What Do You Want Added To The Game?

Wow…that’s pretty pathetic.

I know you wanted a car to get to work with so here!

This is a bike with training wheels…

Eh they both got 4 wheels, same thing.

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Indeed, and even to this day when someone makes a request for housing, someone else will come along and say “but we have Garrisons!”

Customizable character screen where you can see all your characters together.

the 5 people that want player housing will be logged out in a week after its added. as always patch after patch xpac after xpac. facts. period.

Fully support the removal of those horrifying expressions. I looked at my blood elf when she was on her bike and it was absolutely terrifying.

What I want added is are returning to the actual core values of the game which the designers clearly have lost over the years


You guys all want comsmetic shallow things that won’t really improve the game. This game needs a massive overhaul because it’s become a bland boring version of its former self. So what do I want added to the game? New class, new talent system, better questing experience, better graphics engine with better graphics, and more fun side things to do in the game that aren’t tied to raiding and mythic + cause that stuff is pretty boring. Oh and more interesting loot that isn’t tied to a tier along the lines of wow classic to where an item can be good all expansion long.

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I am not pretending like the game is in a perfect state, but really what more can be done when this game has such an old engine?

And really everything we are asking for would make the game more enjoyable.

I definitely agree on the no borrowed power systems thing. Or at least not like how it’s been going the last 3 expansions now. As for player housing I don’t see how that’d be fun at all as I’d never really want to go there for any real reason unless it has some function. The only time for me it’s fun to have my own housing is in a sandbox game where I can build it myself and it’s in a vast open world around others buildings, and pvp is enabled.

I agree with you %100, even the macro stuff that you’re talking about that I’m not familiar with lol. I do wish for upright undead. I just don’t want to play one that haunches over like that. I know the undead aren’t exactly the most attractive and I’m not saying eliminate all features of their u death, but the hunched over position just doesn’t make me want to play them.

I would like the pre cataclysm Azeroth added to Chromie time as an option for leveling.

Considering they seem to be removing factions and nothing appears to be off limits anymore there isn’t any reason they can’t do this.


This. All this. I want to go back to a time when I didn’t get weaker at the end of an expansion, but enemies got stronger. I don’t mind cutting down the numbers if those start putting a strain on the processors, but when I go into the next expansion feeling weaker than I did and the end of the previous one, it feels bad.

For you. The fact that it won’t necessarily improve your enjoyment of the game doesn’t mean that it therefore is incapable of improving the game at all.

I don’t care about player housing all that much, I might even not want the developers to put it in because it might mean less focus on things I like, but I’m not going to go around saying that everyone is like me and wouldn’t enjoy it.

And let’s be honest, if you don’t think that enjoying your time in WoW is the point, you may want to find something where you do.


Gorgeous zones and unrated pvp to be gud.

I’ve played with glads and 3-4K io ppl who suffered with bad gear not bc lack of talent but bad gear.

I agree Artemis. Some may not be into raiding, PVP, or those types of end content. We are all paying the sub fee to enjoy Warcraft. Nothing wrong with having fun in your own way. People hunt for mounts, transmogs , and role playing realms exist too

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Shaman tank spec, 4th spec not replacing Enhancement.

Simple ask, but apparently quite a controversial one.

I would like to say though, I don’t mind borrowed power as much as many people do. I think moreso than having borrowed power, the power being too integral to class success is the issue. Tier sets are cool, and a nice goal. Legion artifacts were alright, though still suffered some issues with classes being reliant on them (enhancement shaman)
Both are borrowed power, but one is problematic and the other is icing on the class cake.

  1. True cross-faction. I don’t care how it’s accomplished, new faction system, dissolving the faction lines, a treason system. I want people to be able to play the race they want with the friends they want.

  2. True racial customization and choice. Do away with allied races system entirely, instead roll allied races into their base races (and make full races of those who can’t e.g. Vulpera) and offer them as customizations in the barber shop. Allow people to select for example between frost dwarf, wildhammer, dark iron, etc at the top and that will change their race in the tooltip and lock them to a set of customization choices such as hair colors/styles/skin tones, etc. I would however suggest a cool-down to prevent people changing their sub-racial choices every day and encouraging some commitment, say a week and a cost of 2k gold to dissuade people from doing it five times a day.

  3. Creation of looks/customizations for all additional sub-varieties of existing races. Frost dwarves come to mind as do taunka as do forest trolls and of course high elves.

