What do you miss? (But let's not be mean about it)

Just something I was thinking about today, if you’ve been playing the same for several expansions, is there anything you miss? And I don’t mean like “I miss fun.” I mean like if you wanted the devs to know there was a part of the game that’s gone and you miss it maybe put it here, but not in a jerky way, you know?

Like, I really miss Archaeology. Maybe it’s not for everyone, and I admit I didn’t finish it for every race, but it’s definitely a pastime I miss in the game. Really doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to add it back in in War Within. Seems like the hardest part would just be coming up with the stuff to dig up. I dunno, I just don’t think every part of the game has to appeal to every player for it to be worth keeping.

I miss the WoD mission table, kinda. It maybe did get a little too involved. But I liked recruiting my followers and leveling and gearing them up. I liked seeing them all head out after getting their orders. I liked seeing them around interacting with me and each other. I think mission tables after WoD lost that personal connection and just sort of became just a checklist item to do each day, until SL when it became an overly complicated checklist item to do each day. I’m not super hoping for a return of the mission table, but if one does come back, I hope it follows the WoD model, simple, with followers we have more connection with.

I know I have more but I’ll have to think about it a bit. Maybe you all have things you miss?


I really miss the world pre-shards. Sharding and phasing, although cool tech, has really sapped a lot of the worlds personality out of this game.

I go to what was once a popular dueling zone and see like 7 people.

I do world quests on one of the most populated servers in the game and I maybe see one other person.


I miss ZG. I’m still holding out the vague hope they’ll bring it back in all its glory at some point similar to what they did with the Scarlet Monastery.

On a more general basis, I did like the tables. I never got super involved to min/max them like some did but I thought they were a fun minigame.


I miss my old guild.


Legion. The one expac i took very seriously and i missed many opportunities for the mage tower for some toons, M+, pvp…i regret not doing more back then.


Oh, I miss night. I miss when WoW had a dark night. I wish we could go back to that instead of having a slightly dimmer day with a starry skybox. There’s always Inky Black Potion, I guess.

Of course then there’s the problem of sharding. Having night turn to day and back depending on what direction you step is kinda bad. I wish they’d come up with a way to tie time of day and weather effects to the character, not the shard. Would give the player more control over how much weather effects they want to see and maybe even the time of day they’d like to play.


Long epic quest chains. Theres only few and the main story quests just dont feel the same.


I miss the gold I could make from doing literally nothing but clicking a mission table and assigning otherwise forgetful/random NPCs to go and get me 4 digit sums of money per character everyday.

I missed days here and there and often times the only WoW time I got in a day was the few hours of cycling through about 36 toons…but I’m still sitting on millions without actually needing to dedicate time to farming even to this day.


I miss Batman: The Animated Series.


I miss being able to use any pet skin, and changing the spec on my Hunter pets.

Rain in Ferales-loved the old weather.


I miss pre-level squish. Leveling feels spastic now.


I miss actual nights when it was dark. I can’t remember when it changed, but I recall it being very dark in Elwynn Forest. Maybe it was in the beta?


I miss the era of WoW before everything went Cross Realm.

Like, I don’t care about CRZ and Sharding specifically, if they wanna use those to fill up and thin out world zones as needed to keep things active but not laggy, cool.

But when it comes to actual progression oriented content like Raiding (or now higher end Mythic+)? I really miss what the game used to be.

There’s such a massive difference in how things play out when you’re stuck on your realm dealing with the players that live there vs. today’s world of pugging the highest geared players with the most experience from any server in the game.

People say AotC is free and that’s a big part of why. It’s a different game when you have the pick of the litter at all times.

Before cross-realm, you HAD to work with your team to improve and get through things. Now you just kick the lowest 3 people, queue up, and go again until it dies.

That and even ignoring pugs, the guild rivalries were nice. On the world stage you end u being, you know, Rank 947 or whatever if you’re not a cutting edge guild. On the server stage, it was you and like 4 other Guilds and you knew who you wanted to beat. It made progression feel more real to have external goals like that that were actually realistically attainable without being insane.

