What does the community want?

I am the community.

whips out red lightsaber (please don’t read that the wrong way)

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love rocket

That’s just the thing, there’s nothing easy about it, because not everyone is asking for those things. therein lies the problem. those two things literally mean absolutely nothing to me. And I am not alone.

The biggest mistake this game has ever made was trying to be everything to everyone. the only thing that happens is you alienate everyone, because many of the things we want are in direct opposition to what others want.

More night elf/nightborne females.

Like, a lot more.

A pvp system not locked behind rated content

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Ohrin: “So what I see that players want is class balance”
Class balance (power balance) will never happen in WoW simply because of the differences
between pve and pvp. I’ve been playing WoW since 05’ and it has always been an issue. I realized this long ago and decided to choose the aspects of WoW I liked and pretty much ignored the rest.

Atleast buy a girl dinner first :kissing_heart:

It is easy to do, not easy to get people to be happy about it.

Class balance is hard because people want that balance be immune to ignorance. They want to be balanced even if they are crappy players. The actual problem in most cases is this.

Customization, well, the same. People want what they want, and the ones whining cant get happy with what they have. If they get a Carbon Engine style customization, people will still complain about it.

Well I want… heritage armor, night elf paladins, and more Druid form skins.

The community wants everything else. 200 new races, 50 new classes, 123 new quest skips, ripcords pulled, instant leveling, and BIS items from the vault every week.

To be fair, this is kinda like the girlfriend you gave herpes to, asking for you to call her. Any communication the devs/CSMs attempt is going to be met with frothing rage.

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I was speaking generally. Those are the general things I see come up over and over again on the forums.

We can’t direct feedback if we’re all asking for very specific things that may or may not fit into the same categories.

The teams working on the game have to be aware of how abrasive the grinds and multilayered systems on top of systems are.

That’s not an easy fix. They designed this entire expansion around those things.

Identifying the general things the community seems to want serves as a way to direct constructive feedback that isn’t nerdrage and pretentious dismissal.

Wouldn’t that be preferable to all the complaining, finger-pointing, and asking to speak to the raid manager going on constantly?

I want some friggin pet sharks with some friggin laserbeams!


A better dev team and better writers.

My soulbind able to slot a legendary power

The community wants skittles.


I want my mage and warlock and priests to be able to wear simple robes, and pointy hats.

Simple patterns that look like cloth, and not 500 lb metallic mesh that looks like it was crammed together by an artist trying their hand at millennial avant-garde.

I’m a cloth wearing mage. Not a robot.

More :cow2:bell

I just want the game to be fun.

More class balancing that targets more than raid balance. Monthly or biweekly would be good.

Less crap like shards. You have to raid to get shards, pieces to put the shards in and some useless currency to upgrade the shards.

10 man mythic raiding. Flex would be better but if nothing else, blizzard seem obsessed with gating the best gear behind mythic raiding and have been slowly killing the games non-raiding community because of the amount of raid teams that fall apart on a weekly basis due to the asinine 20 man requirement. It’s time to drop this two expansions ago. Make it so with 9.2 or scrap the whole expansion and make it like this in 10.0. Seriously. This is getting stupid.

More unique things for players that push mythic+. Transmogs, titles, ability to upgrade to max item level. Something that makes pushing have more of a reward given that the current mythic+ rating system has gutted what was once the much better raider io score.

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