What do YOU want to see 11.0 be?

Murloc expansion
Repairing the cataclysm damage
One of these two would make me happy.

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I would like more cute gnome and goblin content, for example, gnomes hosting a carnival, gnomes setting the carnival on fire for insurance money, goblin insurance companies claiming that it is fraud, the gnomes declaring war on the goblins, the goblins creating an aerial army to bomb Ironforge, the gnome mages creating a forcefield, the goblins tunneling underneath and creating a secret goblin city under old Ironforge to plan their next attack, the gnomes using the worgen as sled dogs to escape Ironforge as it burns, the Worgen going feral from gnomish inventions in Kharnos and biting the gnomes, the gnomes becoming Murlocs and we find out Murlocs are just gnome worgen.


light vs void xpac


Light vs. Void expansion on the home world of the Ethereals.


I mean, I’d be down for this, but that on its own does not constitute an expansion-worthy story. Realistically, there’d have to be some new threat that’s just taking place in EK/Kalimdor so that Blizzard has an excuse to update it from the Cata timeline.

Even if it’s not another physical world-changer, having a current story means they can’t have fresh Deathwing ruins sitting around.

Anyway, I don’t really have a specific story I want told. I know I prefer down to earth things (but don’t care for the pirate theme and feel we had enough of it in BfA). I would like to stop making new islands every expansion and use existing areas (updated to some extent as needed) more. I know I DON’T want the Void Expansion. Blizzard likes to go Cosmic and things get really stupid when they do that. The Burning Legion was good as an ever-looming threat, and they ruined that. Let the Void take it’s place instead of also just stomping it down.

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Light vs Pirates on Avalona

See, I don’t play WoW for the story. I just find the cataclysm very boring. My favorite thing about it was Deathwing killing you randomly.
It took away my favorite zones in the game, and I want them back.
Edit: Yes, I realize the story has to do with everything, but I don’t follow it - persay.

I mean, I don’t really either. It’s consistently not very good as a story game. But some themes are still just more obnoxious to play in than others.

Ah. I don’t think you can ever expect a post-Cata EK/Kalimdor xpack to just restore what was lost as it was. It’s going to be different, 100%. At least we’ve got Classic for the OG zones and quests.

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  1. World Revamp 2.0 (but with the option to go back this time)
  2. Azeroth Underdark
  3. Spelljammer - rather than Light vs Void, all six forces in a free for all and us exploring the cosmos through the middle of it with Shattrath in the remains of Outland as our home base.

If you have no borrowed power than you need something else to replace it.

  • MoP had Proving Grounds, Challenge Mode, Heroic Scenarios, Brawler’s Guild, a Legendary quest for everyone, and more.

  • Cataclysm had a world revamp, streamlining of spells and talents, streamlined questing, lfr, jesus quests surrounding thrall, bringing back the hard dungeons/raid design with cc, etc…

  • WoD had Garrisons, Mythic dungeons, good leveling story, mission table, wow token, new battlegrounds, legendary quest, etc…

  • Legion had Artifact weapons, more class quests than ever before, world quests, mythic plus, demon hunter, and more.

Every expansion prior had something to make it interesting this one has dragonriding and a new controversial profession system and a talent revamp. Hope this helps make 11.0 better.


I’d honestly like to see Relic/Artifact weapons make a comeback.


I really do not care. As long as it is not pirates!

from Imgflip Meme Generator


Last expansion ever.

Something with playable Saberon.

Otherwise I’ll know I’ll enjoy it just as I have every other expansion. :slight_smile:

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I want an expansion where zones like Drustvar and Duskwood are the norm. I want to be creeped out in the kind of way that makes me shiver when alone in the dark.


Pirates. :pirate_flag:

Also finally add playable Ogres like they shoulda done ages ago at this point.

i’d settle for just the latter.

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11.0 - levels 1-60 revamped old world (basically classic+)
11.1 - Tel’Abim
11.2 - Undermine
11.3 - Plunder Isle

Would be nice to work away from the Legion → Undead → Void → Legion → Undead → Void cycle.


I just want there to be lots of content for all different types of players… that means awesome raids for the raiders, new battlegrounds and even a pvp zone for the pvpers, lots of open world content for the solo adventurers, and really cool dungeons for the dungeoneers. Just lots of stuff for everyone!


Old world revamp or partial revamp. Updated zones and storylines. Playable Ethereals and Sethrak.

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