What Do You Want Added To The Game?

Here is my list in no particular order:

1. Upright Posture option for Forsaken.

-Come on Blizzard, Forsaken players have been asking for this for years! Make it happen! While we’re at it, undead should also have the option to not have fingers and toes protrude through gloves and boots.

2. Legitimate Player Housing

-Lets face it, Garrisons did not provide the experience that traditional player housing entails. Player housing is supposed to provide a private space for your character where you can express yourself. Instead, what we got was a cookie cutter fortress that was too ingrained with progression and had little to no customization.

3. Cross faction guilds and alt mailing

-Alt mailing of all things should be one of the next parts of the game being opened to cross faction seeing as how auction houses have already been cross faction since WoD. And I’m sure guilds are no doubt on Blizzard’s radar as is evident from a recent interivew.

4. Warglaives of Azzinoth Opened Up for T-Mog.

-I still can’t see why these weapons can’t be transmogged by classes that are able to equip them like every other weapon in the game. Blizzard said they didn’t want to “diminish” the value of the unlockable mog that DH’s get when doing Black Temple timewalking but really that doesn’t make sense seeing as how the unlockable t-mog version of the glaives sheath on the back differently and is made to use warglaive animations.

5. Account Wide Reputation.

-This is something that has been talked about for years so I’ll just add in my 2 cents. Who wants to grind a reputation twice? The core progression of this game has always been acquiring better gear and reputation has very little to do with that.

6. Pre Cataclysm Azeroth Accessible via Zidormi or Chromie Time

-Why not make this an option? It’d be a great chromie time option for levelers and would create additional content for veteran players.

7. No more borrowed power systems

-I don’t think I’m alone in saying that a lot of us are sick and tired of these borrowed power systems. All they’ve managed to do is hinder your ability to fully play the game by creating another system to grind through especially if you play multiple specs or classes. Seriously, just let us go back to endgame progression being obtaining better gear.

And that about sums up my list and thoughts. What would you like to see make it’s way into the game?

EDIT: Adding more items that I’ve thought of.

8. More character specific Macro slots.

-I feel like 18 is too small of a limit for character specific macros. I have loads of arena and focus macros that would only be used by my main character and would rather not have to put them under the general macro tab.

9. The ability to rename WoW Accounts.

-Ok so while this isn’t an in-game thing, it does have to do with the game itself. We had the ability to do this before the battle.net merger. Now, accounts created prior to the merger are forever stuck with their name and newly created accounts are named WoW followed by a number in numerical order. I can’t even begin to describe how much this makes my OCD nerves twitch. And I’m sure there are many others in a similar boat to me. And while we’re at it, we should also be given the ability to re-arrange the order in which our accounts appear both on the battle.net launcher and website.

10. Broken Shore Scenario Replayable

-The Battle for Lordaeron and Stormwind Extraction scenarios can be re-played so why not this one? This was a pivotal moment in Legion and the only way to re-experience it is to make an alt.

11. “Undead” race tooltip changed to "Forsaken"

-We have many other groups of Undead who are referred to as the specific group they belong to. i.e. scourge, and ebon blade. Also, the Draenei are a group of Eredar who changed their name into something that translates into “exiled ones” so why can’t the Forsaken have their new alias as their tooltip as well?


More Goblins


Fewer goblins.


I think more people would agree with fewer void elves.


Approximately somehow less or more goblins.


More hot guys


A Sliver of N’Zoth like item but for Shadowlands and usable in any zone.

On a side note: if Undead players die, their spirit should be that of when they were humans, similar to how if Night Elf players die they’re wisps.


More Kitchen Essentials for Transmog our weapons - I want to weld a rolling pin, frying pan, spoon etc.


Ogres. Maybe Lizardmen. Maybe Gnolls. Definitely Quilboars but mainly Ogres.

Lowkey the end of the Alliance


Worgen Tails


That sounds like fun!

Dunno about this though. What if I don’t like the way my “human” form would look?

I do feel as though we should be given the option to use the “ghost” form we get when dying in the Shadowlands if we die anywhere else.

Agreed. This is long overdue.

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Text optional, all voice over.

Faster NPC’s when questing with them… or just ones that move at the same pace as the player.

More cut scenes for NPC interactions.

Faster, less stop & go, gameplay. If anyone wanted a board game’s pace they’d play a board game… or pick up knitting.

Pause option for flasks or a better means of ingesting, maybe a bottle that can be drank in 20m, 40m, or 60m doses.

No more having to type ‘DELETE’ for some items.

No more soulbound items, not being able to send soulbound items to alts has always been a stupid feature. If something was ever going to be done with that (AND SOMETHING GOOD COULD HAVE BEEN DONE WITH IT) or if it were to be explained - this would have been the expansion to address that. Since that’s not going to happen, soulbound items should be done away with.

I’ll add more if I think of them.


Full list would be quite long, I’d be happy with realms that didn’t have CRZ :+1:


An aquatic looking race. Kultirans do not quite scratch the itch.

Have you not completed your Pandaria Farm? I have a nice apron, rolling pin and saucepan in my bank!

Are you Yourmumsgf’s brother!??

I agree with a lot of your suggestions, especially cross-faction Guilds etc.

I’d also love Tails for Worgen, more tattoos for every class, less convoluted systems coming with SO MUCH TRASH filling up our bags, and Free Transmog.

I’d especially love every item looted to become Bind on Account. :seedling:

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Jinyu race option.

Transmog pants legs on mechagnome.

Nope, it would be nice to use a Cake Pan as a shield though lol

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Yup! That’s my twin sister. Can you believe we both came out gay and with a preference for parental figures? :flushed:

  1. Sure
  2. Absolutely
  3. Should’ve just happened with the cross-faction grouping tbh. I’m assuming it’s coming in 10.0
  4. Meh. Let the DHs keep it.
  5. No. Playing a character, not an account. However, the MoP token system should come back.
  6. Absolutely. Any story that has been inadvisably removed from the game should be added back, especially the Vanilla zones and questlines.
  7. Not that simple. New expansions need new abilities to feel like you’re gaining new powers, but if every expansion just keeps adding you wind up with a lot of bloat very quickly. They haven’t found a perfect borrowed power system yet, but it’s better than the alternative.

I would add: class skins. Give us ways to customize the aesthetics of our class abilities in a comprehensive way. Let priests be Priests of Elune, or Hexpriests, or Naaru fanatics, and look the part. Use this to open up more class/race combinations too.


fun i want fun added