What do YOU want to see 11.0 be?

I want it too be were there are Long Boi’s on every street corner…meaning bring back the Long Boi too vendor …

intergalactic light/void disco war so we can finally fight fuhrer Yrell, something ive been dying to do since the maghar orc quest

Don’t care about theme. I’m going to skip the cutscenes, not read quest texts, not interested in what the NPCs jabber about at all. I want them to make the game play better.

One thing really stand out to me with Dragonflight that is just not very good.

They completely jumped the shark with inventory mess. Every single minor patch brings this flood of random items. Logging into retail for me is a stress headache because I have 6 70s with bags jam packed full 200+ slots of Dragonflight items.

I would say 95%+ of those items could have been an already existing item. They made new versions of nearly every single item in the game and duplicates and triplicates in some cases. Why is there a new version of every currency, consumable, toy, and gadget for every new continent? Just flatten all that junk down and let people carry the ones they made 3 expansions ago forward. It makes no sense to make people keep doing these tiny details over and over and over and over and over and infinitely inflating the item mess.

I’d be interested in an option to choose a slower leveling speed. I know that we can turn off leveling gains now, but I’m talking about an option to turn off the mob level scaling as well as being able to change the exp ratio.

Current state is basically killing the same mob from one until done in the leveling experience. There just isn’t much adventure anymore.

Wq… mythic+ raid 8-20 times every 4 or 5 months… grind rep, lvl alts for funsies…

Im burnt out of it all

The thing is we are so far ahead into current content everyone would be busy playing revamped past stuff instead, unless the focus is on old world content. A “revamp” is suggested above but it should really be another “cataclysm” but not the cataclysm we’re thinking of. More of an insidious thing.

Classic exists for a reason.

Revamped Azeroth and increased in scale (zones twice in size or more?).

What I DON’T want to see is player housing. Would be a waste of time that could be used for revamping the world.

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You’re in luck. My dad works at Nintendo and confirmed this for 11.0

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i think they should stick a second giant sword in azeroth

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What sword :crazy_face:

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yeah they shouldn’t acknowledge the second one either :joy:

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This is true, but I like the many quality of life improvements on retail as well.

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Professions the stuff you make is boe so people can make a profit

Na I want what you want too, just in a way that it doesn’t take away from current content unless the current content is the revamp which i’m 100% down for. I’m a supporter of an expansion X #2 (i.e something like a Cata 2) etc. as long as the lore and content has exceptional effort put into it. Since Ion announced that expansions will now flow through a narrative anything can be done to the world as we know it.

Dk rework it’s time

Why not both - repairing the damage caused by murlocs?

There’s a lot of that - especially in HC Classic

I will never touch HC, ever.

Alliance vs Horde.

I’d love to see much of Azeroth’s zones stories continued through new questlines – maybe pop a bronze dragon or hourglass @ each to revert back to the older versions, along with giving a climax event to some areas with their quests — To reclaim various strongholds & ruins for various races, or even for those within your faction.

That’d be awesome!

For one example:

  • Imagine doing a questline in Feralas which leads up to completing an updated version of Dire-Maul (dungeon) to reclaim it as Eldre’Thalas for the Shen’dralar (who rejoined Night-Elf society in Cataclysm – Thus how the race got mages) – Making it a new cool looking zone / miniature glowy city that resembles the art of ‘Eldre’Thalas’ from the Chronicles book. :grin:

There’s lots of zones though where you could update and bring about new content & features to the world. :slight_smile: Through these you could introduce:

  • New mounts
  • New pets
  • New titles
  • New toys
  • New easter eggs to future content
  • New Transmogs
  • New Dragonriding customisations

There’s heaps! :grin:

Anything but void vs light or more titan crap.