What Do You Want Added To The Game?

Added? How about taken away?

Remove restrictions like the rating gate for upgrading Conquest gear.

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Nice list.

  1. Roulette system for daily rep and currency with timewalking, heroic, mythic plus up to like plus 5 daily lfg options.

  2. A repeatable increasing in difficulty old expansion dungeon to climb each week. Like a one dungeon separate keystone challenge.

  3. Choose your piece of gear either with a currency system or a much more selective system in place of great vault of random.

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I’m not lobbying for anything to be taken away from them. I just think the original weapon skin should be moggable as it looks like when you equip it by all classes who can get it.

But I mean, any character can use said faction’s cosmetics if they are Exalted with one character on their account.

Why not just go all the way and make the progress earned with that faction account wide?

Then why does it have to be a brutal time gated grind?

Why can’t we just get a new talent row of abilities (locked to that specific expansion of course) when we hit max level?

Duck mounts that swim, fly and quack. Battle pet ducks and hunter pet ducks. :duck:

Rabbit mounts, and rabbit hunter pets too. There is one but it’s mechanical. :rabbit2:

Maybe a duck race for and rabbit race for Alliance.

We have snails why not ducks and rabbits?

:duck: :rabbit2:


I’d like to see them make good of what we got already. Remaster and rebalance all the old content, remake crafting and materials into a more cohesive and structured system, get an economist on staff to design a new auction house. They done all the work to have an impressively huge game, they just can’t seem to get the systems right.

This. At the same time.

Option to hide weapons.

  • Also, BE shamans.

I want Naxx40 to be added back to the game. I don’t have millions of gold to buy the tier 3 sets from the BMAH.

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More goblins

Agreed. I hear a lot of complaints about borrowed powers, yet I don’t hear people engage with the obvious problems that an alternative system would cause. There are really only 2 different options and they are A) keep adding abilities or B) never add any new abilities.

The OP is advocating B) never add any new abilities, but if this system was implemented the number of people that would complain about the game being stale would make your head spin.

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Never did I say we shouldn’t get new abilities.

All I was saying is that we shouldn’t have to grind through some dumb system that we are going to abandon in the next expansion just so we can effectively play the game.

Onyx skintone for Lightforged :japanese_goblin:

Blood Elf Druids
Flying in Silvermoon

I was also going to say a way to walk on water, however I forgot about mount equipment. lol

Well, you also said “no more borrowed power systems” and “let’s go back to where endgame is obtaining gear”. If you are okay with the borrowed power just not the grind for it, then your problem isn’t with the borrowed power, but rather the grind. If you are against the borrowed power then like I said, there are only 2 alternatives and they are keep adding or never add new abilities.

Hunter pets are account-wide.

If I’ve tamed it on one Hunter I never have to retame it.

My stable behaves like a my Battle Pets page.

And if I have Dire Beast, I don’t need a second tame to use that skin on another beast of the same family in the first stable slot.

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The blond hair color options for humans are subpar compared to Blood Elves.

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I’ve got a LONG list but if I had to narrow it down.

  • Updated animations: weight distribution for running on stairs/hills
  • option for your toon to be left handed
  • character customisation options (hair style, skin colour etc) available to all races (race specifc exceptions like undead bone structure and tails only availble to animal type races etc)
  • Xmog: assign weapon location on body (daggers on lower back, hunter quiver on lower back etc)
  • All weapons visible on toon (mage offhand on waist, hunter quiver/ammo etc)
  • Update cities for all race cities (including Blidgewater Harbour and make flying available in Silvermoon)
  • Horde specific: Fix and add transportation of Zeplin flight paths (riding the zep from Org to Grom Grol passes Pandaria and Zandalar. Make some stop overs)