Just to be clear, no, I don’t want Classic. Classic class design is awful. Classic content is dated. I just find it harder to care as much about clearing content after we switched to everything being cross realm.

Note: I do understand that it’s healthier for the game to be this way. Too many servers just aren’t active enough to field proper teams for higher end content. Cross Realm makes dead servers not really matter, because they can just go play with the not dead servers.

But sometimes I think about how the game would be if they had opted to merge servers (or even push the whole connected realm thing more and earlier as an alternative) instead of opening it all up like this.


Warlock soul shards.

Searing pain.

Frost as tank.

The vanilla honour system.

Pre-sharding player density.

The original AV.

Legion artefacts.

Death Knights actually being tied to the wider lore of the game through the Lich King.


I’m also down for dark nights. Inky Black is cool, but it’s a gimmick filter, not actual night, and definitely not an excuse to pretend this ask has been addressed.

It wasn’t a beta thing.
It was just how the game was.
Particularly, I miss how much light sources stood out at night. That’s basically gone now.

I believe it changed in the Cata prepatch?

Bring it back.

Make a graphics toggle between current night and legacy night.

There are legitimate reasons to have the current version for players who can only log in at night, due to work or time zones or whatever.


The guild i helped found, before the other founders stabbed me in the back.


I miss class quests. I feel like that’s one of the reasons why Legion did so well. Getting into class fantasy.

I also miss major/minor glyphs. Or just miss the time when glyphs seemed to be actively worked on.


I miss some of the old side stuff.

The Brawler’s Guild was always fun. I did it every season on different classes/specs. I liked grinding the achievements, buying the heirloom fist weapons, and the different mounts that came with them. Also, MoP scenarios, they had lore in them that is mostly relegated to the books and you could always get minor gear for alts to springboard you into content.

The mission tables got me a boat load of gold and mats by playing musical NPC’s, I enjoyed that and miss it dearly!

Lastly, I miss some of the old charm they used to put into the World. Does anyone remember the Tuskarr fishing event in Wrath? Stuff like that I thought added flavor to the World. Cata had Tol Barad with it’s zone wide achievement, + the epic bg and all the random bosses associated with it for gear. I miss that old stuff. I don’t know what happened, but maybe things like that just aren’t in the budget anymore.


I miss class halls. I mean, I know they are still there, but there’s really no reason to visit them. I feel like they are a big missed opportunity for solo side content, lore, transmog stuff, etc…seems to me like they could keep them relevant.


Those were really nice, I’d always wake up, hit the table, go to work, and then after my shift go, “Oh, yeah. Heh, cool.”.

Class Quests were cool, and I also liked the Priest racials. Thinking back, I see in them a little bit of the Specialty Priest kits from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edtion’s The Complete Priest’s Handbook, as well as the 3rd and even 5th Edition’s Domain system…

Yeah, I miss that, too. I remember getting home from work 2006-2008, hitting dungeons with my guildies or some random people who just needed a warlock or a mage, and we’d just blunder our way through things and have fun. It was like watching a Jerry Lewis routine, but in WoW!
Sure, there’d be a wipe every now and again, but it’d always bring a smile to my face, when, moments after the boss gave their “there goes your life, you’re DEAD” speech and we were all corpsefied and gross, someone’d say, “oops” and we’d just laugh it off. No one getting cussed out, no fingers pointing this way or that, none of that… Then, my soulstone’d pop, the healer’d get up and dust themself off, and we’d wait for our rezzes – but there’d always be that one person who released by accident, and we’d just goof around until they caught up with us.
A lot of the time it was real no pressure stuff. Just me and the paladin - or later a hunter - bantering, and everyone else just being just as goofy with us~ :heart_eyes_cat::crying_cat_face:

My sister, if I were to ask her, would probably go on and on about all the wacky things she and her old friend used to do, 2005-2007, that aren’t possible anymore, and all the antics she and her guildmates would get up to.