Good support staff, good devs
The small rewards for diverse game play. Things like the Legion shoulder enchant that gave you pet stuff for doing WQ’s.
Torghast. I kind of liked the solo aspect and challenge. I didn’t like the massive difference between classes being able to do it or not, having to do it weekly for the legendaries, and having a cap on the modes I found most fun. I had hoped for a more infinite progression.
World pvp in the Barrens, Deadmines and Tauren Mill.
Titian forging. I know others hated it but I think it opened up people doing a huge variety of content. I do think it should have been capped to just below mythic ilvl or at mythic ilvl so that those people don’t keep grinding for RNG while everyone else has a chance to get mythic ilvl gear, also cap it to no more than 2 upgrades.
Being able to transmog outside of your classes armor type if you equipped the type of armor you transmog. For awhile I ran a Blood DK with a cloth chest to be able to wear Black Velvet Robes.
Actual night time. I use black inky pots but it uses the old sky box so I don’t get to see the new skies and I don’t get to experience weather like rain. I hadn’t seen it rain in so long that I thought they had changed that but nope its the potion.
Epic BG’s that lasted more than 3 min. Preferably 3 day AV’s.
All the major cities having people. I can’t remember the last time I visited Darnasus.
The druid form quests. Getting bear form felt like it meant something because you had to work to get it.
Druid parties in Moonglaive.
Finding all the secret followers for the WoD garrison table and having them wander around the garrison.
Garrisons as they are probably the closest we will ever have to player housing.
Class halls where nice. I wouldn’t mind having a reason to go back there every now and than.
But most of all a good story. As a druid I should be invested in this patch but the BBEG is a cartoon villain written for children and we win because friendship… I mean we did this in Wrath with the LK but we came together because we had to and many didn’t care for it and there was a ton of infighting about it. To me thats a lot more realistic. I don’t think I’ve cared about the story for 3 expansions now and this one is to the point I don’t even watch cut scenes.
Brawlers Guild.
I miss everything before mythic + was introduced
I miss the World Defense Channel.
“The Crossroads is under attack!!”
“Tarren Mill is under attack!”
One time, when Sentinel Hill was under attack, I emoted back and forth with this one orc rogue dude and was like, “HEY GUYS THE ROGUE WINKED AT ME” and a bunch of people got maaad and told me to shut up.
I miss Boralus as a HUB.
I miss reagents and yes even ammo/arrows. It just gave the game that RPG feel to it. From crafting poisons, to needing to have candles or feathers to cast buffs, even having to hold soul shards in your bags. Was it annoying? Sure, but I still miss that feeling.
I would drop everything to go to wherever the attack was! My BEST times were camping a max level toon (that was as bad as I was at PvP) that was killing low level toons…
Which reminds me… I miss the rage-whispers, too!
I too, miss Archeology as well as my Mission Table followers (especially from Legion).
Another thing I miss is Thal’kiel’s commentary. He does speak some lines (occasionally) and its always worth doing Legion TW with him, however, I’d like the return of his battle cries like “Release the hounds!” and “Fight you worthless imps!”.
I’d also like the return of the dialog for the enhanced Warlock pets now that they’re, essentially, permanently enhanced (at least visually).
Part II
I thought of a couple of more.
Being able to complete a zone because there wasn’t 1.2k things to do on ATT and some of those in every zone are .1% rare mount drops. The game has way to many of these now and people don’t have a chance to catch up if they started late.
Having bag space…
Being able to farm gold by doing old transmog runs.
Being able to solo old raids after 2 expansions.
Being able to work on Loremaster and not one shot everything. I wish there was a mode and perhaps alternative loremaster title were everything scaled to your ilvl so it was relevant.
Leveling weapon skills.
Sorry to hear that!
I miss the guild I had during WOTLK. I’ve never been able to find another guild like it.
In addition to what’s already been said, and as someone who plays a shadow priest, I miss classic shadowform! It still exists on certain NPCs as well as Shadowfiend/Mindbender, so I see no reason why they won’t let us have it as a cosmetic glyph.
I miss her.
Everything reminds me of her…
The worst thing to happen to this game was sharding/Cross realm system.
Destroyed what this game once was and it’s been on decline since.
borrowed power systems. game feels shallow and pointless without them.
When it takes you a few hours a day of clicking buttons, does it still count as doing nothing?
I miss 3 things:
- When you could do progression raiding without also having to do tons of stuff outside of raid, making it a second job.
- Have Group Will Travel
- The Horde
Not necessarily in that order.
We need more challenge content in general in my opinion. This expansion has no form of mage tower (other than the remixed one if you wanna count that, but I don’t.)
Every expansion should have some form of challenge content, either group or solo.
Pet speccing.
I also miss, and please hold the stones you’re about to throw at me, the world pre-flying. I love dragon riding to bits, but there was something about the intentional zone design with ground travel in mind. Recently, I got on a horse and went from STV to SMC, and there are a TON of vista points. So many bends and curves that exist just to give you something to look at.
Even in WoD, when we were forcibly grounded on purpose, did not have that same level of attention to detail.
Blood DPS spec
all of the Vanilla content that was removed in Cata (I refuse to play Classic due to the lack of transmog)
One of my favorite quest lines started from the Fallen Hero of the Horde in Swamp of Sorrows
Right up there with keys and the keyring bag!
Such a useful feature that was needlessly removed.
This right here, that was my biggest argument with the No Flying with WoD going forward. I was fine with the decision, but for Pete’s sake at least make the terrain traverable without having to cross 3/4 of the zone to make a left turn!