My god I love this lol.
That’s actually just terrible logic and I’m thankful you’re not a game designer.
Stick to trolling forums big guy.
That’s actually the correct logic because that’s what Blizz went with and THAT is why they are the game designers and you’re just a whiny brat on the forums. Stick to playing the game the designers make, kid. You’re a disgrace.
Wer look fly in plate armor.
That’s all I need.
Says a trash can with no kind of prestigious achievements on his account. Hush, little one. It’s okay you know nothing about game balance.
I bet you also think Gpyro is good for the game.
Haha, insults to my in game “achievements” because you lost face after being humiliated with irrational opinions. I understand these things mean a lot to you, so I’m going to let your 13 year old self go this time and you can do a little self reflection.
Feel free to make a poll to see how many people here actually agree how dumb it is when you compare heroic leap to the leap from Meta. DHs need a nerf and those are on their way in Alpha, more may come…then again you let your stupidity blind you from seeing that.
My advice to you is, if you don’t know how these things work, stay quiet and let cool headed adults talk.
Whatever you say bud. All you did was come in here with insults and no logic whatsoever.
You’re probably a DH main. Would explain everything honestly.
“Let the cool headed adults talk” Lol. You were the one that came in spewing toxicity. Go away, pest. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
You are making yourself looking more slow-witted with each reply. Of course, now you’ve added an asinine assumption that I main a DH because you really have nothing substantial to back up your ludicrous comparison between heroic leap and Metamorphosis. Just like how you want to look at in-game achievements to not lose an argument.
In case you still don’t get it because of your dim wit, it doesn’t matter what I main, you main or what everyone else here mains. The only thing I really wanted to point out is your absence of brain cells when you wanted a tiny bonus “advantage” on a major CD removed because Warrior’s heroic leap doesn’t have it. Get out of here with that nonsense.
Because you lack credibility with anything you say. You sound like one of those angry nerds who plays FOTM classes and still can’t accomplish anything useful. What happened, did you get stomped in DPS meters by a DH as your mage, so you rerolled a DH only to get stomped by a different mage better than you?
Your logic lacks any kind of intellect at all. “DH meta is a long CD so they should be immune”…so what? Should rogues be immune during Shadow Blades? Paladins during Avenging Wrath? Maybe your sorry mage should be immune during Combustion?
Go back to playing your DH. You probably need all the playtime and practice you can get. Luckily for you schools out for the rest of summer, you got an extra few weeks to get in before school starts again.
Perhaps you can take a debate class where you can learn to converse and discuss a topic in an open forum without resorting to name calling and insults.
A most obtuse response if I ever saw one but okay, I’ll bite. Here, I’ll break it down for you since a simpleton like fails to grasp the concept of a proper argument.
my first response was to point out how dumb your comment was to compare Meta to Heroic Leap. I tend to point out nonsensical rhetoric rather directly when I see it.
let’s see what you followed up with instead of coming back with a rational response why you made the argument to remove the small window of immunity of Meta - “you must think Gpyro is good”, “you must main a DH”, “trashcan with no achievements”…last but not least - “angry nerd”, “getting stomped by DH so you play DH”, “extra weeks in before school starts”… and you say I am the one spewing toxicity with zero logic? My, my.
You can point to all the wild and asinine assumptions all you want to proof my credibility, which is all made up in your frothing rage of a response, lol. However, the only thing I need to point to your failure AND lack of credibility this whole time is you resorting to making all these assumptions about me, yet fail to even produce one simple reason to back up your original reasoning with logic. Sounds like someone needs to go back to school!
You’re the one with no actual credibility here, you have yet to say anything even game related except “Meta is a long CD” which is a terrible argument. You haven’t even argued the point that you have no credibility. You admitting that you’re just a troll and have no idea what you’re talking about?
Since your tiny brain is still hung up on that let me give you a more direct comparison.
Rogues’ DFA is a 20 second cooldown, which also makes them immune for the duration they are in the air.
Your argument of “Meta jump makes them immune because it’s a long CD” is totally invalid.
But by all means keep ranting with absolutely no credibility, logic, or reasoning behind your posts.
So the common theme here is that there is a small window of immunity when in the air for very specific melee abilities, what seems to be problem again? It’s not any of these abilities have an extended amount of time or a quick repeatable spam (blade dance, which is gone). Also, abilities like major CDs across classes aren’t compared and balanced on a one on one direct basis, that’s definitely the simple logic behind game design you fail to grasp with your rather limited intelligence.
If your only measure of credibility is to look at achievements and deny any kind of simple logic or common sense, then you’re probably the angry nerd you spoke of who leans on these things heavily to have any kind of validation in life. I’m sorry but it doesn’t take a zoologist to know the difference between a camel and a horse, just like heroic leap and Meta.