Bring back the RPG in MMORPG

  • thirst, food and rest stats
  • food buffs with elemental resistances (alcohol keeps your warm in snow areas etc)
  • debuffs for dynamic weather (hot weather causes thirst to drain faster etc)
  • element resistances matter again (ice mage stronger in Alterac Valley/Winterspring. Counter by consuming food buff to increase resistance to frost etc)
  • Stamina for flying mounts (flying mounts can’t fly forever)
  • Hide world loading screens with transition animation (eg.traversing from lower Oribos to upper via portal)
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Here’s my wishlist:

1) No more borrowed power. If a new progression system is added, it’s a system that is carried forward in perpetuity. That should limit the number of progression systems they deign to add. Keep it simple. I want to level up, have my kit, and then focus on gearing. I don’t want to level “progression system 6 alpha” until a new patch adds “progression system 7 beta” and then have to level that, just for it to all be flushed down the toilet when a new xpac launches. It’s a waste of time and resources constantly developing, tweaking, and then throwing these systems away.

2) Multiple paths to the same player power potential. I stopped raiding in MoP. I don’t even do LFR more than once for the story because it’s largely a pain in the backside and the gear is worthless. No matter how “easy” people say LFR is, it’s not easy enough to get through with a bunch of strangers without too many wipes much of the time from my experience. That’s too much of a headache for me to put up with number one. And the fact that the gear is almost never an upgrade makes LFR a waste of my time past the first story run. Bottom line on LFR? It isn’t “easy mode” enough and has little incentive to engage with reward-wise. I need paths to high ilvl gear that don’t require me to raid, run high mythic+ keys, or engage in a soul crushing grind that inevitably still leaves my ilvl in second-class citizen territory (looking at you Korthia research).

I miss the days of running heroic dungeons for valor that I could spend at a vendor for high ilvl gear. I’d like to see valor go back to be an earnable currency from multiple sources. Heroic & mythic dungeons, all levels of raiding, daily quests/world quests/callings, all of which reward the same currency at an amount commensurate with the time and/or difficulty involved in the activity. A weekly cap on said currency would also be welcome so I have an endpoint to look forward to.

FFXIV does this exceptionally well with their tomestone currency and vendors. I can have similar ilvl gear as raiders for the most part, even if I take longer to get it than they do, but still within the life of that tier so I “catch up” to the raiders before the next tier comes out and with time enough to enjoy the fruits of my labors.

3) Relevant craftable gear without the bullcrap. No bop mats. Crafted item level near the top end useable as entry level raid gear for that tier with a slot or two of bop gear equal to top end raid gear and new crafted gear options added each tier. FFXIV again does this exceptionally well. Keep the current “let me pick my stats” options. While this has been done minimally in SL, I’d like to see tertiary stats addable via gems and enchants more liberally. I’d also like to see the return of profession combat perks and for sockets to be addable by crafters and not something you have to rely on rng for or grinded currencies.

4) More account wide unlocks. All rep related unlocks should be account wide, and if rep itself can’t be made account wide, then all rep vendor rewards should be boa. More stuff like threads of fate and the “I’ve heard this story before” options for alts after you’ve done the main story on your main.

5) More character customization options for every race. This was the highlight of SL for me and I’d love to see our character customization continue to become more robust.

6) Focus more on the player’s character rather than “big name” NPC’s doing all the important stuff or hogging most of the cutscene screen time. I’d like to see more cutscenes that feature our character doing stuff, preferably uniquely class & spec based stuff. So if there’s a cutscene that showcases some combat between my character and an enemy, then I won’t just swing my weapon (whatever that might be). Instead I’d use skill animations appropriate to my class and spec. If I’m an arcane mage, my character would do an arcane blast or an arcane explosion, not whack it with my staff which is ridiculous.

7) No more FOMO bullcrap. If you add something to the game, you keep it in the game. Arbitrarily removing things after a time is a transparent attempt at manipulating me into staying subbed and I’d personally rather give you the finger than play into your false-scarcity narrative. Content is king. Removing content of any kind is asinine when you can’t even keep up with player consumption of content in the first place!

8) Bring back removed content. One of my greatest wishes for WoW is to see all of the classic zones/dungeons/raids content copied from classic to modern wow and accessible via Keepers of Time/Chromie. I’d love to be able to level characters through the classic content with modern day gameplay. I’d love to while away days or weeks doing the old content to get previously removed transmogs and such.

