What do YOU want to see 11.0 be?

I want this, with all of the old kingdoms redone to today’s standards and questing revolving around racial home cities, e.g. dwarves and DIDs experience would revolve around a new IF and surrounding zones. Replayability would be fun, experiencing the machinations around the different cities on slts.

How about Azeroth AFTERdark?

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I like both of these ideas.


  1. Account-wide renown (the current catch-ups are fine, but not enough)
  2. Profession catch-up mechanisms (for us altoholics again)
  3. Separate track mythic progression: one queued by ilvl, one for custom groups with higher rewards.
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Updated old world.
No more chromie time or at least a better questing/leveling path that makes the world alive. And a better open world end game loop.

Scrap the profession and region wide changes and make auction house gold making fun again. This direction they have now is not fun at all.

Rework renown/rep and make it more account wide, especially for crafters.
Renown is boring and tedious.

Wanted this since Legion.


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All classes being fully reworked/reimagined. The goal here should be to close the power gap between both extremes of players.

All race/class combos open.

Azeroth expansion. All zones revamped, all instances content scaled and retooled for modern play. All new quests.

All power rewards available at KSH/AotC. More cosmetics, titles, etc. prestige items beyond that. Especially between KSH and Title.

10 man mythic raids.

Unreal engine?

Old gods.
Goblin homeland (Undermine).
Gilneas retaken by the Gilneans and used as an actual hub.
Some faction conflict even if not a full on war.

Here’s where I start getting real ridiculous:
Tinker class (I know, highly unlikely).
Return of Sylvanas and Anduin in a bad a$& way. None of this limp Sylvanas and beta Anduin.
Eliminate the Horde council, bring back the Warchief position.


please no Ogre allied race, just no. Anyway you can clearly see they’re still up to no good with the starter area - good ol’ highmaul vibes

I’m actually not sure. There’s only so much left of Warcraft lore to really feel excited about. An expansion involving a Quel’Thalas revamp would be great.

I’m liking the primal incarnate trio. I think it would be nice to see them across expansions and have “villains” get more story development time so we can care more about defeating them.

An example (of many) how blizz has wasted a good villain by having them killed too soon is Zul from BfA. He could have carried that expac with his already rich background over decades of Warcraft, intrigue, and great voice casting, but they knocked him off the first raid. (If you only played alliance in BfA you probably didn’t even know who I’m talking about which is another shame on blizz).

We live for the retcons.

Bigger bags. I know we’d get 38 slot bags to buy and sell but would love to see at min 40 slot craftable bags.

It’s highly possible that this post just made my day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I would love a Gnome/Goblin expansion as long as in the end, Gnomes get Gnomeregan back as a useable home city.


A revamped old world. I would like that. Give me one more big adventure through the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor before I get old.


My dream? We find out at the end of the Dragon Isles that everyone, including the Incarnates, have been in a deep hallucination caused by N’zoth and the rest of the Old Gods. They have gained control and the rest of the world has been slowly trying to defend against the enemies across Azeroth.

It has been years since they last saw the champions of azeroth or many of the heroes. Shadowlands? All just a nightmare. Everything since the end of BFA has been N’zoth’s plan and schemes come to fruition.

Not a huge fan of DragonFlight’s aesthetics and “happy sunshine and rainbows” concept and Shadowland’s lore nearly ruined the franchise in my eyes. The more we can distance from both, the better.

In terms of gameplay?

Revamp the old world. All of it. And make leveling a main focus of the game, not just the endgame. The reason why WoW was so amazing was because it felt like an adventure from level 1-60. Right now the leveling feels limp, anemic, and so rushed you can’t enjoy anything.

Remove FOMO design. Have old rare mounts and items be purchaseable in-game. Have everything in the store in terms of cosmetics be purchaseable in game. And don’t have them be massive gold sinks. Put them in the Trading Post! Hell, let us target what we want with the trading post. Each month we get a random selection of mounts/pets/cosmetics we don’t currently have on our accounts, with a focus on older, ultra rare stuff.

FFXIV does this well with their Moogle Tomestone events and WoW has so many cosmetics and mounts they could easily do this prior to every new patch and they could probably do it for years without overlapping on rewards.

I’d love an old world revamp.

Visiting parts of the old world and seeing them updated with proper narrative context, as well as graphical updates and bringing new lore and life to what we already know would be cool. Something I loved about Baldur’s Gate is how often other parts of the world are referenced, and consistently relevant. WoW has lost that magic, with everything often only being related to the current xpac zones, and everything before becoming obsolete. They’re doing better with it these days, but overall, I’d like to see it done on a grand scale.

