What does Orgrimmar smell like

So many darn Alliance corpses. We kill more than we can eat! The Blood Elves made an elixir that makes us undead smell like daisies ( or so I’ve heard, my nose fell off the other day which is more a blessing than a curse.)

Blood and thunder

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All the closed shops you can’t go into are food vendors. Smells like a State Fair all the time. Roasting meat, hot pretzels, funnel cakes, brewing beer, roasted corn… It’s enough to drown out the sweat and dirt.

blood and lightning maybe, i can’t smell thunder, great phrase though

I can’t do anymore likes today, so here is my like.

It smells like spikes.

Yes, just spikes.

Crap :+1:

I was talking to an orc and he said “IT SMELLS LIKE VICTORY !!!”.

Smoke, mostly. With a, not so subtle, fragrance of urine, feces and vegetative rot. Except when Alliance raids, then they give it a once over cleaning, change the sheets, and place flowers and air freshners on the dining room tables.

:poop: :100: :poop:

probably a dirty gym locker

an old foot

To anyone interested here is a link:

I always thought Orgrimmar would smell like crotch.

I am so glad olfactory organs are not stimulated by video games.

If the game were a 400-metre swimming medley in a sewer, yeah… Org smells like Victory. (It would smell identical to defeat in that game, though…)

The city is in a desert wasteland, yet there’s a bonfire on every street corner, so it probably smells like ash and sweaty orcs.

How does a city full of Orcs smell? Well put it this way, it only improved with the arrival of Forsaken refugees.

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It honestly smells like hot Chinatown garbage

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Still better than anything Stormwind would smell like. No indoor plumbing and all those block buildings…it would reek!