What does Loot Council really mean?

So, you keep seeing guilds with their loot system as Loot Council, and if you are new or unaware, you really don’t know what this means.

It means that the GM and his buddies will be taking all the good loot and leaving the rest for you.

Even Loot Council members that start out with good intentions will quickly fold under the pressure once the good loot starts dropping.

When you see the words “Loot Council,” you shouldn’t walk, but run away, unless you don’t care about getting any good loot for a while.

If you want to get loot as fast as the GM, and officers, then join the Malicious Moogles today :blush:

We are using a modified Suicide Kings and DKP for our Loot. Suicide Kings will be for Class Tier Items, and DKP will be for everything else. No one in a “Loot Council” will decide when you get loot. You will see where you stand in the loot order, and you will get your loot just as fast as the GM, and his Officers!!

Send Maxxgold#1846 a friend request for our Disocrd link.


I think a better thing to say is that loot council is a double-edged sword, it’s great with good leadership because loot is based on guild progression but fails with more casual guilds hence what you said about favoritism :slight_smile: , not the best idea to give a sour impression to new players.


If anything, run from this guild and it’s lame recruitment tactic. Providing bad advice and false information like it’s some public service masked as a guild recruitment post?

Loot council is what all the top guilds have used for pretty much the entirety of WoW’s life. Loot council isn’t inherently flawed and is designed to focus on improving the strength of the raid as a whole resulting in faster progression which means more loot overall which means EVERYONE gets geared more quickly.

If you’re not sure whether to the Loot Council will be fair, take some time to get to know the leadership, ask about specific criteria that is considered, etc.

Sure, everyone wants to get gear, but the focus of a raid should be downing the boss, not getting that sweet new 2 hander or whatever. Players need to realize that there are 40 people in a raid and only so much loot drops. It will be several weeks before everyone has everything they want.

Sometimes players who have this sort of overly dramatic representation of Loot Council found themselves “cheated” because they did a poor job of scoping our the guild leadership and it was actually an unfair system. Often times players with this sort of reaction are just upset that they didn’t get the gear they wanted one time and gquit while crying that everyone else is mean to them and they should have gotten that cool weapon despite not showing up on time and regularly dying to fire. They could totally have parsed higher than 30th on the meters if only they had gear and it’s everyone else’ fault that they’re not performing.

I’m not saying Suicide Kings doesn’t work. It’s a great system for players who want an illusion of fair loot distribution because you’re following numbers, but that system is just as easily corruptible by guild leadership as LC is.


Ouch, someone is on a “Loot Council.” :wink:


Yea this thread is super manipulative. Loot council can be amazing and take a lot of pressure off of people from guilds who give extra points to “stay late” and do attempt after attempt staying up hours later than expected just so they can stay up with other players in DKP.

It can be terrible if the loot council is partial to certain players, but most GOOD guilds don’t have this issue from my personal experience playing every expansion and a bunch on pservers. I was never a favorite and got gear just as often as the inner circle guys.


Just a recruiting thread boys. If you can’t take the heat hop out of the fire. I didn’t mean to get anyone’s panties in a bunch :blush:

Loot Councils can work with good leadership!!!

Where every Member has a vote in anything Guild related [H] Guild LFM's Look inside for Current details ← nothing in this post is misleading thats for sure

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Very, well done :blush:

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Loot Council done right is amazing. But it can be problematic for sure. I was fortunate enough to have been involved with a guild that handled it very very well back in the day. That being said, the gaming culture has changed so much that I don’t see it working anymore.

DKP, Suicide Kings, EPGP, MS/OS Roll.

These are all systems of loot in WoW and at the end of the day no matter how much RNG or points systems you use, it’s up to the person labeled “loot master” to hand you your piece of loot. It’s just as easy to say “You lost 500 DKP” or “This item isn’t BiS for you” and hand it to someone else. Will you call that guild a ninja guild? Probably. Will they care? No, they wanted to screw you out of loot, they don’t care about you or anything you have to say, clearly.

There is no loot system in existence that will save you from horrible leadership. On the flip side, if your leadership is strong, fair, and trustworthy, then Loot Council is the best (And nearly the simplest) system for the progression of the entire raid.

TL;DR: If you hate your leadership and don’t trust them, maybe DKP will make you feel a little bit better about staying in your horrible guild that you hate. Surely your imaginary currency will save you. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you don’t want to get cheated out of loot by a loot council or unfair system, just play 40 different accounts at the same time. It makes it so that you can just give the loot to whoever you want. Pretty simple.

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I also second that you probably shouldn’t walk, but run, and not join a guild that can’t see the good in both systems as this guild will probably be super casual, wipe a crap load, and will not get through Naxx with a DKP system where gear is given to those who basically just show up and spam a couple buttons. Good luck getting through later raids.

Choose if you want to down bosses sooner, efficiently and have instances on farm sooner by having geared tanks/healers and class leaders who will distribute the loot down to you based on your contributions to the guild and doing your part. Fair Loot Council takes into consideration the guild as a whole. If you are not a Main Tank or Main Heals or Class Leader you will get gear after them.

DKP is also great, but it’s seen as the slackers loot system who just shows up and do basically nothing and is more centered towards yourself.

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Thank you! i try my best to b as fair it can b

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Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed :slight_smile:

This is just a recruiting thread, nothing super serious, and some of you lost it and embarrassed yourselves ^^^. :blush:

How is ksk a illusion of fair loot, it literally was a addon EVERYONE could download and see and uou could watch it realtime move…that is not a illusion of fair loot that is 100% fair transparent loot system. The only difference is a fair loot council will direct it not to their buddies but to classes who get power spikes with certain set numbers especially. However this system is more easily corrupted as the council generally keeps this knowledge internal and not transparent as to why this person gets a item eventually leading to favoritism happening and it goes unnoticed at 1st but people slowly catch on and voice concerns. It is usually the lack of transparency that makes loot councils seem like it has been corrupted

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Loot council is trash and doesn’t really fit in classic wow when the content is so easy and progression will only b e important to the worst guilds and chances are loot council wouldn’t put them over the hump.

I don’t think your system is much better. You need special loot rules for prestigious or legendary items. It should be something like this.

Any person who fits the following criteria can roll for the item.

  1. Raid Attendance greater than 85%
  2. Item fits main spec of the person rolling for the item.

It’s really that simple. If you have respect for your guild members you wouldn’t do it any other way. When it comes to other loot, the more generic kind, DKP is fine, as long as you have a DKP tax so people can’t hoard it and cause dkp inflation.

Nice how all a sudden it’s just a recruitment thread when you got flamed… keep telling yourself that :slight_smile: :blush:

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No modified DKP? So warlocks are gonna bid on mana igniting cord in Phase 1? First Dragon Fang Talisman gonna go to a hunter?

Good luck.

No one is getting flamed, it’s actually about half and half, but it’s sad that you have to attack a light-hearted recruiting thread, again, and again.

Keep embarrassing yourself. ^^^ :blush: