What does Orgrimmar smell like

I’d say it mixes into a nice smell that makes you want to both inhale it and gag because you know where it probably came from.
Kinda like when your bathroom trip smells like home cooking and you think to yourself “if I didn’t know where this came from, this smell would make me hungry”.

Dirt and body odor. Orcs arent clean.

Thunderbluff smells like a dairy farm.

Sweat, cow, death and there is a tiny bit of a sweet smell from the elves, but if you mix all those smells together it can kill you.

That’s why I prefer to go to Pandaria for the summer so I don’t have to breath toxic air.


Marred Ogre innards

Your mom.

Edit: But I do appreciate the number of uncommonly thoughtful replies to this tired thread theme.

when they dance… it’s awful - wafting it all

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Hordestink. It smells like Hordestink.

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Can you imagine walking in orgimmar dealing with that smell and something flying over you takes a dump on you. That’s how I picture it there.

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Whew, kinda had a picture in my mind of you bending over to smell them. Ewww…lol

Sort of like the tired Mom comment.

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That’s the point. It’s childish and played out, fitting the theme of the thread.

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Dry dessert with a smell of decay and rut.

The eye-watering, deodarant free, stale body odors of a packed airplane.

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PG-13 Comment:

Srsly PG-13.


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Not as bad as Undercity. Soooo thats something.

hmm mud and bones, i wonder what that smells like?

It smells like a music festival. Awful.

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There’s so much dust around here that you have it in your nose to the point you can’t smell anything.

Like a pig farm… at least if I learned anything from WC1 and WC 2

dust and corn dogs probably

barnyard plus coachella