9) New dungeons added with content patches. I miss the days when we would see new dungeons added with content patches. Now we’re lucky if we get a single mega-dungeon in an expansion, and it’s still not queueable until well after it’s relevancy has waned. If I can’t queue for it, I typically don’t do it. The mega-dungeons are essentially non-content for me when they launch, and by the time I can queue for them, I have no incentive to do so.

10) Remember the words of Ghostcrawler.

When content is too challenging, too grindy, or just too much of a pain in the backside to engage with, then it may as well not exist for myself and players like me. And if you’re relying on that content to be the meat and potatoes of an expansion or content patch, well I won’t have much reason to stay subbed. I’m not looking to be challenged. I am looking to be entertained. And while some people find challenges entertaining, I do not. And if you don’t want my money, that’s fine. But if you do want my money, then you’re going to have to design the game with me, and players like me, in mind.

Ultimately I want more things to do, that I want to do, that feel worth doing, but don’t feel obligatory. Tall order I know. Can Blizzard fulfill that order? History (WOTLK) says they can, but I’m not sure the modern day devs are able or even willing to try.


You asked!

Add back in ALL old content, starting with the cloak questline in Pandaria and the ring questline in Draenor.

Add the following progression options for base game open world content:
a) Scaled Progression- everything scales with you (present system)
b) In-Zone Progression- each zone starts challenging then with gained xp and gear gets easier (pre-Legion system)

Add the following difficulty options for base game open world content:
a) Easy- low danger (present difficulty)
b) Advanced- medium danger
c) Challenging- high danger (Cata expansion difficulty)

Add the following experience options for base game open world content:
a) Explorer- original xp for each expansion (and those that want to experience the content)
b) Defender- xp for lvl 10 to lvl 50 is divided up per expansion (for those that want to experience an expansion in full)
c) Conqueror- present quick system (for those who want to barrel thru to endgame)

Add the following options for current account-wide items:
a) Solitary- only that character
b) Society- any allowed items are only shared among characters on same faction; option for the society to be named (like guilds are) which shows in mouse over
c) Cache- any allowed items are shared among all characters on same account

Add pre-Cata/Old World Azeroth into the game with following available access:
a) as an additional option to all new pre-Cata race characters in order to begin the game in their pre-Cata/Old World Azeroth starter zone with their original opening cutscene
b) thru a portal in the Wizard’s Tower
c) an option in Chromie Time.

Add in separate options to turn off/on on both map and mini-map any and all quest marks, quest objective directional arrors, blue quest objective fields and quest objective location dots.

Add option to turn off/on all distracting immersion-breaking pop-up features like talking heads, notifications, flashing buttons, ect.

Add option to have all spells acquired from trainers instead of ‘jumping’ onto toolbar out of nowhere or from talent chart.

Add option to have ALL quests, including bonus objectives:
a) given out by a NPCs (ie questlines)
b) received thru the mail (ie flying)
c) quest scroll picked up from ground so accessed thru bag (ie The Baroness’s Missive)
…instead of appearing out of nowhere in questlog.

Add option to have achievement completion notices as notes of congrats from the Faction leader of that time period (using same artwork) which arrive in the mailbox.

Add a Flight Master quest scroll for first time visit with the following words: ‘Now that you have found me, you can direct other Flight Masters to send you here.’

Add option to change player character framing text and speech from ‘the hero/champion/whatever’ to ‘a hero/champion/whatever’.

Add functional sleeping accommodations to all garrisons, class halls and dwarf inns.

Add phasing main world changes created by story progression (ie Northern Barrens phased to Battlefield Barrens when character is in Pandaria Chromie Time).

Add portals and auctioneers in the Imperial Exchange in Pandaria.

Add an options to turn auto-attack off or on.

Add option in quest text to shrink Lunk for the Searing Gorge questline.

And the most important: Add real High Elves!!!