What does Chinese Maldraxxus look like?

Have you been to the Girl Scouts main distribution plant ever?

I imagine it is something like that.

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Is customization of our characters not a good thing…?

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I find most things can just be googled, all the times when people are like “why did Blizz do this?” well there’s a Blizzard response out there for you if you look. Most people just wanna ask here though :man_shrugging:


Cultural reasons are often cited as the cause but then Taiwan has no such issue, and while I can’t say for certain I’m fairly sure the cultural differences are minimal except for those among the small native population


I was going to say “Land of the Topless Lich”. but someone already beat me to the joke.

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Unfortunately, it is not if it only focused on a specific race and reasons that thought that we would not realize its forced inclusion and politically correct that is poisoning the quality of good entertainment in a game.

And with bonus in the last Blizzcon of a acceptance in concluding the customization of this expansion, it was the Backslash to the community, so other races were not enough unlike others.

From what you have imagined the dark color given to the elves is not the same as what was done in humans alliance (without forgetting that I need to have thin Kul’tirans seen in BfA Boralus), so only for other humanoids closer to us it was more of a spray paint than a good detailed skin color and according to Races whose existence are of European origin, that is, they are not according to the legends and history of that continent (so there are more elves in the ethnic and fantastic culture).

Therefore, it would be an opposite but the same to characters who suffered a Whitewhasing to their ethnic culture, only here it would be from White to black. But that if this filling does not think that it matters since I explain that there was this customization that I had done before during Vanilla and do not say that’s lacked development meanwhile that’s other games (in this time) had much more freedom in character customization, such as Elder Scrolls series and Dragon Age’s.

That is why the reason for these changes that were good, but not sufficient, is due to other reasons outside the game, which is more for the quality of more gameplay options.

I don’t know I don’t play that version of the game. If it has femboys, then give us that too. If it has content taken out, well, don’t do any of that

Wait… there are other femboys in this game other than Anduin, and only the Chinese have access to them?

I demand this be fixed and that Chibisue be granted a harem of femboys to pull my golden Fujo chariot around Ardenweald. Boy before your chibi fujo dark princess my prancing femboys! Mwaaahahahahaaaaaa!

I do have a genuine question, why can’t they see bones?
I mean, does that mean compared to them we’re bone-staring barbarians in the West? France has catacombs with literal skeletons in it, does that make China upset?

Are the incapable of suspending disbelief or is this a religion thing?

That hunny must be good stuff.

Wiggles toes

It’s a cultural thing. I don’t know if saying they consider it obscene is quite the right term, but it’s similar.

What’s strange is that it is in fact essentially religious in origin, which makes insisting on it odd for a nominally atheist government.

At least they have WoW.

Wiggles toes