into something like Cata. However, he did double down on the mindset that Cata would be modified with this same “Classic” mantra. As such, features like “LFR” would not be included. I personally think that the raids+harder dungeons of Cata would be fun to replay, so I’m all for it, but your mileage may vary.

Yes I know, the less involvement with change they have the better. Bfa and slands is a great example what todays devs are capable of…

You enjoyed doing nothing, and you wonder why the community would have a problem with that?

Go do nothing and be good at the game in retail.

People that are stressing LFD not being included in the game are just mad they can’t do less for the same reward. Laziness isn’t going to make the game more fun. And that’s coming from someone that genuinely wanted boosts for DK’s cause I’m dreading having to quest through outlands all over again for a 4th time. Albeit, I don’t think forming a group through social channels in game is that difficult with LFG Bulletin board addon. Imo if you’re on a dead server, pay to move to a populated one like the most of us did and you’ll have 0 issues forming dungeon groups.

Yeah that’s a hard “no” then.

I was running dungeons with people because I like running dungeons. But by all means explain to me how doing something was doing nothing…

yOu ArE jUsT lAzY

Oh okay. Go buy another boost.


“We’ve decided to remove mounts because the community feels the movement speed increase is counter to the spirit of Classic and the community feel”.


That’s a true argument, they can still do heroics just takes more effort. I’m on the side of Lfd early but am not passionate to the point it breaks the game for me. As you said, just a convenience tool, especially for leveling and gearing alts.

I’m on Bene so don’t have to worry about numbers but inevitably those on dying servers who held on for this chance of hope are squashed

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It is being removed because its only purpose was tied to LFD originally (since you couldnt trade greens to the cross-realm enchanter to enchant before he dips from queue).

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You forgot the evidence, “our internal data which you can totally trust shows players do not like saving time nor flying. In the spirit of classic and community…”

Seems like theyre removing/restricting some of the more obvious hand holding elements.


we’ve also lost faction and race change - both wrath features


Who says I’ve bought any boosts?

I was hopeful for DK boost which would have skipped a grand total of 15 levels compared to players that are going to buy 70 boosts skipping a whole 70 levels.

But that doesn’t imply that I bought a boost for TBC. I have 2 70s, a 62 Paladin, and this 50 warrior. All no boost. Pretty easy to quest on auto pilot watching something in the background and do dungeons with friends while watching tv. You’d be amazed at the things you can do when you put your mind to it.

And I said you are lazy cause you quite literally said you had fun being idle which is the definition of not doing something. But I guess I needed to explain to you what you said.

Go away.

Reading is fundamental you absolute spoon.


I get it but also $25 they can avoid crying. “But $25 is a lot” I mean please… you spend $15/mo for this game, you unfortunately chose a bad realm, it happens. Pay to be on a more populated realm if you care about groups being easier to form. That’s just the facts.

Actually, this would be done to increase the ‘replayability’ of each Phase.

They know Cata Classic isn’t going to land very well. So they’re trying to stretch out Wrath Classic for as long as possible.

In hopes that enough of us will migrate back over to Retail.

So as to not significantly impact revenue when we, inevitably, quit Wrath Classic out of boredom.

Think about it this way, I’m in Eastern Kingdoms doing quests Duskwood. I want to do a dungeon let’s say, Scarlet Monastery, to get there will take me pretty much an hour is that lazy? Let’s use another example. What if I want to do any dungeon on the other continent while leveling? should I just stop leveling want pst everyone I /who that are in the level range?

is me wanting LFD while questing without actually stopping questing a bad thing?

“Just go over there when you get a group.”

Okay then what? Wait for 3 other people to join in who knows how long?

That’s the thing, you aren’t gonna need the boost because you can just level through dungeons and if LFD were to be in the game you’d be getting to 70 even faster!

Ah yes, me who’s on the most populated server in my region should move to NA to get more dungeons… yes makes sense.

Even highly populated servers don’t have that many dungeons being run, well maybe the usual ones are but you try to go outside of those and the dungeon (heroic) daily, you’ll be hard pressed to form a group especially a questing dungeon.

That isn’t what he said though.


I mean if you want more context, In short I’ve leveled through outlands 4 separate times in original TBC and Wrath. Including today in Classic realms.

Given the privilege of boosting toons a whole 70 levels is being made available where a 15 level boost to DK isn’t being made available. The logic just seems backwards to me.

I digress, they already confirmed they won’t be offering boost to DK’s and I’ll have to level through Outlands again a 5th time sadly. Which I’ll do purely without LFD which I will not complain about.