What do you think could help the Alliance retain end-game participants?

Except I raid on alliance and horde and would prefer to be able to play my alliance alts with my horde friends and vise versa. There’s no reason for this not to be a thing when the current racials are so closely simmed in terms of numbers anyways. Making the cross faction raiding a thing makes it so people can play the races they want to play without picking a faction.

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The Alliance needs the following things:

  1. Visually Attractive Breeds.

  2. Offensive racial at the height of those of the horde in their normal races.

  3. And more importantly: Improve your image as a Brand to be powerful I have imposed both in the game and in the media of publishing, you need time in camera and really be relevant, be the Alliance and not the other faction.

The Heroes of the Alliance are usually painted as Heroes of the world and not as Heroes of the Alliance that has to change.


The entire story needs rebooted.

Not necessarily “attractive”. Just not freaking lame ones like the diaper-gnomes.

Purposely putting in fights that cater to core alliance defensive racial abilities would also work. Horde players have complained about past raids that used a lot of bleed mechanics that dwarf stoneform actually cleared off. Getting more frequent fight mechanics where alliance racials actually give important advantages would help us out quite a bit.

Honestly, I think that using raid bosses to justify race picks a bit more would be a good move on the devs’ part just in general. Rewarding player choice is never a bad thing, IMO, unless you do it inconsistently and poorly like they have been.

100% agree here. I’m not sure if just developing the alliance better could actually move the needle at this point, but it definitely won’t hurt anything.

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only needs to develop the Alliance for a season and when it reaches the level of the horde he dedicates himself to sharing love equally.

What happens is that they always focus on just telling a part of the story.

do more 8.1 or 5.1 and less 8.2 ,5.3,5.4 or 8.2.5

It is not that BFA does not present Situations where the Alliance could Shine if not that they were simply set aside to tell the Story of Sylvanas and the Horde.

It is understandable when a character is followed and it would be out of place for the other faction to intervene the bad thing is when you do not take advantage of the plots just for saving your work.

Instead of just launching 8.2.5 they had to make a patch that showed the results of the War as the Alliance has won and Arriconado Sylvanas in the capital of the Horde.

Instead of showing a weak Alliance that needs the Rebels to win, it is simply giving one last chance to the good that remains of the Horde.

Do not show the Alliance as a weak fraction for being a good show as someone powerful who is only being merciful.
hurt a little the pride of the horde to vary.

Free Race Changes from Horde to Alliance would help.

If I gotta pay to go Alliance, nope.

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I feel like you’re trolling, here.

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That was never reality. Both sides claimed that was the case.

I’ve been an Alliance main (started playing Horde equally once allowed in Cata) and between both factions on two separate servers, I have rarely encountered players under the age of 18 in 13 years of playing. They’re out there, but this game has always drawn an older crowd compared to most games…based on what I’ve seen. I don’t have hard numbers, obviously.

Obviously you don’t, because you make up facts whole cloth and expect everyone to believe you.

You think that just because you post something, it is The TruthTM.

PSSST…your weak argument is showing.

I faction changed to horde today and i actually have one regret. I didnt do it sooner.

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Man, if you ever played WC3 you’ll see how racist and dickheaded the Alliance was and, in a lot of ways, still are. The Horde has bad guys, too, and when that crap happens we often (canonically) rebel against that and oust the a-hole. In general, alliance just accepts the fact that they are all racist.

There isn’t a way to save the alliance.

The Horde is the only true faction.

I played Alliance since 2005 and paid the same monthly fee, but Blizzard made damn sure to make me realize that I chose the wrong faction.

The creation of cross server guilds (not cross faction) and an Allied race that the Alliance players want.

Also doing stuff like giving the Worgen better models and daffy looking Heritage armor isn’t winning players over.

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Bro, if you didn’t realize you chose the wrong faction after playing WC3 then you were blind to begin with. Also, if you’re only reasoning to think that you chose the wrong faction is based off of the lack of people playing that faction then maybe you should re-assess WHY you picked the damned faction to begin with? Do you only think you’re on the right faction when they have the higher numbers?

Regardless of what you think of the opposing faction, you should have a deeper connection to your own faction than just player number base.


Your a traitor to your faction and the Horde doesn’t want you.


I never played WC3.
It has nothing to do with numbers, btw.

Alright, well, you’re a moron if you think the history of each faction isn’t a huge portion of why people play X over Y. I haven’t heard a single person tell me they’re going to ‘X’ faction because of racials. I HAVE heard (as a horde player) that this expansion felt like the Alliance had a better campaign line by myself and others AND YET we’re still Horde because we love what the “true” horde stands for.

If your love for a faction is soley dependent on the amount of players in that faction then you are one 1)A bandwagon’er and 2)A traitor at heart.

So because you’ve never seen it first hand it means it never happens?

That’s quite the bubble you live in.

No, I don’t think it is. Just like I haven’t heard anyone in real life say they wanted to give up the a 1,000 dollars for a 100 dollars. I’m SURE there ARE people that would do that for SOME reason or another, but it’s obviously so small of a group that I personally haven’t heard or anyone wanting to do that.

It’s the same with this crappy argument that racials matter. Nah… not really. Only to top end mythic guilds that (again) make up SUCH a small fraction of this game.

How about you address some of the other issues I’ve brought up in my post instead of skirting past them?

  1. It’s a game.