  4. True high elves. 1-3 being implemented will allow this via rolling void elves and blood elves into one and allowing people to change their tooltip to high elves. Blizzard would need to create a few additional skin tones or hair colors/styles but it would be very little undertaking given the work already done with void/blood elves.

  5. Real player housing like the OP put it. An actual house that’s instanced that you can customize via stuff made by professions, stuff looted off old content bosses/raids/dungeons, and of course from new content as well to encourage collectors and players to go back and visit all of WoW and to allow people of any progression skill or none at all to decorate and enjoy the system rather than tying it to player power or progression in the current expac. To that end it must be absolutely separate from any player power or progression in the expac it is released in. I think it shouldn’t even be gated behind story progression as that hurts RPers with lower level alts. It should be an evergreen system that’s given new content every expac but doesn’t require progression in any specific one to unlock. Also the houses should have choices as far as locations go. Stormwind/Org are obvious but also something in a forest or in another locale as they originally planned with Garrisons being placeable in any WoD zone.

    One neat idea I had for how they could one-up other implementations would be that housing districts would be a special location in the world consisting of say a dozen houses physically present all together. The houses would be your character’s house always plus houses of your current group members > your friends (random) > your guildmates (random) so you could feel a sense of connection.

  6. Account-wide rep but only for reputations an expac old (as of say the x.2 patch) and only for reputations you’ve reached exalted with on one character. No reason to force people to grind out old reps for content they’ve seen too much of already. I would be okay with this being gated behind a one-time reasonable payment on the exalted character (say 1-5k gold) or a system of badge items purchaseable from the rep vendor on the exalted character for say 500g-1kg which are boa and can be mailed to any character to instantly make them exalted.

  7. I agree with OP on no more borrowed power systems.

  8. One last thing. Something I would like taken away from the game and that is the entire shadowlands story. I don’t mean delete it or make it inaccessible. I mean retcon and un-canon it. Don’t care how. Don’t care if it’s via it being a N’zoth dream or a mcguffin being used that unmakes it. Nothing will ever matter as long as people know for certain death isn’t the end and that death itself is this weird but certain place. That religions and belief systems of many of the denizens of Azeroth are flat out wrong or were significantly incorrect. Any good fantasy world needs some mystery, something beyond the explainable, something lurking on the other side of a curtain which will never be lifted. Sure explain your magics, turn it into a science and practice, sure explain away corporeal gods as being this race that does this and isn’t really all powerful. But leave death alone.

especially since they’ve already remade it in the current wow engine for classic.

Fun. I want more fun in the game. And how hard is that to define? Its like, how long is a piece of string? Because everyone’s fun is different.

Professions: I never want to see another example of the sucky legendary crafting system again. Professions should be fun to do, interesting to work on, beneficial to the player who works on them and worthwhile as a whole. If they cant manage to do that when so many other games do, then they need to reassess their design credentials.

As a side note, I’d like to see the three gathering professions turned into minor professions (the same as fishing and cooking). Everyone gets them, every character can do them. Then all your alts have to do is pick which two of the remaining crafting proffs you wanted to do.

Player housing: as a casual addition to the game PH would have enormous potential, not just in owning a house and decorating it, but for how it can benefit all players. Dont want to make a house? That’s fine but how about if the materials for PH and its improvements were available across the game either through gathering, collecting, making or selling? It would be a huge boost that would reach far beyond just having a house.

Make work activities: Nothing should be put into the game with the idea of it being a grind. If there a time requirement for it, it should make sense and should be worthwhile. Want to gate flight? Then give that a logical reason and link it to the expansion’s story - don’t just make silly time requirements. Design your expansion to incorporate it, not bar it. Stop calling us the champion and then have us going out to collect body parts. Let us just be players on characters that are an engaging part of the story, not some heroic central pivot of that story.

Multiple Choice Questlines: I have been wanting this for years. Zones now have a sort of main questline. Start this main questline with 3 choices, a light, dark and neutral choice which then leads the player through a different journey, with further branches now and then along the way. Doing that would expand the whole quest experience in a way that we’ve never had before. You would have a new experience of the story many times over before you did every example, so there would be far less of the tedium of doing the same things over and over again.

There are so many things I want added but most of all I want them to start being true developers and designers who seek innovation and inventive play and not just more of what hasn’t worked before.

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Sounds like a you problem.

This word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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