I have two alts. One is a Havoc that I play frequently. The other is a Fury that I’m just now starting to get geared up. Both are at endgame. Every time I play my Fury, I feel like a weaker version of my Havoc. Havoc seems to do more dps, has more self-sustain, and is way more mobile. What am I missing? I am hoping Fury pulls ahead in some regard because I like playing the character a lot, and I like its aesthetics much more. Thanks!
Depends. In PvP, Fury has more healing, mobility, and has a slow.
There’s your answer right there. By pure performance, Havoc is hard to beat. That’s probably going to change in Shadowlands, because the top tier always get knocked down a peg in the new expansion, but 9.0 is still months away.
That said, Havoc is dull. You have very few buttons and have to spam the same ones repeatedly. Some people enjoy that, to be sure, but a lot of us find it unsatisfying. For those people, Fury can be a lot more fun.
So if you only care about performance, go with Havoc. If you want to sacrifice a little performance (and it is only a little) to have more fun, play Fury. It was an easy choice for me. If I’m not having fun, what’s the point of playing?
Wife plays a Havoc DH and is 2600+ IO, so she is a good player. I play Fury warrior and ALWAYS win damage overall. Yes she has an AOE stun over me and extra CC, but the constant damage and self healing that Fury maintains over an unlimited amount of time is unmatched. My 6 target and under cleave is unmatched. I think she has hit 102k overall, and I have hit 128k (non Tol Dagor). Raw damage, I have never lost overall to a DH in a key.
Also, 30k-40k HPS over the length of a dungeon (Healing plus overhealing)
To answer the OP’s situation, Fury is VERY gear dependent. We HAVE to have a certain azerite system and scale way better with secondaries then havoc does. Therefore at low gear, havoc WILL out preform fury, but at higher levels of gear, Fury goes into crazy mode.
This is great info. Thank you for this.
This. any self respecting man knows it’s more honorable to have more than 4 buttons
Arms is better than both don’t judge me
I tried out Arms again on the training dummies last night, because everyone is talking it up from Shadowlands Alpha play. Performance aside, it just feels different than Fury. Not objectively better or worse, but different, and subjectively that matters a lot depending on what you like.
Arms feels a bit like a Rogue or WW Monk. You’ve got a Rage bar that passively fills over time, if not as smoothly or predictably as the yellow bar classes, and you spend it carefully. You’re making sure you have enough saved to hit MS as soon as it comes off cooldown and using Slam to dump resource when you’ve got an abundance. It’s careful and considered, at least in fantasy.
Fury’s the other way around. You’re actively building your Rage bar by hitting buttons. When you get enough, Rampage lights up and you spend it all to smack the heck out of something. It feels more like being a fighting game character, running through your basic moves to charge your Super Meter and then unleashing a major attack. You’re hitting buttons like a maniac and there’s always a next attack to make.
That’s why I think I’ll probably stick with Fury in Shadowlands, even if Arms is the new hotness. I hate those awkward pauses where you have to freeze for half a GCD to wait for Rage to build or a cooldown to finish. With Fury, I know I have to hit a button every GCD and it’s just a question of which one. But to each their own.
Nope I get it. My favorite melee spec is actually enhancement shaman and it feels similar to fury warrior to me, but fury is better.
I do enjoy fury but I admit the only reason I ever use it over arms is because of its self healing. If it didn’t have healing as part of its dps rotation and with such easy access I would probably never use it and would rather go enhance.
However that isn’t the case. Fury is perfect and even when it’s not one of the better melee specs, which I can’t remember when they was tbh, it always feels good.
I prefer arms because I like the impact per hit. It feeels like a warrior and visually looks like one
Enhance can be pretty good. The one thing that bugs me about how it feels to play is those periods where you just hit Stormstrike again and again. I know it’s doing big damage, but I enjoy dancing from button to button. It feels like playing music to me when I do that right.
Still, it’s good that specs like Enhance exist for the people who enjoy the feeling of being in the zone and just hitting you best button repeatedly. That’s ideal class design, when each spec offers a playstyle for a different segment.
Havoc is fury 2.0. As you mentioned it’s got more utility and can pump out comparable damage. It also has better sustain. All fury has over a dh is battle shout and plate armor meaning imo cooler Transmog.
Fury has slightly more of a brain to work with, Battle Shout, and an aoe slow. That’s about it.
DH has more of all that, expect slow.
Assuming the warrior takes healing talents, I doubt DH leech heals them for more than Bloodthirst and Battle Trance heals the warrior.
And as for mobility it’s sort of a push actually…fury can’t be slowed but DHs have movement speed and gap closers.
DH outheal fury warriors in PvP. DH also has way more mobility than fury warriors.
DH may or may not have more healing, I’m not familiar with exactly how much leech they have. I know it’s alot. But I feel like with all healing talents Fury edges it out. I could be wrong there however.
But the mobility issue I think depends on what your definition is. Fury literally can’t be slowed so long as they can Bloodthirst something.
I feel like at a certain point mobility doesn’t matter. What I mean by that is, there comes a point where you can’t be kited, and Fury and DH are both past that.
The only pvp environment a DH can outheal a fury warrior is in arenas where dampening basically gimps fury’s heals. In bg’s and wpvp a fury warrior heals for miles more than a dh.