Characters referencing Gilneas, Silvermoon, politics within the Nobles of Stormwind, strange rumors within Duskwood, Fel Orcs suddenly in Redridge, Dark Voodoo reaching the barrens, Scourge Commanders appearing in Westfall etc.

I want a villain we can’t just beat to death. Bring back the plague or something or make us have to either make peace or imprison the big bad.

That or bring back the mantid. Loved the whole klaxxi reveal that they follow the old gods at the end of their rep storyline

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Gadgetzan / Big Neon City / Undermine.

Any Idea they have that gives us a Tinker Class. It genuinely feels like we’re missing a class. So If 11.0 is a Goblins VS Gnomes expansion, or a Deep Underground Expansion and they decide to give us Tinkers in that Expac. I’m happy.

Goblins and Gnomes are my favorite races and it’s disappointing that they don’t have their iconic class in game even after nearly 20 years.

Can you be a Shaman and control the Elements like Thrall? :white_check_mark:
Can you be a Paladin and wield the Light against your foes like Uther? :white_check_mark:
Can you Destroy your Enemies with Felfire and Corruption like Gul’dan? :white_check_mark:
Wield Iconic Warglaives and Turn into a Giant Demon Like Illidan? :white_check_mark:
Or Control Nature and Shapeshift into Animals like Malfurion? :white_check_mark:

But What if you’re a Gnome / Goblin? Can you Fight in a Mecha and build turrets like Gazlowe or Gelbin? :x:

We already have High Tech Races, with High Tech mounts, in High Tech Zones, with Tinker Racial leaders. But no tinker Class.

I want That for 11.0

Also I really want an Old world Revamp. The Cataclysm was Over Half the game’s Lifespan ago. And some zones are still destroyed and on-fire. In all these years I hope we’ve undone some of the damage.
You could also really Reimagine places like Gadgetzan to the level they’re depicted in hearthstone.

Illidan vs. Malfurion expansion, light vs. nature rather than the light vs. void. Illidan being the supporter of the light with his illidari / chaos in tow. Nature embracing death magic so it being more of a light vs. death/nature theme and they can delve into passages of time and moving on from life in different ways / beliefs.

My guess is we do something with the well of eternity after next patch and it pisses illidan off because of the hypocrisy of imprisoning him for creating it. Which sets him off on a crusade with the army of the light / turalyon merging beliefs. Meanwhile the emerald dream / ysera accept undead into their neck of the woods.

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I want another revamp of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, but not to the extent of Cataclysm. Instead of revamping it all at once, they should take a more measured approach and revamp specific zones, maybe two or three at a time, as the story progresses. Starting with the Draenei and B.Elf areas. Those haven’t been touched since they were released and are in desperate need of an overhaul.

A lot has happened since Cataclysm and it would be nice to see the world progress to reflect that.

The expansion would focus on progress and reconstruction. Taking the knowledge we gained from the Dragon Isles to rebuild much of what has been destroyed over the years of war and world ending threats.

For new zones, I would bring in the various islands of the South Seas as a means of exploration and acquiring new resources. All while planting the seeds of what would come in 12.0. Players would return to Kezan and explore the Undermine, Tel’Abim, and Plunder Isle.

For expansion features, I would like more focus be on player customization via more options for the current races and some new playable races. We just got a new class with Evokers, so no new class with 11.0.

I’d also like to see more class customization. Things like:

  • More visual options for Shaman’s elementals. We’ve got all these different models for elementals and yet Shaman are still stuck the original base ones.
  • Shadowflame spell effect for Fire spells. Similar to how Warlock’s can change their fire spells to Fel green, I think it would be cool if Mages, Warlocks, and Shamans got the option to change their Fire spells to Shadowflame
  • Silver colored spell effects for Priests and Paladins
  • Etc

Also, if we don’t get it during Dragonflight, 11.0 should finish giving us all classes for all races. Right now we’re still waiting on Paladin, Shaman, and Druid. I’m still on the fence about Demon Hunter for everyone. Neither for nor against it. And Blizzard has been pretty clear Evoker is Drac’thyr only… but they could always change their minds.

  1. Azeroth revamp. Evergreen zone stories.
  2. Class reworks to tighten the power gap between enthusiasts and casual players to double digit numbers.
  3. Content rework, emphasizing accessibility
  4. UI improvements, more customization, less need for addons and WA, along with a rework of boss abilities and emotes to be more obvious.
  5. Balance economy with a new currency. Not accessible on the store, and not generated by the game.
  6. All cash shop items available in game for current season currencies, remove WoW token.
  7. Either more or less support specs.