Base 3min is a long CD for what the class fantasy is mostly about, I don’t see how a small window of immunity/invincibility (it’s not like the DH can squeeze in a big hit when they are mid-leap) warrants an incessant b*tchfest from a whiny brat like you. If you’re so unhappy with the balance, you can apply for a job with their developing group or quit the game instead of coming on with petty insults and making immature assumptions about people on the forums. Grow up.
You’re missing the entire point of the argument. Still.
No class should have windows of immunity just for pushing buttons to do damage, DH has 2 built in to their class. It doesn’t make sense.
But keep on babbling and missing the mark.
To say you’re an absolute moron is a vast understatement. I mean you’ve already lost all credibility when you said no immunity for Meta because of Heroic Leap. As mentally handicapped as you are, I’ll try to educate you again…
Meta is a long CD, having that immunity window that is half a second at best really doesn’t make a difference, maybe to an awful player like you that will literally b*tch about everything in life including your mom washing your socks without asking you. Most players don’t care about that tiny immunity.
Plenty of defensive CDs from other classes that provide full immunity that allow them to do their standard rotations and burst. Ignore Pain, Divine Shield…and that is a big enough window to absolutely down a player. As stupid as you are, sure you get the picture now. Oh DH has a talent for that but cannot attack.
Stop making a failed argument kid, live with the fact immunity from Blade dance is removed, as it should because it’s on such a short CD.
You’re still here? Get lost. You still haven’t countered my point with anything meaningful because you still don’t even understand it because you’re too ignorant.
I’m not going to “get lost” just because you make stupid and erratic arguments that make no sense. I’m not here to defend Demon Hunters, I couldn’t care less. I’m here to point out your garbage comparison between Meta and Heroic Leap.
How long have you been playing WoW? You should be thankful there’s people like me to enlighten you on something fundamental like class and skill design.
Here’s some of your gems regarding “class and skill design”. Also by some of your other posts that I didn’t include because these were just 3 posts that stood out, you care more about visual effects and “class fantasy” than actual design.
Meta and heroic leap are nothing alike, sure. But that doesn’t warrant either of them having a brief window of immunity, cooldown or not. It’s stupid. Nobody should just randomly avoid CC or damage by pressing offensive CDs or their damage rotation. That is poor design. And that is why they’re removing the dodge aspect from Blade Dance. I realize they probably won’t remove the immunity to CC during meta jump, but removing the dodge from Blade Dance is a step in the right direction.
I’m sorry if you can’t tell what’s serious and what’s not. Or what is sarcasm (my post on Arms mastery). Sure, I definitely have a big thing for effects and visuals as it’s a HUGE part of games (game designers would agree…) but it’s not what I would say prioritize over gameplay. Of course, an idiot like you would cherry pick my posts, ignoring the ones like Windwalkers mastery or redesign of FoF, pulling away reliance from crappy TOD…
Complaining about Meta having a tiny immunity window while Heroic Leap doesn’t is like me complaining why can’t I move or attack in Iceblock when Pallys can. I told you before that gameplay is NEVER designed on a one to one basis, this game isn’t Ryu vs. Ken, things operate differently and WILL remain different. Stop being a tool and use your brain for once.
I picked out some of your posts because you seem to know sooo much about game design…yet you say WW is in a terrible place? I mean I’ll give you credit for saying hunters and feral are in a bad place but WW? Please.
In fairness, I didn’t even read back far enough in your posts to see the ones your talking about, but how are monks reliant on ToD? Yeah, it hits hard but is still a fraction of your damage on long fights. And what is wrong with FoF? It’s one of the best abilities in the game, especially in PvP. Alot of people are pretty satisfied with WW currently, so I’d say you’re in the minority there.
But I did see the post where you rolled a monk in MoP and never liked it so that makes sense. Could your credibility take any more of a dive?
And you are still missing the point. No leap or offensive CD should give you a brief immunity window. This isn’t about leap, or meta, or anything. But your argument is that since Meta is a long CD it justifies the immunity window. What kind of logic is that? But you still seem to think I’m basing this off a one on one basis right? You still never offered an explanation why DFA also immunes rogues to CC for the duration, which also shouldn’t be a thing, even though DFA is a short cooldown.
So let me throw this out there: it’s easy to say something sucks and should be totally redesigned when you don’t like it. But that is subjective. And many people are probably okay with monks currently.
That’d be like if I said “Yea I played pally back in BC but hated it so they should totally redesign it because it’s bad and in a terrible place.”