What Else is being Cut from Wrath?

Because in WoW forum Parlance ‘Error’s’ == ‘inconveniences’.

They’re not meant to add inconveniences, they’re meant to remove them. According to the collective pimply wisdom of the WoW forums.

This of course is a fundamental misunderstanding of what Blizzard considers “errors”.

They’re talking about design errors, things that hinder the game from fulfilling its intended goals - which may result in added player convenience or even less player convenience. Convenience has always been irrelevant to the equation. To Blizzard constraints are a fundamental tool of game design, convenience is not a priority. This is true for any game development. Blizzard are just thinking about this the way they’re trained to - the way their industry views this.

Having said that, I think their logic in this case is flawed as I think the design of WoTLK was indeed to broaden WoWs appeal to “dip in dip out” players and to open up access to content beyond the traditional guild system. Thus removing the LFD does counter that to a degree.

But the idea that game design is about removing constraints and adding convenience is laughably wrong and self serving. Driven by entitlement and the need for instant gratification. Blizzards idea of #somechanges has never been aligned the the WoW forum pundits idea of it. You only need to look at the changes so far in aggregate to see that. A small percentage of them did anything at all to add convenience.

I hope so!

I know I’m late to the party, but can I have your stuff?


What’s the point of calling it WRATH Classic if 1/2 the things that were in Wrath aren’t even in the game? I really believe that Blizzard is making these changes purely in an attempt to sabotage the game in hopes of it failing.

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I’ve heard this theory multiple times, and I just don’t get it. What’s the point of self sabotage? It just doesn’t make sense. Its more likely that they don’t want to do any coding at all, or just extreme incompetence.

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Extreme incompetence, but also we knew that the current WoW devs didn’t want anything to do with Classic. They weren’t happy that many players (the subscriptions doubled with Classic) would rather play a much older game than theirs.

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Breaking your post into it’s sections to answer each part individually, adding a dividing line where you start getting into speculation

Yeah… This is an area you and I agree on. LFD should be in this game, and there’s a number of reasons that would support it.

Personally I’d argue that the largest arguments against LFD being added have been complete nonsense as well.

Finally, I’d say that the largest degradation of the “community” currently in game is the proliferation of P2W culture, and the seeming tacit endorsement of gold buying, botting, and gkdps on blizzard’s behalf.

Yeah I can’t for the life of me understand the nerfing Dual Spec argument. Straight asinine.

I’m actually fine with this IN THEORY, but it’s a case by case thing depending on the exact situation. One of the things they’ve commented on was dungeon boosting, and I’m all for taking that out back and pummeling it to death with a nerf bat.

I thought this was a really weird choice myself, apparently meant to incentivize more enchanter mains. That said, if they really wanted to incentivize Enchanting, make the ring enchants be MAIN STATS (STR/AGI) instead of attack power. As it stands I can’t really justify considering Enchanter without being “wrong” via losing out compared to other professions. This isn’t actually unique to enchanter either.

Now for the speculative parts:

I’ve seen nothing suggesting nerfing of looms, but really removing LFD is going to be the bigger factor in less people leveling alts. I’d be opposed to nerfing heirlooms in any way

That would be an awfful change that would largely just delete 10man from existence. The loot is already worse in most cases, and irrelevant by 25hc, so why bother?

Actually an interesting question.

I’m mixed on this. I think ToGC is the only instance where this is warrented, because running the “same” raid 4x a week is straight cancer. I wouldn’t want this impacting any other raids though.

I don’t see any way that they could do this… and no that was not in any way shape or form a challenge to blizz

Possibly unpopular opinion, but I would actually be in favor of this… and/or even making things like this classic-account wide.

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Definitely whine-y enough

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I suppose if they sabotaged Wrath so that it crashes and burns then they don’t have to ask the question “what about Cataclysm?” They’re working on retail, plus running SOM for vanilla and probably TBC at some point. Then they have to run Wrath. All of that costs money, and eventually, the profit has to flatline. Otherwise, what’s next? Just keep going until you’re running a retail expansion, the latest classic expansion, and 10 different SOM’s?

I feel like they just want it to end with Wrath. So they’re making decisions they know will be unpopular with various groups and saying it’s “what the community wants.”

Either that or let everyone skin, and gather, cause it’s not fair to only make one proffession public access. You want chanting mats then pick chanting.

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