I would simply like to paste the definition of T for Teen here so that it can be compared to what is being removed from the game. Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
I would like to highlight CRUDE HUMOR and SUGGESTIVE THEMES that is all.
Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Tumblr the wise.
Great. What’s your point?
They aren’t making the changes because the ESRB told them to.
its like rated M for mature but for standards defined by T for teenager
Simple my point is rather then deal with actual in real life issues they are choosing to spend time in game with things that for the most part do not need to be addressed. There are some outliers I will admit. It is very patronizing to the playerbase. I believe I could make a fair assumption that most of the playerbase is at least early adult to late teenager so stop treating us like 8 year olds and deal with issues in real life not in a fantasy game.
It means I can play it and they won’t keep me out with one of those horrendous pop-ups asking me if I’m the correct age!
All of these changes are being made by employee request, to make them more comfortable with the game they’re making. You may not think they need to be addressed, but clearly the people making the game disagree.
Per the Blizzard message regarding the changes…the changes were driven by internal employee discussions and player requests; e.g. “real life issues”
That rating system is a joke. Does anyone actually pay attention to it? I have seen parents bring their kids into rated R movies without batting an eye. I have seen parents buy certain games for their young kids that probably shouldn’t be playing those games.
Tell me, what employee had a problem with the word Damsel.
Yeah, the good ol days …
TBF Maturity isn’t a set age, I’ve seen immature 40 year olds and mature 13 year olds
Everyone knows. And this has been addressed by Blizz already.
I feel as if everyone just refuses to acknowledge their response to the community.
Oof, good faith engaging Briselody. Mistake.
All these changes just make me wonder about Blizzard “Why you always in a mood?”
I really should just not respond to specific people anymore I always seem to try and explain why I have my opinion to people that are so steadfast and stubborn in beliefs that the debate just goes in circles and makes everyone involved mad.
No idea. Ask Blizzard.
Always nice to meet a fan.
Yep, time to take another shot.
T for Toddler bwahahahah
There comes a point when you can’t give in to EVERY demand though.
Damsel is not an offensive word, to anyone. There was nothing offensive about that hilarious quest.
Quite a few of these things that are being removed are harmless, there is nothing wrong with innuendos.
If it’s something you can do to another person? Sure, I’d give it that. This is all just too much.
RIP Jormuttar is sooo fat