In PvE, DH healing isn’t in the same league as Fury. Might not even be on the same planet. My Gushing wound by it’self does 18k HPS over a +17 key. Most of that is overhealing, but still.
Arms forever baby lets gooo
This is false. You can kite a fury warrior. You cant possibly kite a DH
Lol. Thirst For Battle would like a word.
Need to land the hit before it works tho. They have good mobility dont get me wrong but DH’s are out of this world busted
5 minutes until midnight and you just made my day.
I was trying to decide what to switch from my lock to and settled on fury warrior over havoc dh.
Few reasons
- I myself am a combat vet and cant stand the whiney emo class fantasy
- I dont like playing what all the kids play (which is why after returning I’m getting off my lock lol)
- DH is going to get hit so hard with the nerfbat in SL it’s not even funny.
- More variety for weapons. Glaives are lame.
- Way cooler xmog
- The class feels more fun to me and honestly i care more about how a class plays / their rotation more than the actual raw damage output
Edit: I’m actually trying to decide between rogue and warrior right now. I literally dont die on my warrior after pulling 6 mobs while leveling and i may be 50% hp but my next pull I’ll be topped off pretty quickly. Rogue I’ve never really had that. I can fight elites with my warrior…not so much my rogue
Rogue can do it too especially outlaw. Tbh outlaw feels very warriorish to me
I agree with everything you said except needs. I don’t see DH getting nerfed. It seems to be the specs favorite class
DH is getting nerfed in Shadowlands.
Never had issues with Fury Healing it’s very strong. My issue would be a lack of defensive Cooldowns to mitigate big damage spikes. Shadowlands is looking promising on that front depending on number tuning.
Are you sure?
Just them losing the .5 sec dodge effect from blade dance is a huge nerf.
Wowhead talent keep saying 1 sec. Are you sure?
That’s the meta shift. The actual blade dance appears to have lost its immune frame. If that’s correct it is a considerable nerf. Honestly completely warranted though, shouldnt get out of stuns for pressing dps rotation.
Better transmogs that is all…
Yea the blade dance dodge effect has been removed in Shadowlands from what I’ve heard/seen.
Now if they could just remove their immunity during their meta jump we’d really be talking…
Warriors aren’t immune during heroic leap…why are they immune during their meta leap…
How often can they leap and how often can you do the meta jump? Have your brain cells taken a vacation during the quarantine?
That isn’t the point I’m making. Your post isn’t even relative to mine you’re so far off base.
The point is no leap should make you immune to anything. Why should their offensive CD also make them immune for the duration of the jump?
It’s. Not. Just. A. Leap. It’s a major 3 min CD that transforms the player into a powerful demon that can actually be completely neutered after it lands via any kind of CC. The window of immunity during the leap is SMALL. You making the comparison between this and Warriors leap just shows how off base you are. Don’t getting all nonsensical and irrational just because you don’t like a class. TRY to stay objective, think.
Havoc gracefully glides down from the cliff like a soft butterfly.
Fury hurls itself off of the cliff and brutally slams into the ground with an echoing cry of hatred daring gravity to hurt it.